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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Precisely... it's very hard to think of scenarios that feature dumps - considering how many people were clamoring for that feature.
  2. Yes, those (and others) are must have's imo. Not sure if they are usable in CMFB as they may be some extra weapons in CMFB not included in the CMBN and CMFI mods. This is the only one I found for CMBS: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2909 But it is the only mod that has no calibers or ranges.
  3. Thanks for the links. But, those mods have weapons silhouettes, but not for small arms and no weapons ranges or calibers. I checked my other CM2 games and the mods I am referring to are by JUJU and MARCO BERGMAN. However, I cannot find any version for CMBS or CMFB. I don't recall anything being released, so they may not have done anything for these two latest games. The JUJU/BERGMAN mod is another "must have" for the other games.
  4. Amazing detail! Love looking at models like this. No talent or patience to do em myself. What's the kit manufacturer? I can understand why you suddenly got distracted from your campaign. Do you make these models for your biz?
  5. These are stunning pics. But, are they the mods, or are the pics being manipulated in some way??
  6. I was thinking that previously many were asking for "ammo dumps", but now they are available, no new user-made scenarios are featuring them. It's a shame.
  7. I tried searching CMMODS for "Mord's and JuJu's unified UI Mod" with no luck. Anyone have a link?
  8. And whatever happened to ammo dumps? I recall they appeared in literally one or two scenarios a year or so ago. Since then... an endangered... or extinct species?
  9. I hesitate to join this very interesting discussion, but I do have a couple of questions as am genuinely puzzled by the situation. Am no particular fan of Russia, but 1) What would be the difference be between Texas and Ukraine, and what would the US do, if the Texans suddenly decide that they want to be return to be part of Mexico again since they have a very long history of being part of Mexico until invaded by US forces? 2) Ditto for the English vs Scotland if Scotland "came to its senses" and decided it wanted to join the Warsaw Pact after centuries of exploitation by the English?
  10. Very glad to hear you are still on this, Sarge. What builds? Model kits?? Pics???
  11. IIRC, units can still move FAST even when I would consider them overloaded - eg: carrying over 1000 rounds per man plus support weapons and/or ammo. Strangely, in all the many years I have played CM2, I have never kept adding ammo to see how many rounds can be acquired before the system stops you. (Partly cos there is no UN-ACQUIRE command.) My wish is for a new ACQUIRE system that allows for swapping ammo between adjacent units. It's a PITA in WEGO to ACQUIRE from a vehicle: To resupply many units you either have a long and time-wasting line of squads that takes several turns, or, you... a) SPLIT squads into teams; b) MOUNT teams from several squads into vehicle; c); ACQUIRE; d) DISMOUNT; e) RECOMBINE with other team(s).
  12. DC Barbarossa (Matrix) is a very innovative (East Front) computer game in that, while it seems to be similar to the previous conventional operational-strategic games in the Decisive Campaigns series, this new version is also a role playing game(!) You are put in charge of many of the logistics issues that require you to maintain good relationships with both subordinates and superiors (including Der Fuhrer). You have to make difficult decisions that may please or displease these other commanders, who in turn can help or hinder what you are trying to accomplish. Highly recommended. I hope the developers continue to improve this aspect of their system.
  13. This limitation applies to all support weapons. It's especially obvious when you have a small team. The can only carry a few bazooka or mortar ammo. However... I don't recall encountering a limit on small arms ammo - in that I have loaded a small team up with so much that it would have been hard to carry - and the ACQUIRE button was still active. There should be more limits on how much small arms ammo a unit can carry. Going over a thousand rounds per man is ridiculous.
  14. Thanks for the helpful summary. I used to play Arma and RO and was hoping things had improved a bit. But, what you say sounds v familiar.
  15. Are the Arma and RO series games primarily for online multiplayer, or good for vs AI play?
  16. Not sure if it's mentioned above, but the mod that gives full-color weapons as well as their caliber and range is invaluable. However, there does not seem to be such a mod updated for CMFB and not at all for CMBS. (If weapon caliber and range mods for those exist puhleeeze let me know.)
  17. For some reason the mod folder for the newer games (after CMBN) is under the C:/ADMIN/MY DOCUMENTS/BATTLEFRONT etc. folder. That's also where scenarios and campaigns etc are as well.
  18. If you look at history, we inevitably eventually make heroes of the worst people who one would want to be around at the time. It's just a question of enuff years having gone by that we forget the really bad stuff. The movie "Suicide Squad" (have only read reviews so far) seems to be based on really "bad" people being heroes as they are going up against even more "evil" villains. ie: It's all relative. Remember Clint Eastwood as the cold-blooded killer in the Sergio Leone films? That was very controversial at the time. Those "Dollar" movies revolutionized the western as prior to "Fistful of Dollars" the Eastwood character would have always been a villain (and the western was dying on its feet as it had become so clichéd). Also note: "Hannibal" and "Dexter" - movie and TV series glorifying serial killers(!). To say that we mustn't make movies based on this or that, is like a red flag to a bull. When people got fed up with the goody-goody westerns where the cowboy always won vs the baddy gunfighter it gave birth to the anti-hero western with hero as psychotic killer. It's inevitable that people will become (may already be) bored with the goody goody allies always winning vs the nasty Nazis and SS, and the situation will (at some point) be turned on its head. If you think about it, it's a fascinating cultural phenomenon.
  19. Very much hope that Sgt S gets back to this. I thought his first efforts were very good - better than 90% of scenarios I have played. But, he wanted to keep improving. I appreciate the desire for "perfection", but generally that's what leads to designer burn-out and disappearance.
  20. My favorite garbled line: "Until I breathe, I will do my best to have those bastards out of Germany!"
  21. Interesting that visibility is an important changing parameter. MY first thought was that in RL were not designed for tank vs tank but for inf support. In a situation like this where they come vs PzV's, I thought that doctrine would call for the allies to halt and bring up tank killers. But, the low range visibility changes that equation since the M4 gun is more deadly at these "point blank" ranges. So, Hapless is doing a good job playing to his strengths while he can. There may be some urgency here for the Allies the Germans tend to do better at longer ranges. Very good scenario and reports.
  22. "Yeah sound like fun but could never get any one to play lol hard to get a online game these days." That's definitely the biggest challenge for cardboard wargamers outside of the regular game conventions that occur regularly around the country. Computer wargames were a godsend in that respect. And these BF games represent the pinnacle of COTS tactical wargame products. Gary Grigsby's designs like WITPAE, WITE, and WITW are probably the pinnacle for strategic-level wargames. However, the other Matrix products are not in the same class.
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