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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Thank goodness that at the end the CO was finally able to put on his magic Balaclava helmet so he could finally hide his identity.
  2. Many of us run CM1 on Win 7. I think you simply install and it will run.
  3. Hope maybe that would not be a big issue for BF to one day enable random choice for screens - and also the music.
  4. Thank you for the packs, Aris. Hope your cat is doing better, or at least is comfortable. My cat seemed to enjoy it when I put its bed next to my computer when I was working so she had company.
  5. Maybe for a very limited amount of woods and you won't run out of ammo or time. Not very doable when you have a large map with a lot of woods. One still needs to send suicidal recon teams.
  6. I find them invaluable in telling me which units are in and out of command. I have to admit that I never used to worry about being in command in CM2 as the effects are much more subtle in CM2 than in CM1. But, now at least it's so easy to see, and therefore easier to keep C2 in this way. (And one can see instantly which units belong to which HQ without having to double click etc. So, organization is made more efficient and less time-consuming.) Still hoping we eventually get color-coding for teams of a single squad. (And selectable waypoints/lines of course heh.)
  7. Yes, I also enjoyed the CM1 Operations concept. I know some hated it for reasons I never quite understood. It was a lot of fun.
  8. As much as I hate taking massive casualties, I find that mass attacks with Russian squads broken into teams seems to work well (assuming the Germans are seriously outnumbered). The Germans will certainly decimate some Russian teams, but the others are closing and firing and throwing grenades at short ranges. The Germans usually turn and run. (NB: My only experience is the large first mission in Russian Campaign.) So, the lesson I am learning is that one should keep Russians in squads, but break them down into teams as we did with the Germans and WAllies. The problem with moving Russians in squads, is that they will follow the first guy into a minefield and get decimated. Also, one good enemy ambush, and a large % of the squad can die. I am having much better success with more smaller teams - even though that is counter to the way Russians supposedly should be handled.
  9. The visible command lines were a big surprise. I forgot how badly I missed them from CM1 days and I use em all the time now. Thanks BF! Uh... any ETA on selectable waylines/points... please...?
  10. Bullets...!? Lucky bastids! In my day they was lucky to have some scrap metal and had to mill the components for a rifle themselves!
  11. Then graphics just get better and better!
  12. Interesting contrast with Aris' technique. Thanks...
  13. Maybe it's just me, but shouldn't the modded hits be dark? Right now they make the vehicles look like they are made of aluminium. Am wondering if the impact oxidises the metal so at first it's white hot, then red, then a darker burned color.
  14. On my system the default is: Admin/My Documents/Battlefront/Combat Mission/Red Thunder/Game Files/
  15. It all depends on your interests, Hoops. I think the new CMRT is the best in the series. The manual and game itself seem more complete than previous releases. But, if you are not interested in East Front...
  16. Wow. The hole looks great. But, would a tank still be driving round with a hole that big in it? Would smaller holes be more appropriate?
  17. Luke. Glad you have understand the process of writing manuals (as I also do). So, in your professional experience, how many iterations of a (say Rise of Flight) manual does it usually take before an error or omission that was present in the first edition is still there 5+(?) editions later after many, many people over 5+? years have asked about and pointed out that exact same issue? Please don't get me wrong. I love playing CM2 and encourage anyone with interest in WW2 to buy every CM2 title. And I think CMRT is the best one so far. (And I do understand that writing manuals is hard.) But, after being in rehab for several years (much better now thank you) when I could spend 8-12 hours/day(!) playing CM2, I am frustrated that, even with that level of commitment (we're talking man-years of playing), I still don't understand how lots of things work in CM2, or why... there is a lot of basic information still missing from the manuals that makes it very hard, maybe impossible, to become a better player. I think the CMRT manual is the best one so far, as it helps new players much more than any previous manual. But, as I said before, these forums are full of the same questions we've been reading for YEARS about how does this or that work that apparently nobody has an explicit straightforward answer for (as opposed to the vague opinionated "this what I think it does"). As someone who has also been a professional manual writer, I admire your tolerance for that sort of thing. (Admittedly I probably have OCD - but that generally is the mark of people doing precise/exacting work like manual writing hehe.) Plz feel free to call me if you ever need help with ROF manual.
  18. Beautiful work (as always). Best wishes for your cat.
  19. That's great. I had given up on seeing any more campaigns for CMSF until CMSF2 came out. Thank you!
  20. Re the manual. Um yeees... it['s been how many years and how many iterations of the manual? And we're still arguing in these forums over very, very basic info on how the game works (eg: radios, C2, what command effect does an XO exert when it takes over from a CO etc etc.) all the things that would help one to be a better player. Methinks sometimes that everything has a randomizer and that's how the uncertainty in the game is achieved. I really enjoy the game, so if that's the case, it's not a problem for me. I love the verisimilitude or "appearance of reality" as opposed to anything actually being like RL. Design for effect rules in the best games imo. But, it would be nice to know enuff to be able to play the game better. BTW: You used the word "malice:, I didn't. Plz don't put your inflammatory words in my mouth. Isn't that trolling??
  21. "And just because the manual says it, doesn't necessarily mean it's true." Sadly, very true... It's like players are deliberately kept in the dark. I suspect disguising inaccurate modeling. But, if you like the game, who cares?
  22. Yes, I was going to say that. But, I thought it would be questionable so thought better of it. I know quite a lot about female oppression and misogyny in a cleric-dominated society. I live in Utah.
