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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Does a future Pope count? He had that. The midget monks could have posed a problem, though. I think waltero may be on to something here. To my knowledge no previous World War II game has covered the fact that God was on the Allied side. Obviously SC needs a God unit added. Perhaps resources could be devoted to increasing faith, just like they are now used for research. Once a certain level of faith is schieved, the God unit is built and that side wins the war. Who cares about minutia like the subs rusting or deep water if you can add God to your side?
  2. Truer words were never spoken. Hey _UXcva, long time no see! How's life on Lake Michigan treating you? Ever see Tugboat? He never did finish the BDLRM2 scenario. Of course, he was taking a beating much like the ones suffered by so many wannabes.
  3. Most vexing? How about when the rocket barrage you have awaited for 7 or 8 minutes comes roaring in and lands squarely on your fresh troops 500 meters from the target? GRARRGH!! :mad: :mad: Another is the enemy HMG team that is reduced to a single man and immobilized, so it continues to blast away instead of running. :mad: Trying to get a vehicle convoy to move along a road through the woods is almost painful. Somebody always gets sideways on the road. :mad:
  4. Let me get my facts straight: Myth #4: Prokhorovka was the "death ride of the Panzers" because the Germans lost so many tanks. Simply put, the Germans put a licking on the Red Army. But wasn't it the Red Army that advanced after the battle, all the way to Berlin? I must have fallen victim to lots of myths. After reading this article I'm not sure I still believe that Germany surrendered any more. Help!! :eek: :eek:
  5. Hasn't this myth of the subhuman Soviet hordes swamping the brave but doomed uber-Germans been laid to rest yet? Who is "we"?? Exactly how old are you? Doesn't making a tank "better" imply it is more reliable and spends less time in the shop? How did "we" forget that? Of course, all of the "better" tanks work perfectly when you're playing games.
  6. A Canadian Gubmint job? Hell, you will be able to SEND turns from work. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  7. None. Why would he start working now that he has a cushy manager's job? I figure he'll have lots more time for CM now that he can play at work.
  8. Oh, like I'm supposed to waste my time by actually reading your posts. I don't think so. I didn't realize how serious this was. Mace, you have my most sincere condolences. Chin up and stiff upper lip, man. Have a beer or twenty. It's only a matter of time before you're able to wallow in that stuff again. I suppose for the time being the livestock in your vicinity is extremely nervous.
  9. Yeah, yeah, big talk just like Mike Tyson was spouting last week about his opponent. Wasn't it something like "I'm going to gut him like a fish"? Anybody else see how that worked out for Iron Mike this weekend? Seems like I saw a picture of him tangled in the ropes. I suspect we could always crank up one of Soddball's cursed "Inferno" scenarios. That sounds like what you're after. How about something with nothing but flamethrowers and assault guns in the fog? Maybe we could include bazookas and panzershrecks, too. You know, something to really showcase our "realistic" tactical skillz!
  10. Must be the same place as my turns from Mace and Moraine Sedai. You'd think the maggots were hiding from a collection company or something. Pseudo and I are about 2/3 finished with a Normandy battle that seems like it belongs on the Eastern Front. This has been a take-no-prisoners firefight at close range, with the RAF and wildly inaccurate German rockets hitting everybody. The winner may be whoever still has somebody left alive. :eek: :eek: This has been a good PBEM day as the rain has been pretty heavy. Too bad there was only one person who sent a turn. Smopemaggot won't even give me his e-mail address after he challenged me! Anyway, it was the remains of Arlene passing over - thanks a lot you Gulf Coasters who are supposed to keep your hurricanes to yourselves. :mad: :mad: [ June 12, 2005, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  11. Hmmm, no mention of the CWT, you ungrateful wretch. I feel slighted.</font>
  12. Is that supposed to be an enticement? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  13. <font size=5 font color=red>Top of the Morning, Waffleheads!!</font> Did you know that if you rearrange those puzzle pieces correctly, you get a life-sized picture of Seanachai? It's true!! Try it yourself.
