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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Strange, MrPeng returns all my emails. Sends turns regular as clockwork. Of course, that's probably because I ran headlong into AT guns arrayed like the jaws of death itself. It's alway fun to watch someone lose half their forces in a single turn.
  2. Meet the new troll, same as the old troll... [with apologies to The Who]
  3. Bard, I know you read my post on that other forum. The one about the big C. You, of all people should relate. I expected sincere empathy, an outpouring of heartfelt sympathy. But instead, you come here to blather on about hammers. I'll have you know that I have a considerable number of hammers. An impressive collection, some older than even you, passed down for generations. To the uninitiated, maybe not as impressive as dalem's swords. Yet these actually useful tools and not simply the playthings of drunkards. For construction and destruction; for automobiles, tractors and all sorts of machinery. Many sizes, from as small as a child's thumb to great, big, honking sledges of crushing. Every shape and type of hammer, each with it's own use; they are of plastic and brass, rubber and steel, wood and leather. All with the singular purpose of whacking things that need whacking. Made to persuade items to move and work. Post in that thread, or you shall be added to the list of things that need whacking and persuasion. Hammer out a post, or be hammered upon.
  4. Boo has plenty of class. Boatloads of it. It's just too bad it's all low.
  5. MrPeng's corn-fed midwestern cannon fodder is about to be overrun by the Gross doych land armor. Into the sea wif ya!
  6. No, stock like the end of a rifle. You know, wood. I think he's admitting to being as dumb as a post.
  7. Yes, and a worse one has never been made. Rune only aspires to create such a mess as that one. As I recall, casualty rates were around 90% for both sides. It was only 3. The absolute horror of the scenario itself just made it seem longer. Like a root canal with a chainsaw. I believe it was 51-49 in my favor. The funny thing was your Cromwell reversing away from my gun-damaged Tiger, just as you were about to reach the summit. I think I still have the screenshot of your setup around somewhere.
  8. I accept your challenge, you liver licking loon. I shall meet you on the field of battle. I shall make mince-meat out of your meat puppets. I shall make swiss cheese out of your armor, to go with the mince-meat. You shall rye the day (because you can't have mince-meat and swiss on rue, it's just not done), and I shall have a pixelated feast. But no tango. You must wait 30 minutes after eating before dancing.
  9. Put a * next to their names! "* denotes loss to Peng" Anyone remember that?
  10. Nah, he's proud of his latest I.Q test score. Double digits are new to him.
  11. But not to you. Thought is not a concept you have mastered. Nor even apprenticed.
  12. Yeah, you and Dorosh can go have a good chuckle over that. Rules geek.
  13. Knowing what I do of dalem, I'm betting on an inflatable doll. No speculation on the sex (or even the species) of said doll.
  14. dalem drove by and didn't swing by to share a drink or two? Bastard. Whew. I thought I felt a chill in the air that day. Like dodging a bullet.
  15. Uh, it's Cater, not Carter. But, you are correct that his service is impeccable. There are very few companies that support their products the way he does.
  16. No, you're grandma Steve. Now put the dress back on and get back to playing second fiddle to the princess.
  17. Anyone else think this completely spoils the whole "true story" theme? Might have well just typed, "and then Batman came in the room" or somefink. But this part is absolutely believable. Does anyone doubt that a toddler can put one over on the Gnome?
  18. Sorry, I seem to have dropped them in the ocean somewhere. They were a bit dull from the last cable, though.
  19. We used to wait until 300+ posts and the Mad Bald one told us to move along and start up again. Now, the old farts go and do it like obediant little puppies. For shame.
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