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Everything posted by rleete

  1. There are those of us that have no need to compensate for "shortcomings".
  2. I have a new toy to work on now: See it here Do try to keep up.
  3. Tea is for pommies. Real men chew coffee beans straight from the package.
  4. This just gave me an idea. It might be too difficult/time consuming to code for the few times it would be used, but it's something new. If you want to build a large ship in a captured port, you would have to specify which port at the time of purchase. Say for BB and CA, but not subs. Just a pop-up screen: home build or not? Once the keel is laid, it can't be moved. This means you can't put a ship already under construction there, and if you lose the port, you lose the ship. Possibly recover some of the cost if the port is captured, because you wouldn't continue to ship materials and labor to the port any more? Maybe (with the proper levels of intelligence), you could find out that the hull of a BB is being built in a port - consider it recon if a bomber is in range. Then, you could strategic bomb the port, and have a posibility of delaying the build. Actually, this would be nice for all ships, and possibly even ground units. Imagine, the German player is barely holding out in the east, expecting the tank builds to turn the tide and push back the Russians. The Allies are poised for invasion. Just then, the Allied player makes a bold "Bridge Too Far" thrust, and captures the cities along the Rhur. There go the shiney new Tigers, and any hope of the Axis to extend the war.
  5. The problem is not one of flying (clouds have little effect on the planes themselves), but of visibility. The men jump blind (is there an increased risk of drop casualties because of lousy weather?), but the bombers can't see the ground in order to hit a target.
  6. Really? Care to let us know when he makes the first one? Probably none of us will live that long, but there is always the slightest chance. Better buy an overcoat for Berli. Chances are, hell will freeze over before sonorous Dorosh makes a contribution. Personally, I'm betting the fruit fly will evolve into a flame breathing dragon first.
  7. And for that you can thank the rat bastards at homeland insecurity. I could mail the makings of a bomb to anywhere, but let the stupid feckers at the post orifice hear the bottle slosh a bit, and it's package refused. Sorry, but you just aren't worth risking a stretch in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for a bottle of homebrew. Incidently, Seanachai, your oh so honest review of my product (I slave over a hot stove all day, and this is the thanks I get?) isn't about to get you on the list, either. Too bad, the last batch of cherry melomel was quite well received by the neighbors.
  8. No, no and again no! You don't just hand them to him. You throw them at him. Extra points if they stick. If they put out an eye, well, that's just good entertainment.
  9. Is this thing on? *taps microphone* SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yup. Properly adjusted to the best of the abilities of the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar (A.V. dept.) of the Peng Challenge Thread. Ahem. I have an announcement: To wit, one squire of long standing in the MBT (long may she wave). Said squire has served admirably. Although a bit short on the taunting and verbal castigation of opponents (I taught to kick 'em when they're down, it's the cesspool way), he has nonetheless demonstrated ample staying power. I do believe, from his general performance here that he shows the necessary dry wit. It warms the heart to see such callous cynicism at such a young age. Also, on that other board, he has often seen holding his ground against our very own foul-mouthed feline, Kitty as Mace can attest to (Testify, brother!). And finally, in a fine display of verbally trouncing the dimwitted (broom$slag on the outreboards) he has defended the honor of the cess. As he is the grandsquire of Seanachai, it is only fitting that he do battle with ignorant tossers on the outside. Therefore, it is my pleasure to submit stoat for your approval as the newest Knaggit of the Cesspool. What say you?
  10. Awww, it's a cute wittle baby tank! You see, Lars, when a mommy tank and a daddy tank love each other (or, if the mommy tank is really ugly, [like say, a Hetzer], then the daddy tank has to get really drunk) and they spend the night together. Then you get a baby tank. Someday, if you give it enough gas and oil, it might grow up to be a big, nasty M60. Don't piss it off or it will growl and show it's teeth.
  11. REMF, in the states during WWII. Why make it tougher than you have to?
  12. stoat is about the lowest of the low (an accomplishment around here), so he can fetch his own damn costume.
  13. Berli is making perfect sense. Is it the end times already? Damn, I even haven't had time to read all my Pratchett books yet.
  14. You've obviously never seen me work on rusty brake systems, then. 6lb. sledge hammer is a required tool, for just that reason.
  15. Just exactly who is this "unk." quoted in your sig? I did a search, and no one by that name exists. Are you making things up again?
  16. But you've slimmed down on the Jenny Craig diet plan? Or is this some reference to your hiddeously swelled head?
  17. Most intelligent post you've made in ages. All except for the quoting OFJ part.
  18. Well, I was hoping for one with a shred of moral decency, but I guess I can't wait until hell freezes over. And your piccy has that steely-eyed gaze of those that have no concience to trouble them. I was going to set you to suing the pants off Old Foul Joe, but it looks like someone beat you to it.
  19. Exactly. First rule is to hit 'em when they're distracted. Of course the second is to kick them when they're down. Now, where's my lawyer? I think OFJ scuffed my boot with his chin.
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