  14. Boys, be careful not to let Cheery Waffledom drift off into politics. No matter what you say, somebody else is going to think you're a complete idiot, and he or she'll be right. Pseudo is just annihilating my German attack. I don't think I've ever lost so much German armor. Now all of a sudden his own herd of tanks and tank destroyers shows up. GRARRGRARGHRARRGH!! :mad: :mad:
  15. Shortly after Moses built his ark? GRARRGHRAARGH!!! Trick question! My sad lack of grogdom shines through once again. You mean the entire North African campaign wasn't Rommel versus Monty, mano a mano? I must banish myself to serve my penance someplace where I might actually know something, like maybe the Census Bureau web site. :eek: :eek:
  16. I'm a little disappointed to see the reviewer telling everyone they can play Indian troops. "Until the release of CMAK there have been precious few opportunities to wargame battles between the Commonwealth forces of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India against the Italians and Germans." My CD must have a glitch, because I have yet to find them. I'd better check again. I was also disappointed to see the reviewer's comments about the lack of a campaign game. "The only thing that I find lacking in the Combat Mission series is the ability to form a core force that can be started as a green formation and built up over a series of operations in a way that allows the attributes of units to increase with survival and success in previous battles." BFC made it clear back with the original CM that their interest wasn't in a campaign game like Panzer General. I'd think by now the reviewer would stick to discussing the game they did make, not the imaginary game he may have wanted to play.
  17. <font size=5 font color=gold>Good Morning and Happy Birthday Kitty!!</font> I hope you get back soon to mingle with the maggots. I know this place is just like your childhood home at El Rancho Goodale. Oh, and for any groggish maggots, happy 61'st anniversary of D-Day. The last post of yours like that was the newspaper article you wrote about your plans to host a barbecue for the Cheery Waffles. Since then I suppose you have wasted your hilarity, wit, and profundity on the readers of your newspaper. They certainly haven't appeared around these parts for many moons.
  18. Another day, another 24 hours of no turns from Mace and Lady Moraine. I realize that you two, being of the <font size=1>penguin</font> persuasion, are hopelessly outclassed at CM by any Cheery Waffle. Your turn rates make me wonder if your homes are actually wired for electricity. Hey Axe, I didn't realize that along with beginning a new job you would have the time to start raising maggots in your yard. You being a smart guy, I'm assuming you've already found a buyer for the herd living under your sod. You're a shining example of capitalism at its finest.
  19. <font size=5 font color=gray>Good rainy Friday morning, Cheery Wafflemaggots!!</font> How about that, the font color matches the sky outside today. If such a thing is possible, it's a good morning to be at work. Quick PBEM updates: Mace sends turns like MasterGoodale (the maggot). How this guy can manage any game in real time is completely beyond me. A game of tic-tac-toe would probably take him hours to complete. Moraine Sedai sends turns like Mace (the maggot). Pseudo is doing a much better job of sending turns. Unfortunately, he has failed to surrender yet and his Canadians are making life miserable for my Germans. Add my own horribly misguided rockets to the carnage and things are not going smoothly at all. I need some rockets to actually fall somewhere near his defenders or this attack isn't going to go very far. GRARRGHRAARGHRRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: Axe, have you picked up your switch for keeping the local wildlife off the gravel? What all will you have to deal with, bears, moose, musk ox, walruses, passed out <font size=1>penguins</font>?
  20. Axe, you incredible nincompoop, I mentioned keeping bears off the road, too. Don't forget the bears.
  21. Way to go, Axe, you Canuckimaggot! Does this mean the roads in Canada will now be much safer? Will you be responsible for keeping bears and moose off the road? Can you arrange to dump an extra truckload of gravel on the main road every couple of years to fill in the ruts?
  22. <font size=5 font color=green>Good Friday morning to you Wafflemaggots!!</font> Lady Sedai, I didn't have your turn last night, while I administered another crushing blow to PseudoWaffle's Canadians. I'll look again when I get home this afternoon. It could be that the glacial pace of turns I receive from Mace has frozen up my poor computer. As far as kicking your computer in the 'nads, be my guest. Try not to electrocute yourself.
  23. But but but ... don't you understand? They're NEW!! Every right-thinking consumer knows that NEW!! always means better, right?
  24. I know it's always worked for you. Look at where it's gotten you now, living among the street urchins even Charles Dickens would have hated.
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