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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Oh, and I almost forgot, Steve. I will be on the road with a laptop that can't run CM2 until June. So, could you plz delay release till then. Thank you much.
  2. drtechno - what time do you go to bed? It will be released just after that. (Best to not sleep for the next few weeks.)
  3. Man, this sucks for you guys in Europe. I just got back a couple weeks ago and I would have been happy, well, not happy, but willing to take a couple suitcases of games over there to distribute just to avoid this ridiculous tax piled on tax. Maybe other folks are doing trips in the near future to EEC???
  4. "It is also important to remember that we're not releasing "the perfect wargame", or even "the perfect game". There are no such things, therefore by definition there will be issues to raise here on this Forum. It's important to keep this in mind as we start in with the discussions that dissect and reduce a massive game down to a few bits and pieces for a particular topic of discussion. It's all too easy to get so wrapped up with the minutia and have that detract from enjoying the fullness of what the game has to offer. In all cases let's remember to keep criticism constructive, respectful, and within reason. It's important because that sort of feedback opens the door to improvements, while the opposite is harmful." Steve, I love you guys at BF. But, the time to downplay expectations was back in September 2010 when people went ballistic expecting imminent release. 2nd only to the entertainment value of the game itself (which I am certain will be up to BF's xnt standards), will be reading the apoplectic complaint posts regarding some tiny minutiae you got wrong (according to some obscure book no one ever heard of). I feel for you and hope you guys still have a good sense of humor and easily ride out the storm. I highly recommend a cruise to Tahiti or somesuch for the first couple weeks after release to allow for the heart attacks and brain aneurisms to degrade the loudest critics.
  5. It sounds great. I am bummed that I will be on the road for a several weeks and can't play CM2 on my laptop.
  6. Same thing with the Brits, but I find that to be part of the challenge. I agree that it's not fun to ALWAYS have a very tough time. I like campaigns that give the player an "enjoyable/easier" scenario or two along the way. Variety is the key. The one bridge to cross covered by IED's I already played so I think that is an earlier scenario in the Canadian campaign?? I may be getting confused. The scenarios do all start to feel the same/similar after a while. Which btw is a major reason I appreciate designers like you who take the time to create really unique and interesting scenarios with many decisions/options re how to proceed. Cookie-cuttter is death. (Please enjoy my ass-kissing while it lasts. I am usually known for the opposite, heh.) PS: You'll probably hate the idea... but as a matter of principle I am asking scenario designers wherever I post, that specialized units, esp Recon, Snipers, maybe Engineers as well, be given higher experience levels (to Crack) to simulate their higher training. I know CMSF isn't designed to sim the recon aspect of war per RL, but we still need to do it in the CMSF game scenarios, and these teams should be able to spot and either run and hide or get the first shots off b4 they are spotted. For those who hate this concept, fine, 99% of the current scenarios don't give these teams any enhancement - so be happy. But, I don't believe I am alone in envisaging making specialized teams actually special in this way as a means to increase the entertainment value of this wonderful game.
  7. Yes, also currently it's time consuming and irritating to have to do 180 degree arcs. While the 360 degree arc is interesting, I find the 180 degree arc is needed far more times, and it was great in CM1 to be able to create those so quickly. I also wish the arc wasn't so bright yellow. It often obscures the terrain and acts as comouflage. I frequently have to turn the arc on and off to check what is in it. Another time-consuming and irritating chore.
  8. Yes, I agree with you. But, unless they are given some bonus for training, the difference between specialized teams and regular troops is too subtle in CMSF (and CMA) imo. Hence my request of all scenario designers to make sniper, recon and even engineers have higher experience values, make em Crack even, so that at least the have a better chance of spotting (or doing whatever their mission is) before they themselves are spotted. (I appreciate... from the days when I used to hang out on bases and talk with vets... that there appears to be a bias in the orthodox thinking against spec ops and specialized troops. The chain of command just didn't like snipers and spec ops etc. I assumed it upset the quaint notion of the military being this bunch of unstoppable armored things charging along like Custer used to do. Maybe it's disturbing that a small team of guys eg: with IR guidance for nasty airborne munitions, or a sniper to kill your senior officers, could ruin the RL "game".) Now that I think about it, we in the west exhibit some similar characteristics to a colonial army-type power. We only dare go up against 3rd world nations who don't have our sophisticated toys. The equivalent of how the colonial powers would mow down the natives from aircraft. Or, I guess cannon vs plains indians etc. A bit off topic I know... my elderly brain wonders all too often these days.
