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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. I'm keeping things simple for my intended audience, don't you know. The Waffles are a bunch of maggots with heads armored much like a Sherman turret.
  2. I need to find waltero and bring him over here to see this comment. Looks to me like you two have a lot in common after all. AAR for my first DIF dogfight: The AI flight leader's Tony damaged my flight leader's Spitfire. My wingman destroyed the lead Tony, killing the pilot. The Japanese wingman finished off my leader's Spitfire, but my pilot parachuted safely. Both wingmen broke off the attack. There's more to this game than I thought.
  3. New Zealand Official History online? Won't that all fit on a 3" by 5" card with room left over for a pseudo-Maori tattoo? :confused: :confused: Just kidding, Mike and fellow NZers. Any chance Whirimako Black will tour in the US? [ July 29, 2005, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  4. I agree. Dave is a non-TNT-chucking pizzle gulper.</font>
  5. <font size=5 font color=yellow>Good Friday Morning, you slackers!</font> Has there been anyplace overlooked where juan can post the story about the Seattle man and the horse? I have all the sympathy for this moron that I have for a veteran smoker dying of lung cancer or a habitual speeder dying in a car wreck. Do the words, "What did you expect to happen?" ring any bells? Sorry to report there is still no Down in Flames demo to try. Moon lost his best pilot and seems to be going through a grieving process. I'm sure he'll snap out of it soon and get the DIF demo complete so he can go back to tinkering with CMx2. That is, unless he's having too much fun playing DIF. Have I mentioned that I will be eligible for full retirement in 2 years? I can barely imagine getting paid every month to stay home. Dave H abides.
  6. Ha, this time I cleverly started the new thread BEFORE making post #300.
  7. Oh go ahead. I'm sure you've got a good one in you somewhere.
  8. Quick update on all of my CM PBEMs: I don't have any!! Any of the rest of you maggots feel like everybody is just marking time right now, waiting for the Holy Grail of CMx2? What's everybody going to do if it turns out to be less fun than the original CMs? All of you going to jump off a bridge - not that there's anything wrong with that. We can only hope. That's why I've hopped off the CM bandwagon to try Down in Flames. Personally I think it's a better GAME than a flight simulator, because if your pilot dies there's no Save function to resurrect him. Besides, flight "simulators" are a joke - how good of a simulation of reality can it be if nobody ever got a scratch playing one?
  9. Well we did...so there! does this mean our game is back on??!! I jsut deleted it last night you dumb maggot, so you'll have to send it back to me......... :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  10. <font size=6 font color=orange>Mission accomplished!!!</font> Actually, I was just waiting to see if anyone noticed. After registering for Down in Flames I felt the need to take a few cheap shots, so naturally I gravitated to the <font size=1>penguins</font>. Besides, the smiley faces get a much bigger reaction there.
  11. Dave H

    Roll Call!

    It looks like I picked a bad day to stop hanging around the forum. I'm registered and anxious to give this game a whirl.
  12. I could hardly visit the home of the <font size=1>penguins</font> without leaving some small gift. Here's another That reminds me, I saw all of you in "March of the Penguins" over the weekend. It's so reassuring to think of all of you freezing in Antarctica, surrounded by predators, with your very survival in doubt every moment. :cool: :cool: Oh, and Boo, don't give me that stuff about being a cartoon snob. You know you watched Clutch Cargo every day. :eek: :eek:
  13. Pardon the interruption, but I can't allow this flippant slur upon a beloved Hannah Barbera cartoon character to pass unremarked. Even a complete nincompoop from Ohio should know that El Kabong was the alter ego of Quick Draw McGraw. The vastly inferior Deputy Dawg had no secret identity. Boo, this is such a discouraging error you made. Those few lingering brain cells of yours are going so fast.
  14. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I have to terminate all of my PBEMs. Mike, Prinz Eugen, Mace, Smope, and Moraine Sedai, please chalk one up in the victory column. See you all sometime later.
  15. Hey, those Pink Floyd guys were pretty good. Anybody know if they accomplished anything when they were younger? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. Done. I was just watching Madonna performing in London and wondering if Axe was at the concert in Barrie. It's really easy to be cynical and say the Live 8, as well as the G 8, won't accomplish anything. Ignoring this disaster for decades hasn't made life in Africa any better, so honestly - what do I have to lose by participating?
  17. It's in the mail. Here's a quote from one of my favorite philosophers, just for Kiwi maggots like you: "If the people of New Zealand want to be part of our world, I believe they should hop off their islands, and push 'em closer." Lewis Black The truth hurts sometimes.
  18. So you were eating somebody's vomit. People in Finland really are tough, and easy to keep entertained. :eek: :eek: Like we're going to let you off this easy. Not very likely!
  19. What's that name you're using there? Don't tell me our holy warriors have showed you the error (make that errors) of your ways, you heathen. :eek: :eek: I'd heard there was a drought in England, but I had no idea it had reached this kind of crisis level. Of course, this is Friday, so I foresee changes coming soon.
  20. <font size=6><font color=red>Good</font color> <font color=white>Morning</font color> <font color=blue>Maggots!!!</font color></font size> Hey, I warned you. Now it's too late. Soddball, have I mentioned that if I was on fire I would prefer to burn up than have you save me? Besides, with the amount of alcohol in your system, I don't think your urine could put out a match. Just like mike_the_wino, actually.
  21. <font size=6><font color=red>Good</font color> <font color=white>Morning</font color> <font color=blue>maggots!!</font color></font size> #300!!! Somebody start a new thread, before I take it upon myself and embarrass all of you.
  22. Yeah, send me a QB setup using Redwolf's CMBB rules. I saw in the CMBB forum that you were interested in trying them out. I'll gladly take the opportunity to rain down molten TNT upon your pathetic troops. I'll take any nationality, day or night, in any weather, so finish your paper route and send it. :mad: :mad:
  23. The big question is, why would anyone want to find either place? Can't we just ignore them both like they deserve? I mean, they're both basically mini-Canadas.
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