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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. It's clearly a sign that the Apocalypso is upon us when some mate whose natural position should be Ruckrover or Back Pocket in footie is the first pick by the NBA. This could have disturbing consequences on playgrounds all over the US. :eek: :eek: I'm sure Seanachai hasn't been so upset since Prohibition. Actually I see Bogut as a Kent Benson clone. I watched him in the NCAA tournament and he looked overmatched against Kentucky's front line, which didn't appear to have a Shaq or a Tim Duncan or a Ben Wallace. We'll see if he can make it through his first game without getting sucker punched like Benson was. Poor guy was never the same after that. :mad: :mad:
  2. That it's boring as hell? -dale</font>
  3. Would I have to actually go to Finland, or could I help defend it at the Indiana-Kentucky border?
  4. What else is new, you maggot? :mad: Bet you do that each time you battle, too. :mad: :mad: </font>
  5. I am slightly disgusted to report that I have absorbed a 57-43 Minor Defeat from PseudoSomething. In the true spirit of all Canadian victories, at the end I held all of the VLs and outnumbered his operational AFVs by something like 6 to 0. All of his AT guns were destroyed. All of his machine guns and mortars were destroyed. We had exactly the same number of KIA as his defenders. We even captured 5 Canadians, but he killed two of them with artillery fire. So, in a word, my reaction to this travesty is "GRARRGHRAARGHRARR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Good game Pseudo. I kept hoping for a surrender, but it never came. Wait until next time!
  6. Wasn't that the battle at the railroad station? It seems that fight was the one where I was tenaciously defending the wrong flag. Silly me, I thought the railroad station was tactically more important than a patch of brush some distance away from the rail yard. Ooops! I recall losing some T-34s to some gamey panzers in very humiliating firefights - I recollect that your tanks were the only ones that actually fired! :mad: :mad: :mad: Finished with school yet?
  7. You deserve to have a can of cider - filled and slathered with molten TNT - inserted into your rectum, b :mad: :mad: :mad: h. :mad: </font>
  8. I've got a feeling that when a car hits a moose, the roadkill is more likely to have two legs than four. I guess Axe and Pseudo must be zombies, eating the human bodies. Yet another reason to avoid Canada and all things Canadian. :eek: :eek:
  9. Couldn't agree more. These games (and the players) are good for years and years to come. The money I spent on CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK has brought me the best return of any investment I've ever made.
  10. <font size=5 font color=yellow>"What a gorgeous day. What effulgent sunshine. It was a day of this sort the McGillicuddy brothers murdered their mother with an ax."</font> Yet another line from the master, W.C. Fields. You dare refer to the Great and Powerful Kitty as some woman?? I pity the fool who says that when she catches him. :eek: :eek: Besides, I have been busily conducting a thorough research project on God's role in World War 2. The results have been startlingly devoid of any facts whatsoever. :mad: :mad: At once it shall be. I'm about to complete my rout of either Pseudo's Canadians or my own Germans in our bloodbath, so your timing is impeccable. Of course, Mace and Moraine Sedai continue to give new meaning to the term "non-turn sending maggots". Do you prefer CMAK or CMBB? Any other requests - battle related, that is?
  11. I believe that relocating was going to keep her away from the forum for a while. I miss her too; you could always count on her for updates from the bizarre world of the Goodale clan.
  12. My dictionary skips from "drone" to "drool" (both of which eerily reminded me of you), so I'll take that as a high compliment. What irritates me is that the people who made these claims can't even tell me why they think the way they do. I'm curious to know what it is they are so sure they know. :confused: Oh, we're back to your drooling problem again, eh? You're certainly welcome to join Axe in exploring the bottom of Lake Huron.
  13. Doh!! I stand in awe of your superior wisdom. Well, even the 4'th deepest is good enough for Axe. Now if you could just enlighten me on God's role in the Second World War.
  14. As long as you're thinking about it, why not make it Lake Huron? It's supposedly the deepest of the Great Lakes, right _UXcva? Now is not a time for half measures, Axe, so do this right for a change. Maggot. Hey Pseudopod, speaking of engineers, here's an interesting take on the species. Check this column out MAGGOT!!
  15. Discussing politics is a sure way to get this thread closed. I'd suggest you go to the Free Republic or the Democratic Underground web sites to vent and get the political ranting out of your systems. I'm still curious about this intervention by God in World War 2. If anyone else is interested, I'm going to create a thread in the General Forum. Your input is welcome unless/until the thread gets locked.
  16. What else, different graphic representations of all the possible wounds from a paper cut to a body blown apart by a 500 lb. bomb? If enemy units disappear (to be replaced by icons) when the line of sight is lost, what is so disconcerting about the dead and wounded disappearing? Maybe I'm spoiled from how far CM took the suspension of disbelief factor from the previous miniatures, cardboard, and computer wargames I used to play. I'm from the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" school of thought. I think CM handles casualties just fine as is and I don't see any need to clutter up the map with noncombatant soldiers.
  17. I notice you didn't specify which year. Care to take a WAG?
  18. So, how about that deep water for submarines in SC2? Anybody remember that was the original question on this thread? :eek: :eek: Since almost all WW2 subs had to surface to recharge batteries and also to have any kind of speed while cruising, I see no need for deep water.
  19. You mean that you don't even think the current Operation Spear and Operation Dagger have cool names? The DOD probably had to pay some public relations consultant millions to come up with those two beauties. :eek: :eek: I think CMx2 should be "Combat Mission: Death of the Penguins". I'd buy that in a minute.
  20. I knew you'd like it. Personally I'd rather tolerate a dozen Goodales before enduring a single rambo. Sure Goodale was loud, inarticulate, about 99% insane, and always had a lot to say. That's leaving out his bad qualities. I still prefer that to someone trying to "save" me. :eek: :eek:
  21. For those of you Cheery Waffles who, like me, don't frequent the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Forum, please check out the thread titled "question from new gamer". I happened upon it while looking for posts by the late, great Polish versions of Tim the Enchanter. Soddball's been there, too. I was kind of tickled about the original question, which concerned the submarines in SC2 rusting over time. Completely idiotic, but still clever enough in its own twisted way. Anyway, somewhere along the line this waltero character (a gamer who freely admits his knowledge of the second world war is from the History Channel and wargames) comes along and drops his bombshell about how the Allies won WW2. Yes friends, the truth has finally come to light. The Allies won the big one, WW2, because God was on our side. End of story. Now the infamous jon_j_rambo has dropped by the thread to confirm that waltero has his facts in perfect order. What I want to know is why did the Allies waste all of the lives and capital in that war if victory was inevitable? Couldn't everybody in the UK and the US and the USSR and the Commonwealth and China have just lounged around home and waited for God to take care of the Axis? Needless to say, the history I thought I knew has been seriously shaken. This requires a paradigm shift about the last 70 or so years of history and it may take me some time to adjust. Meanwhile, my head is spinning. :eek: :eek: :eek: (edited to spell names correctly) [ June 17, 2005, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  22. Didn't "The Longest Day" make that point by having both Allied and German officers wondering if God was on "our" side?
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