  9. It's been said many times that in CMSF there is no place for real recon and their specializations (and ditto for sniper teams). But as a game, it is FUN to use recon and sniper troops to check out a large map to find enemy locations, and I feel it reasonable that the recon and sniper units be better at that than regular troops. So giving them (at least) one extra experience level gives recon and sniper troops a special mission ability. Otherwise they end up just like weak regular inf and you may as well use reg infantry for recon. Having "specialists" in the game makes it more interesting. So, I repeat my appeal to designers who like players to actually have fun with their scenarios to make the snipers, recon and probably engineers at least a level better than the other troops - ideally, make the former two units Crack. (Until BF games come complete with a 50 gallon oil drum that you sit inside trying to play the game while it's beaten with iron bars and CS gas dumped on you, I really don't want to hear about "realism.")
  10. You play fast if you're already on scenario 5 of Canadian campaign. I am still about 50 mins to go in 4th scenario and entering the towns, only 2 friendly KIA and 2 WIA so far. One Hamster (or whatever those big armed trucks are called) immobilized, but I didn't see why since all seems functional. Maybe the ground.) Very frustrated that I cannot access the extra ammo and esp the rockets in the recon COYOTE's.
  11. We are told that there is no design for scouting in CMSF, but using scout techniques to locate enemy units is a critical part of the game when on a large map. I enjoy it. One appeal to scenario designers: please make scout and sniper units AT LEAST one level better than the ordinary troops to sim greater training. (imo, scouts and snipers should always be CRACK or ELITE.)
  12. Good idea. There is a FACE command but that also rotates the whole vehicle which is often undesirable.
  13. Well, if you select any unit in CM1 and click ENTER, you will get all that very useful data for friendly as well as identified enemy tanks. You can also go into the editor and and buy units you are interested in for both sides and just use a plain map and you can examine each units data in this way. Many of us wish CMSF had this feature.
  14. 500 is too small imo. It usually means that one error, eg: losing the one decent asset you have will cost you the game. Recommend 1000-2000 points.
  15. Well most of us were young when BFS intimated CMBN was about to be released. Now, we have grey hair.
  16. The thing is that in CMSF, Recon troops are as good or as bad as any other unit, so they are really just weak inf with no special training - which is a shame. I would hope that scenario designers would as a matter of course, make Recon and Sniper units of higher quality than other troops to sim the extra training. For some reason I have only seen that very rarely.
  17. I think you would also like JOKER 3 and maybe ROAD TO DINAS (a Red vs Red campaign). BTW: What's the difference between Attack At El Derjine V1 and V2? Also, is ROAD OPENING V1 (Marines) still with the original set-ups etc? I have looked at V2, but wasn't sure if you had updated the Marines version.
  18. If the game goes +12 minutes that may be just enuff time. I voluntarily quit at +3 mins. But, as many have noted if you are playing to minimize casualties rather than ("simply") capture the objective, one really needs more time (in many scenarios).
  19. Given the pleasure CM1 and CM2 have given me for over 10 years, and the thousands of dollars I have saved by NOT buying a dozen crappy cardboard and then computer games every year, I feel if BFC went under and kept my $170 sent them for an early look at CMBN, it would still be well worth it. Thank you Battlefront. You guys rock!
  20. How much is the exclusive titanium box with signed pics of the BFC development team?
  21. One of the important things I learned is that recon teams should not go off on their own (in CMSF) - but always supporting each other, and bring up their AFV's as soon as suitable/safe. And contrary to RL SOP, probably best to load em up with ammo and AT missiles at the start while you can.
  22. Your comments are so useful. It's valuable to have some one has both done this stuff, knows what he's talking about, and most importantly is willing to share the knowledge in a generous manner. (Some of the other milpro folks here act a bit like arrogant pr&^ks when it comes to helping out with useful info. As that is SO different from the RL military guys I have met and interviewed "who have been there and done that" that I have wondered if some of the milpro folks posting here are REMF's acting like they are big-time operators.) So thank you again, Snake. I have to travel again, but as soon as I get back I will be playing Helluva Road opening! PS: I can recommend the Canadian campaign Khabour Trail.
  23. I am playing it and it's a pretty good Canadian campaign for CMSF. Thanks again for your help re recon units nd what to do with em (in the game). BTW: Does anyone have a workaround for the fact that the Canadian Coyotes cannot be boarded by even two-man units to get at the spare ammo (after the crew has bailed out)? Is it a bug??
  24. The good news is that Carl Gustav is good vs buildings and people(?)
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