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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Interesting read, thanks for sharing! Now that everybody enjoyed Jons/Elvis excellent AAR/DAR, how about a video now? Pretty please with gunpowder on top! Oh and any timeframe on release date?
  2. The neon green base for victory locations is a fine example of something that should be option-able to have on or off. Also I'm with you on the flags to indicate who has control. Perhaps an option for this as well. Could even have an option to have the flag "clickable", which if selected, would show the neon green base.
  3. Forgot about this thread, resurrected from forum death. IIRC it was a continuation thread from two previously filled threads dating back to around CMBB launch time. (original RO mod in beta) Anyways, PC Gamer recently posted their preview article on RO2. Check it out here! The campaign mode sounds interesting, reminds me of the operation/campaign tournaments from the old mod days. Here's a bit from the preview:
  4. Before it was edited or taken down, there was a screenshot posted of a German unit(think it was MG42 team) with the interface. It looked pretty much the same as CMSF but with the MG42 black silhouette and a German soldier for the unit picture. Also the background color was different too. Not sure about the neon green weapon icons though, it wasn't there. So unless the silhouette's change, Scipio's mods will be much desired once again.
  5. I'll try and get my grandma's meatloaf recipe for you all, it's god-like.
  6. I've always felt the camera movement for CMx1 and now CMx2 to be clunky.(although better in CMSF) It's not a broken deal breaker though. But your average RTS game has much better smoother camera controls. Though BF doesn't have the manpower of those big studio's. Two words come to mind, "good enough", but having said that, there is certainly room for improvement though. FYI: use the WASD movement keys for small finer adjustments and the mouse over screen edges for the bigger sweeping movements. Also the tab key locks to your highlighted units position.
  7. We'll find us some http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88HJnar9e8w, Lay low, watch the universe expand. :cool:
  8. While your at it, can you tell us what it was like to live through The Stone Age?
  9. Quick question about that 50mm shot on the truck, was it a HE shell that was fired?(if Jon doesn't mind checking) I assume so based on the high number of causalities caused. Since a AP shell should/could result in much fewer cas, unless of course the shell makes the truck go boom. Btw Jon, did you ever finish or release that CMSF scenario called "Reverse Slope Defense"? (working title maybe?) I remember playtesting it with you awhile back.
  10. I think what nox is getting at is that you have "TCP/IP RT with possible pause option" in two different categories of 2 and 3. Which doesn't make sense since number 2 is essentially "planned features" and number 3 is "currently not planned features". Other than that you got it laid out very clear.
  11. That's actually pretty well done and very recognizable to CoD players. Speaking of which, I need to go cap some fools!
  12. Yeah that's who it was, I couldn't think of the name. Wonder whatever happen to him.
  13. I do recall a routine get-to-together down my way in South Carolina, IIRC it was Myrtle Beach(I still vacation there yearly). I never went but vaguely remember I almost went one year but something came up. I wonder what ever happen to the meet-up. It would be fun to take a road trip for a sneak peek or LAN party of sorts. :cool:
  14. This is great to hear Moon, thanks for the update. I recall talking about this way back when CMSF shipped. It is greatly needed, but also hate to see the time and effort put into it that takes away from features/tweaks for the CMx2 games.
  15. My group is better than your group. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/battlefrontgamers I was planning on updating it with CMBN stuff. I was attempting have it for all the CMx2 games and not just fractured to one family of games. But I don't think there's many CMSF players using Steam that much anyway. Might be different with CMBN, we'll see.
  16. Are you referring to the sequel "Storm of War: Battle of Britain"? I check their site every Friday for Olegs update and last Friday there was none, they are on holiday break. No word yet on a release date. Where do you get two weeks from?
  17. I know it's probably way too early to announce what major feature changes/additions will be in the Bulge family or East Front. But that won't stop me from asking, so what changes are planned for the next family? Or more precisely, when can we expect more features/tweaks/additions to campaigns?
  18. Erwin, the point of my simplistic examples was not to challenge your tactical skills. But to show you the unrealistic results from the restrictions of playing in WEGO. Sure a clever and tactically smart WEGOer can get around it, sometimes. But even the most well thought out plan in WEGO can go to hell in a hand basket real quick. Then your at the mercy of the TacAI for the rest of the turn. Which certainly can result in very unrealistic results. Bottom line, there is no right or wrong way to play CMx2, it's personal taste. But I see more WEGOers beating the drum that it's more realistic or historical(which you appeared to be doing). Which is just not the case. However, it is more difficult and less forgiving on the player, no debating that. You can certainly wear that badge of honor. But also playing largish battles in RT is very tough, so we got that badge to wear too. P.S. I'm a bit of both RTer and WEGOer as I still play CMBB PBEM and CMSF PBEM. But for AI battles in CMSF, I'm almost always RT.
  19. Not a very good example of command delay, the delay is mostly in setting up the mortar. But ok, let's use the video as an example. If this was in a CMx2 WEGO game and they saw the tank early in a turn, then they would have to just sit there staring at it until the one minute turn was up. Then the god commander(that's us the players) would then give the order to attack. Is that more realistic? I'll use another example with the video, let's say that zooka team was given a hide order. Well that zooka shot would of had to wait for the end of the turn to get the order to un-hide for the TacAI to fire. Is that more realistic? In WEGO the player is forced mostly to rely on the TacAI. Whereas in RT the player takes more control away from the TacAI. But which mode gives more realistic results? I'll give my answer in an example. A squad is ordered to run Fast into a enemy occupied building, a blunder no less in any game mode. In WEGO they will keep running towards the building despite taking fire and casualties and eventually getting pinned until the end of the turn. In RT you can hit the deck immediately upon taking fire by canceling the Fast order and give area fire order. I think it's obvious which one more accurately reflects what a squad would do in the real world. I'm just saying the argument of playing in WEGO automatically makes the game more realistic or historical is simply not true. In fact, in most cases the opposite is true.
  20. As a mostly RT player, except PBEM good times, I and probably most other RT players simply don't play largish battles. I'd say my limit is about two companies with supporting vehicles. But that works fine with me since going back to the CMx1 days I wasn't into the big battles anyway. Now if the BF crew got in a rolling one-minute-replay feature for RT, this would certainly change. It would essentially make playing WEGO against the AI obsolete.
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