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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. From my UK history lessons, Churchill was probably the first. However, his reputation as a warmonger who was constantly warning of dangers and trying to build up GB's military - a very unpopular policy after the slaughter of WW1 - made him a bit like the "boy who cried wolf" too often.
  2. Buzz: Agreed. However, both of my systems run CM just fine right now at 2560x1600. Am thinking ahead to the larger CM scenarios of CM:RS and future modules/families etc. BTW: Unclear why SSD's would not be a good idea. If you run the OS and games off the same SSD surely that must be faster than a conventional HD. And thanks for the clarification, Ian. This thread is an education for luddites like me.
  3. "4K UHD*resolution of 3840 pixels × 2160 pixels (8.3*megapixels,*aspect ratio*16:9)" When are these reckoned to be available? Worth waiting 4?
  4. Wow. Thanks for the info Hister. (And yes I have a 30" monitor 2560x1600. So, would that benefit from more vid ram than 2GB? Um, GPU is vid ram, yes??)
  5. Yes, I try and keep the CO apart from the XO/2IC for that reason. But, wasn't sure how effective the XO/2IC would be in the event it had to take over. So, I tend to use em as I described. Can't remember the last time I lost a CO.
  6. IIRC FO's without radios can still spot. Does that sort of abstraction also apply to XO type units without radios? I don't think I have ever used XO type units for anything other than recon or medics, so this is interesting.
  7. Unfortunately, most of the stats are a bit double dutch to me. FYI: My old machine specs says 920@2.67GHz; 6GB RAM; 64 bit OS; NVidia GTX 295. For the new machine which I expect will cost me around $3K-4K (from XI Computers who build all my stuff) I don't want to waste money on unnecessary high tech. So, is there any point in 12GB RAM vs 8GB? What will a videocard with 4GB ram do that one with 2GB can't? I do swear by SSD's based on my experience with my superb laptop which is also about 3 years old now.
  8. To Clarify: Some XO/2IC/HQ Support units have radios and other do not. Is that correct? And if the Co HQ is eliminated (how is that defined BTW - the CO is dead or the entire unit is dead?) would the XO unit suddenly possess radio capability, or they are exactly the same as b4?
  9. Thanks for clarification re command values. And yes, perhaps my XO's lost someone critical hence no FO capability. I think I have 3 on the map so will check if at least one is ok.
  10. Thanks guys. Am planning a new machine and can afford good components. But, am still confused re the trade off between (say) 2 core and 4 core when my primary game is CM (altho' sure I would like to be able to run high end flight sims etc as well). Also the trade off between RAM and video ram. What clock speeds are optimal right now. My strategy has always been to get 90% of bleeding edge as the last 10% can cost twice as much or more (and is obsolete by the time I finish this post). The one thing I do know is that my primary HD will be an SSD. I have 240GB SSD in my laptop and the laptop seems to perform at least as well and maybe better than my more powerful desktop.
  11. What to do with XO, 2IC, HQ support units etc in a game where they have no real function? Although I don't recall ever losing my company CO, apparently the XO and 2IC units will take over if the CO HQ is eliminated. (IIRC it's never been explained if their command bonuses will apply.) However, if they have no radios they often cannot be used as FO's. Right now I have Brit XO/2IC's in the Nijmegan campaign that can't do anything - they don't even have binoculars IIRC! So, they get used for suicidal recon or medic duties.
  12. Didn't mean to get into politics... Didn't intend to disparage, although I can see it comes across like that. It was intended as observation of events over the past 50-60 years. I moved from the UK to get away from class and inequality issues there, and it used to be paradise in the US by comparison. Unfortunately, the problems seem to have followed across the pond.
  13. Ah. Now I understand what you mean... Although it may not be realistic per the actual RL operation it might have improved the game challenge had Blue had other objectives in the town areas. Most of the time I only used two platoons from CIMIC - one was in defense with the contractors - and maybe two platoons from the relief force. However, it was enjoyble to have what seemed like a realistically powerful force with reserves to overwhelm the enemy. I agree that the real goal is to accomplish the mission with no casualties. BTW: Speaking as an fomer DoD Contractor I sorta resented the rating of green as I always thought I wuz elite (relax - am kidding).
  14. "The idea that the US people (who believe it or not actually do run the govt)..." Well, let's not get into sci-fantasy here lol... It actually IS a conspiracy of corporations and lobbyists ensuring that the units of labor and units of consumption are kept out of the loop. "Most of them cant get off the couch unless its to grab another Big Mac." Precisely put. What I see happening in the US is what I experienced growing up in the UK. A slow disintegration of the military, budget cuts, economic woes, withdrawal from outposts and end of empire... Another superpower (China) on the horizon, making a grab for the goodies (most publicly in SE Asia - but they are in lots of other places around the world). Sad/scary...
  15. The result of international trade and money laundering is that much of the Russian oligarchy's money is in places like London. If I were a betting person I would bet that coupled with the "Olympic Spirit" Putin can't make much of a move other than perhaps encourage the Crimea with its Black Sea Fleet base to secede from the Ukraine. I would agree that nobody in the west or in Russia cares about the people of the Ukraine. This may be an example of ruthless realpolitik at its finest. Anyway, no need for theorizing. It's like a soap opera and we'll see what happens in the next instalment...
  16. To clarify, which gives more bang for the buck: More CPU power, more RAM or a better Video Card? What is an optimal amount of video card RAM? (IIRC only the first couple of MB VIDEO RAM are useful. Is that correct?) Also, IIRC CM2 only supports single core. So, is it better to go with a single core machine for max speed?
  17. I wasn't even thinking of BF costard. I was thinking of whomever came up with the inspired plan of staging a coup during the neighboring Olympics so as to hamstring Putin. I can see why he looked so PO'd.
  18. Reading between the lines, I suspect that Putin was plain outmaneuvered by covert organization inflaming the situation during the Olympics so Putin couldn't do anything like send in troops. And now, after all those Olympic speeches about peace etc. he'd really look bad. If, so... Seriously brilliant plan.
  19. Huh... didn't notice the bug. (IIRC I won by eliminating the enemy.) Enjoyed it very much. Felt "real" (aside from the suicidal enemy attacks... but what can you do...?).
  20. Love the way the colors seem muted/faded. It blends into the terrrain rather than stands out.
  21. "you did it to me in the CMSF forum a couple years back..." Please send me my errant post to you as I have no recall of it or you at all. If I was in some way rude to you I will be happy to apologize. My recollection is that in the past some people have been incredibly defensive and rude to anyone who raised concerns on these forums. I say "in the past" since the civility of discussion and posts here has improved markedly. The only strange thing is when people resort to personal attacks rather than dealing with the issue being discussed. That always means that they have nothing to add to the discussion, can't argue the point, and have lost the argument.
  22. If you play RT there's hardly any point in all those gorgeous graphics since you'll miss most of it. No replays and you're going like the clappers simply trying to keep all your units in some sort of order. I understand some folks only play at levels like 4 or 5 and above...
  23. If you can make the uniforms and faces more female as well, we could have a unit of schoolgirrrrls armed to the teeth.
  24. Yes, I like Vinnart's graphic re "open/closed" and "passengers", and the Roster. Seeing the state of an entire formation in one window would definitely speed things up.
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