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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I looked at all my orders but I don't see any "4.0 bundle" listed. I have always bought all CM2 titles and modules immediately as they were released. So, I have a whole list of individual purchases. Is there another area I need to go in order to d/l one "big bundle" per title/game family that can be installed vs having to d/l everything separately for each title/game family?
  2. Anytime one wants to be depressed about the financial system and one's future fate when "life as we know it" melts down and we're all serfs or nomads - similar to "Road Warrior" - Max Keiser is your "go to" guy. Mind you he and his guests have been predicting the end of our financial system now for many years, and they all seem stunned that the melt down hasn't already happened. Also, he and his guests are always pushing gold and bit coin, so I do get a bit suspicious. Has he ever had a guest who poo poo''d digital currency or gold? And of course they are on that bastion of truth and accuracy, RT, and Russia's economy actually is in trouble. But, Max is great to watch. I think Stacy has more sense. It would be more compelling if it were her show actually.
  3. Can't recall if I played it (it's so long ago since CMSF1 was released lol). But, will check it out now.
  4. I liked the inflation calculator as it shows how poor we've become in relative terms: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator I recall that a thousand quid a year salary back in the 60's was considered decent money.
  5. Plx remind me, which file (that one has already purchased) does one d/l to get the basegame and all modules. Have forgotten the process.
  6. Campaigns are the best way to enjoy the CM games imo. However, once you've mastered the Training Missions and start thinking you know how to play the game well and are a great commander, here are a few of some of the best standalone CMSF (1 and 2) scenarios (that I recall playing (apologies to other good designers whose scenarios I may have forgotten) that should challenge you: "Conventional" scenarios : "A Helluva Road Opening" (ANA and USMC versions) and "Helluva Takeover" (UK as well as USMC-NATO versions available). "Into the Green" "The Passage At Wilcox" "Royal Mud Marines" Of course the most original and innovative scenarios are by MOS who has reimagined what the CM2 system can do esp re UNCON. The brilliant scenario he developed for CMSF2 is "Coup d-Etat".
  7. There were also rumors that when one didn't have the available guards or were in a hurry, the POW's would just be shot (certainly SS did this). So, unless you want to simulate that as well, probably not worth going down this route of thinking.
  8. Ah... Is the updated to latest version "big bundle" now available for each title? ie: Can one install one file and get the latest version without having to d/l and install a patch for each?? (Currently I only have the latest CMSF2 (v2.02?) installed on a new machine and have been waiting to install the other titles until I can do each in one install... Yes, am getting lazy in my old age.)
  9. If there are no photos it didn't happen, John.
  10. Some sort of sound contact of a Italian unit. Note that in CM1, sound contacts were very vague and the actual units could be some distance away. So, area firing at a sound contact in CM1 was not always effective. In CM2 the sound contact seems to be accurate and makes for a good area fire target. Anyone know which treatment of sound contacts is more realistic?
  11. In CM1 the walking off of surrendered soldiers was cute for the first couple of times. Occasionally one could get a friendly unit close by and rescue the POW's - they returned to active service but with no weapons and reduced morale or somesuch IIRC. But, after that it became almost irritating - one more silly thing to worry about that had no bearing on the main game experience. I suppose that rescued POW's could be used as medics and re-arm themselves, (or acquire support weapons from a vehicle or cache). But, most of us would probably agree that there are other more pressing features that BF could/should be working on that would have a more dramatic effect on the gameplay experience.
  12. Been enjoying Snakeye's excellent "UK Helluva Takeover", the sequel to his also excellent "A Helluva Road Opening" (available in NATO and USMC versions). The huge maps featured in these scenarios are brilliant - very craggy and majestic cliffs etc. They would be outstanding for any Afghanistan scenario or campaign (better than for Syria possibly). Hope designers pick up on this and use these maps. Re this scenario, one aspect that is a lot of fun is that several of the Humvees have dismountable weapons eg: 50 cal, AGL, and TOW's. (Note that Brit forces in other scenarios also feature this for their soft vehicles.) However, one issue is that if the support weapon team loses guys, these heavy weapons become immovable - and as a result are often useless in not in a lucky location. It would be realistic as well as help the game if team survivors could voluntarily abandon such weapons so they could be used in other ways. Of course others have also asked for this feature for all heavy support weapons (eg: ATG's). Hopefully this will eventually be made possible in the same way that one can abandon useless vehicles.
  13. Somewhat photo shopped to show the weird colors. Same as "Painted Desert" on AZ-UT border. So, much easier to see than going to Peru. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Painted_Desert_(Arizona)#/media/File:Another_White_Pocket_Sunset.jpg
  14. +100 From your mouth to God's ears... (CM1 system lasted 8 years. CM2 is now 12 years old. It's definitely time for a major upgrade.)
  15. That's good news. (It's a PITA having to move mods around.)
  16. That is the new name in the release version of CMSF2 and that is the scenario one should be playing.
  17. Germany had a lot of fitness crazes back then. A lot of videos from that time look like that. Not sure if same was going on in US or UK, (or Great Britain as it used to be known). BTW: Here's something for you to research, John. When did the term "United Kingdom" enter normal lexicon? When I was at school in the 60's it was always called Great Britain and I do not recall the term United Kingdom commonly used until the 70's.
  18. This happens from time to time due to pathing weirdness. The solutions is to move the remnant of the team that is NOT stuck back to the stuck folks and repath a different direction to get them out.
  19. Yes, that feature was exactly how it worked in CM1. However, CM1 featured teams not individual soldier graphics. So, it may well be an issue of clutter and overwhelming yer average processor. Remember how we were shown the pressure wave effect balloon out from explosions in CMSF when it was being developed. That got cut for similar reasons IIRC.
  20. They should all be at Booties CMMODS IV. But, that also requires a huge amount of work to complete what with all the mods he now has.
  21. Just to confirm, we cannot have both day and night FX loaded at the same time? (Was hoping there was a way to tag them so they can co-exist in my Z folder.)
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