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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I just downloaded the f2 file on a 2nd computer and it does show up in the campaigns folder. I did forget to remove my Mods when I installed GL on the first computer. Are you saying that would cause the v2 scenario to not show up? And if, so, do I have to reinstall both CMFI and then GL?
  2. My first and best effort (although ultimately unsuccessful), was to prep fire the 81mm HE on the station to suppress/kill the occupants and rushing over there with a squad while the 2" used smoke to hide the enemy LOS from the hill house. Every replay I tried something else... but ended up with worse and worse massacres.
  3. The highly mobile see-saw battles that took place in NA in the year prior to Alamein would be more interesting. Alamein onwards was rather one-sided with the Axis being permanently in retreat. But, would love to see NA scenarios/mods. I still enjoy CMAK for the longer range combat, 88's etc.
  4. I have GL installed and also cannot see Troina v2 show up.
  5. Love the "Arch Stanton" grave marker. What a great movie TGTBATU was... (Is that a mod or stock btw?)
  6. I meant does your latest mod replace any other MOD that you or folks have created, or, is it unique?
  7. Yup, that would explain it. (Gawd, how many people notice that detail -esp for a tiny UI icon?)
  8. Not only did CM stop any more miniatures play, but all my cardboard tactical gaming as well. There are many xnt cardboard wargames out there with great graphics. But, if you can play on a computer vs a good AI, as in the CM series, there seems no point. I still buy the year's best cardboard wargames from time to time, but am now merely a "collector". That's the reason I value each of the CM1 games as worth around $800 (for all the money saved from not buying other computer or cardboard games for 10+ years). It's been smart for BF to "break up" the games into many small modules as now a CM1 equivalent scope CM2 game "series" will cost many hundreds of dollars. However, the regular need to update the game(s) AND mods is frustrating.
  9. Didn't mean to sound like I wuz nagging, Marco. Simply checking to see what works and what doesn't. But, thrilled that you're making a whole new mod to replace the older version. It's a LOT easier to simply replace an old folder with a new one rather than going through trying to replace individual files. What must be frustrating is that your existing mod has the Enfield, but it doesn't show up in-game. Am curious why do new versions of the game make mods obsolete?
  10. Agreed. Compared to CM1 the CM2 HQ bonuses have such a subtle effect that it's hard to see much difference between being in command and OOC. IIRC tests have been done with two units firing at each other like a Napoleonic line and the unit with an HQ does better. But, that's not what one does in a normal battle, so...
  11. Brilliant. Thanks. I looked at the files. I take it we don't have to make any selections and the variants you describe will be randomly selected by the system?
  12. Looks great. Does this replace any other building mods, or simply adds more?
  13. I prefer campaigns, but HELLUVA ROAD OPENING is definitely a scenario worth replaying. If only we didn't have so many choices of CM games now lol!
  14. Thanks for A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING v2 snake-eye. Really good scenario and one of those that teaches a lot. I won a Total after I wiped out the guys in the farm(s) halfway up the map, which seemed a bit premature (never even attempted to take the LHS village as it didn't seem to have any bearing on the objective). The ANA guys "trapped" at the dam never seemed to experience any real threat. However, I really enjoyed the US, German and ANA force mix and figuring out what each nationality was best at.
  15. From the manual: "Higher HQs may fulfill this role only to a limited extent. If a squad or team is out of contact with its immediate superior (usually a platoon HQ) then its company or battalion HQ may provide voice and close visual contact, but not radio or distant-visual contact. This simulates that a higher HQ can't babysit a large number of units more than one level lower in the organization, and it means that higher HQs can't be used in a gamey way to make platoon HQs unnecessary, but they can step in and provide command-and-control in a limited radius in emergency situations." Does this imply that the higher HQ bonuses apply? Or, is it only good for C2 purposes ie: disseminating information about the enemy? The manual is unclear.
  16. I noticed a similar issue with the mods. My CW guys in CMFI have no Enfield graphic mod. Reloaded Marco Bergman's mods and still no Enfield for the CW.
  17. I really enjoyed the test version, so looking forward to this. (Although GL will take precedence for a while...)
  18. I thought weapon2010 was talking about a Co HQ taking over for a KIA Platoon HQ(?)
  19. Glad I checked here. (No e-mail received as yet.)
  20. Good question. IIRC the HQ's are supposed to show via the little green lights they are in command (after some time delay). But, it's never been clear (to me anyway) whether the higher level HQ bonuses apply.
  21. Wasn't there a canvas(?) cover on an earlier version? Is that an option or you decided it wasn't appropriate?
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