  23. Ok, ok... I know it's a PITA to read the manual. But, I felt someone had to make the supreme sacrifice for y'all... P82: TARGET This is the standard fire command, instructing a unit to use all of its available weapons to fire at the designated target. The target can be an enemy unit or a piece of terrain (area fire). Note how it says “available weapons” in the preceding paragraph! Some weapons may have restrictions, such as having to be deployed before you can fire them. Perhaps the most notable restriction is that rocket propelled antitank weapons(e.g. Bazooka, Panzerfaut, Panzerschreck) may not be fired from enclosed spaces (such as buildings or bunkers) due to the lethal backblast. If the target is an enemy unit, the firing unit will fire only when the enemy target is visible and hold fire (but maintain the target) when it is not. If the target is an area, the firing unit will maintain a constant stream of outgoing fire at the selected area, automatically shifting its center of aim during the process to each side to maximize coverage and effect. Area targets always “snap” to the underlying action grid in CM:BN Area fire orders are immediately canceled when any active member of the firing team/squad enters the target area (useful for room clearing). Note: A special situation is the targetting of an enemy unit near a TRP (Target Reference Point). In CM:BN, these double-function not only for artillery support fire, but also as “ambush markers”. Soldiers targetting an enemy unit near a friendly TRP are much better at estimating the range correctly. How much and what type of fire (small arms, main gun, grenades) is outgoing depends on a number of factors, including the type of firing unit, the disBattle for Normandy 83 tance to the target, target type, and the available ammunition. For smaller targets further away, the firing unit will use aimed fire and single shots or short bursts while it might switch to full auto at targets at close range and when it has enough ammunition available. Note that you do not have to use this command to make a unit fire. Units will open fire on sighted enemy troops and vehicles automatically if/when they can. In fact, unless you have a specific reason to order a unit to concentrate its fire on a specific enemy, it is often the better choice to let the unit decide its targets freely. While the target command is being issued, the command line extending from the firing unit to the mouse cursor assumes the function of a Line-of-Sight tool. Different shades of, grey, blue and red indicate if a line of sight is free, obscured, or blocked, and where it is blocked (the area out of sight is marked with red). When placing a target command the color denotes how strong the LOS is to the target. If the line to the target is light blue the LOS is clear, part dark blue and part magenta if it’s blocked, and gray if it’s mostly clear but not for every soldier in the squad/team. Additional Notes can be displayed at times above the target, alerting the player to special conditions, such as Hull Down or Partially Obscured or plain Out of Sight targets. How well a unit performs in executing a Target command depends on a large number of factors, including distance and equipment, target type and status, as well as the firing unit’s experience.The quality of range estimates made by gunners and the speed of acquiring and re-acquiring targets especially depend on the experience level of the shooter. Note: Virtually every bullet in CM:BN is tracked from muzzle to target. This applies to both small arms as well as heavy calibers. The principle of “what you see is what you get” applies: if only part of a vehicle is visible (e.g. behind a wall or partially concealed by a slope in the terrain) then only that part can be hit by direct fire. The only exception to this is that vehicles are NOT shielded by hiding behind knocked-out armored vehicles; however, infantry does gain cover in this situation. In fact, infantry also receives a blast protection bonus when an armored vehicle (live or knocked out) is between them and a very large explosion. Restrictions - Target is not available if the unit has no ammo. 84 Combat Mission Example - enemy snipers are firing from a building. Instead of targeting the enemy unit, the player calls for area fire from a tank, which uses high-explosive ammo from its main gun to blow up the whole side of the building. TARGET LIGHT This is a variation of the Target command and works very much the same, but at a reduced fire output. Usually it limits the firing unit to use small arms and MG fire, while larger calibers and heavier weapons hold fire. Note: on-map mortar teams that receive a Target Light command will use their mortars, but only at a very slow rate of fire Target Light is useful when you want to put a few MG rounds into a suspected enemy location but not waste a tank’s main gun round, or if you want to take a few aimed shots at a low threat infantry target not too far away without wasting too much ammo. Target light does not prevent the use of hand and rifle grenades, though, at the appropriate ranges. Restrictions - same as for Target Example - for firing at long distances, the game itself already reduces fire output even if you use the Target command, so Target Light is most useful as an ammo preservation tool for targets at medium and close ranges. ALLES KLAR (herr kommissar)?
  24. The first mission in Russian campaign gives one a lot of ATR's (12+?) But am halfway thru and I have yet to see a German vehicle. I have seen them take fun pot shots at infantry (German for the most part), so not sure if it's the ATR acting like a sniper or they are using their rifle(s). Otherwise, am using em like we use XO's etc - as medics.
  25. IIRC the mortar teams have to be from the same platoon. Mortars often don't work for various reasons, obstructions like bldgs., trees, sometimes that one can't even see... Re ammo sharing, I hope we'll be able to one day simply acquire a reasonable amount of ammo from ANY adjacent unit... no more having to split a team so it can board a vehicle, then acquire, then dismount, then join up with its squad... A PITA in WEGO. Sure, there should be a time penalty or delay, and there should be a limit on how much can be transferred. But that would greatly speed up set-up. One can spend ages getting one's units supplied as desired during set-up. And there is great temptation to load up with ridiculous amounts of ammo at setup just to avoid having to go thru the hell of resupply later. Actually, I hope there will be more limits on how much a couple of guys can carry. Currently, they don't tire nearly as quickly as one would expect when loaded to the gills.
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