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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. So some nut case advocating cold blooded murder on TV is political? I'll have to keep that in mind if I can avoid getting banned over the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  2. Here's some feedback: You stink. :mad: And so does my opponent.</font>
  3. Rune, coming in here to talk about the <font size=1>penguins</font> is not necessary. You can tell them directly in their latest poor excuse of a thread. :mad: :mad:
  4. Something about that sentence makes me want to give up reading forever. It's probably due to my inability to put the words "Soddball" and "frisky" together in any normal frame of reference. Maybe this is what acid reflux feels like. :eek: :eek:
  5. Any of you maggots who didn't care for my last thread title just need to check out the newest edition of the Onion. Should I sue those Onion maggots for plagiarism? Maybe Pat Robertson could put out a contract on them, too.
  6. That's Mister Dave H to you, pilgrim. Oh sure, now my choice of colors is being ridiculed. By an Aussie, of all things! Sorry, but <font color=beer>beer</font> wasn't one of the font colors available. :eek: :eek: Actually putting in beer as the color did work, but it looks green to me. :confused:
  7. <font size=6 Font color=red>GRARRGRARRGHRARRHGRAG!!!</font> Is this the CMX2 joke thread? "Take my CMX2. Please."
  8. Hey Sodball, does Urban Dead allow human characters to act like zombies and pass safely through a crowd? Are there any cricket bats in the game? When all of the players are plotting away like mad all over the internet, what possible use is there for using APs in the game to communicate? I'll bet the answers are no, no, and none. :mad: :mad:
  9. It does get a little creepy, doesn't it? Nobody who isn't on the development and testing team really knows anything about the game. Yet month after month the CMX2 threads proliferate, like somebody really knows what he is talking about. I admit that I got caught up in the old "No PBEM" thread fervor, but since then I've ignored them all. I'm wondering if BFC has bitten off more than they can chew with their NEW & IMPROVED CM. Only time will tell. They've allowed expectations to get so high that almost any CM game they create is going to be a huge letdown. I honestly think some people expect CMX2 to be a holodeck-quality simulation.
  10. No wonder, with your lack of wit surpassed only by Dave's undescribable suckiness. :mad: </font>
  11. Hey Jamoomba, you're welcome! Axe, are you like allergic to any music that more than 20 people ever listened to - discounting the classic from Dire Straits, of course? :eek: :eek: W & C, you total moron of a maggot, we missed out on almost 19 hours of your birthday, due to your tardiness and our complete lack of interest.
  12. Electronic card games - except maybe solitaire - simply aren't as much fun as the real thing. No chat function compares with sitting at a table with real opponents. On the other hand, maybe the CMx2 vaporware "Space Penguins from Minnesota" can be modded to play Euchre with you maggots. :eek: :eek: Speaking of Battlestar Galactica, Tuesday night the SciFi Channel showed all five episodes that have aired so far in season two. I'm now caught up with the plot and ready for episode six tonight. As a bonus, right after Galactica I can switch to HBO for the season premier of Real Time. I wonder if anything has happened recently for Bill Maher to talk about? By the way, Chris Rock is on the panel tonight, so it should be very interesting. Happy belated Birthday W&C. So nice of you to remind us at 6:58 pm, when it's too late to belittle you about it all day long. Any of the rest of you US maggots see the news this week that there are now more wine drinkers than beer drinkers in this country? Mike the wino has converted the masses. Congratulations to the grape-stomping maggot.
  13. <font size=5 font color=green>A Cheery Thursday Afternoon</font> to you die-hard Waffles and the <font size=1>penguins</font> who stalk you. Actually, both threads seem very lifeless, much like the rest of the CM forums. It appears that all of CM's nonexistent dead horses have finally been beaten long enough. Apparently the more active players are all wrapped up playing "Urban Dead". I've noticed that many of the CM players there demanded that someone other than themselves needed to be placed in charge, thereby freeing themselves from coming up with any original thoughts. I wonder if the game was retitled as "Urban Dead Lemmings" if many of the players would appreciate the irony. Much like George Romero's characters we've seen running/shambling on the screen, these maggots coordinate their human and undead moves over at Gyrene's political site, conserving action points by not communicating within the game. What, nobody's hacked the game for cheat codes yet? Such admirable restraint.
  14. My experience has been that no matter how much flak protection I have, my troops are still naked to the attacks from friendly aircraft. For that reason I don't buy aircraft in QBs, much preferring to take my chances with aircraft I can actually shoot at. :mad: :mad:
  15. They finally chased you out of town, did they? Did you skip too many subscribers while delivering papers? Ah, callow youth, so sure they are unique in every way. Right the first time. It's just you. The worst title would be "Finland Conquers the World".
  16. Where have all the Cheery Waffles (and lost <font size=1>penguins</font>) gone? Probably off admiring the ever-lengthening list of games BFC has become involved in since CMAK came out. Let me see if this is all of them: Down in Flames, Modern Naval Battles, T-72, S.C.S. Dangerous Waters, Drop Team, Strategic Command 2, and now Les Grognards. All those new games and there's still not a sign of CMx2. What's a World War 2 fanatic to do when years pass without another King Tiger? :eek: :eek:
  17. I think the obvious penalty for a rifle platoon drifting outside its AO/AoO would be misidentification as an enemy unit. That's because it would be sighted in an area "known" to be free of friendly units. Friendly fire seems like a pretty stiff - and realistic - penalty for wandering around the battlefield.
  18. It's not often that we see such universal truth on the BFC forums.</font>
  19. It's not often that we see such universal truth on the BFC forums.
  20. I believe you'll find the other general officers who were killed were not thousands of miles away from their duty stations like McNair, who was a staff officer in Washington DC. I'm guessing if he hadn't decided to play the tourist he may have survived even the US Army Air Corps' precision bombing. I'll bet not one single bomb in Operation Cobra landed anywhere close to the Washington Barracks. That's the big mistake McNair made, IMHO. What is surprising to me is finding sites that mention McNair's death on "the beaches of Normandy". That's stretching the truth a good long way.
  21. Okay, maybe not the worst general, but the general who made the worst single mistake in WW2 has to be Lt. General Lesley J. McNair. I'm not talking about his theories about tank destroyers versus tanks, either. No, this was the commander of all American ground forces who decided to get a front row seat for the beginning of Operation Cobra and was killed when the Allied bombs fell short. Sometimes staying behind the lines is not such a bad idea.
  22. Axe, I hadn't read the forum for a few days. Good grief, your dad is only two years older than me! You really are a wet behind the ears pup, aren't you? Anyway, Becky and I are keeping Axe Senior and you and Paula in our thoughts. Well, I tried "Down in Flames" a few times. The relationship didn't work out, so I'm deleting the demo. Who knows, I may have to reload CMAK after this summer fling with the shiny new game. Or maybe I'll stick to playing Euchre.
  23. Why would the player be given any control over effects like flak? I assume pilots could try to avoid bad weather, but flak is going to be concentrated near ground targets and should be pretty nearly unavoidable. Getting hit by flak is a risk escort (and to some degree intercepting) pilots have to take.
  24. Your real nightmare is going to come when the BFC guys finally admit there is no CMx2, but they've used it as a lure to keep so many gamers lurking around the forum and buying all of their other games.
  25. Good Lord, I'm forced to agree with Soddball. It seems so wrong. :eek: :eek: Anyway, young Prinz Eugen, if you'd just ignore the bad people, they'll all go look for a reaction somewhere else. I don't think challenging Seanachai counts as ignoring <font size=1>penguins</font>. Besides, do you really want to get bogged down in a game that may never end? PS Did you notice the rearrangement of the forums? DIF is on top!
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