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Everything posted by rleete

  1. The bigger vehicle always has the right of way.
  2. You waste oxygen and are a moron. Close enough. Or as close as you're ever likely to be.
  3. Berli, shoot an email to Gyrene. He's locked out old, unused accounts and new registrations because of the spambot trouble. More likely is that you're so old and senile you can't remember the password.
  4. Yeah, genetic defects like that usually mean the child doesn't survive. MrSpkr! Welcome back. Long time, yadda, yadda. We need some lawyerly influence in here; you can nearly see the bottom.
  5. stoat is my long suffering squire, you bonehead. Try to keep up, eh? And if you don't bold his name, you'll be missing more than your cat, if you get my drift. Damned goobernationals.
  6. If they were your ancestors, they may have been female, but I'd hardly call them "women".
  7. Nah, because even if the overall damage done is less, the effect of a bombing run on your shelter and supplies in bad weather is exagerated. i.e. if you have no house in the winter, it is much worse than if it was gone in the summer. Loss of fuel for your stove is an inconvienience in mild weather, but a major crisis in the bitter cold. Edit: spelink [ April 26, 2007, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  8. You're not PawBroon, I understood every part of your post.
  9. He's just concerned for your health. Seeing your rapidly expanding waistline, he has instituted the "get up and change the channel, you lazy human" exercise program. You should be grateful (instead of grating on people's nerves, as is your usual demeanor).
  10. Why did you feel compelled to converse with a <small>pissant</small> at all, schmuck?
  11. I wasn't sure, but I knew some anal-retentive MBT grog would step up to correct me.
  12. Is that a veiled thingy reference? Are you trying to get Speedy to post pictures of squishy fruit again?
  13. Why are you waving to Sturmsebber, and when did he get married?
  14. Here, weasle....here boy.... there, there, nice weasle.... *stroke* *stroke* Any more stoopid requests there Leeo?</font>
  15. Does it involve you screaming in agony? Will it cause you to have nightmares for a month or more? Sure. Can't be any worse than the belching Belgian prancing about.
  16. I draw the line at doilies. No doilies! Oh, and I'm not sticking my pinky out, either.
  17. But then you'd miss the pleasure of driving to work in 6-8 inches of fresh powder. With a quarter million twits that forgot how to drive in snow since the last time. Which was yesterday.
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