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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Well duh!! Soddball has always been insufferable. Now that he has the CMAK demo, he's only getting worse. Don't you CMAKing maggots forget to send your CMBB turns!! Downloading problems and excessive time with the demo are NOT good excuses. GRRR!! :mad: :mad:
  2. I definitely plan to continue playing CMBB, as well as CMAK. There are literally hundreds of scenarios from the Eastern Front still to be played, so why stop? Besides, I plan to PBEM against Keke again, and he won't be fighting anywhere near the Med.
  3. YK2, is your mad fling with Nicholas Cage finally over?? [ November 20, 2003, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  4. Ahh, but there were two of us. What a dilema — heap scorn on a Canadian journalist or a Texan lawyer.</font>
  5. <big>Good Morning, CMAK Maggots!!</big> Welcome to the Brave New World! Newsflash for Nofriends Dave H: It is possible to have friends who are outside the interweb :mad: </font>
  6. What are you, some sort of troublemaker? :mad: Dave H -- anarchist.</font>
  7. Enjoy the CMAK demo, maggots. I sent in my pre-order, but I don't think I'll download the demo. Unlike some around here, I'd really prefer to wait for the full game. THEN we'll see about some PBEM. Also, a Cheery Waffle welcome back to mike_the_wino. We were afraid we had permanently lost you to the fruit of the vine. But no, like a bad penny you turn up again!
  8. Sorry Jim, I forgot myself. I've been trying to locate a property tax bill, trying to get an appointment for a haircut, trying to find out if anyone in my family is having Thanksgiving dinner, and actually squeezing in a bit of work on the side. Fortunately, our wonderful Census Budget Administrative System (known to one and all as CBAS - pronounced Sea Bass) is so slow I have big chunks of down time. Right now I'm waiting for a report. GRRRRR!!!! :mad: Jim, that's cruel. Terribly funny, but cruel. I think a release time of about midnight Eastern time will work out well.
  9. So did you have all that left over from the Y2K scare? It sounds like enough supplies for a real survivalist. After reading your menu, Famine is sounding pretty good.
  10. So much for Axe's idea about me judging the new thread title. It's just as well, that would have been too much pressure. Happy Birthday, 86smopuim! I liked your little ditty in the old thread, and you're exactly right about your looks and smell. Have you decided if we're going to play or not? Anybody think Keke will find his way over here? Were there any Finns in the Med? Any reindeer? Too bad Boo didn't feel up to the job of becoming MonsterGoodale's stand-in. The PENGuins have all the ability to choose what's best for themselves as Scientologists. Almost. Will the last one out of the CMBB forum please turn out the lights?
  11. Axe, I know I'm supposed to be impartial, but how about "Soddball's Little Church of Cheery Waffles and Boo's CMAK Goodness - Reformed"? Just to get the ball rolling, you know. That should manage to offend Soddball, the PENGuins, and a bunch of holy rollers right off the bat. And on a related subject, I think Boo Radley shows a lot of the same qualities that were so endearing in MiserGoodale. He's loud, disruptive, argumentative, and although he doesn't seem to have the Goodale menagerie we're used to, he is from Ohio. I think he will work out as a replacement, as long as we don't expect too much too soon.
  12. He must have made it through Level One of his new game. Not bad, only took him a week!</font>
  13. I agree with you, except to me it seems more like ten years. Playing PBEMs with MeunsterGoodale must have made the time seem to pass so slowly. Maybe the real problem is the 60 second turns in Combat Mission are so exciting and full of action that the rest of the time seems pretty empty by comparison. Somebody, and I can't remember whom, talked about war as something like 99 percent crushing boredom and 1 percent pure terror. Well, BFC has refined war down to the 1 percent, while eliminating the physical dangers and hardships. There's no way for real life to compare with the rush of a tank duel, or a human wave attack. :eek: :eek: :eek: [ November 18, 2003, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  14. <big>Happy New Year, Cheery Waffle Maggots!! </big> I sent an e-mail to MasterGoopdale last night to tell him about rune's generous offer. He's probably so wrapped up in chucking TNT in his new game that he doesn't look at e-mail any more. Not that he checked it very often when he was playing CMBB, either. I wonder if BFC would consider something like a 6-month embargo on the UK when CMAK becomes available, just for Soddball's benefit. That seems a reasonable penalty for someone who inflicted "Inferno", "Cheery Waffle 1", and "Cheery Waffle 2" on an unsuspecting gaming public.
  15. The identification of "Infantry Squad?" with a single enemy soldier icon means you know nothing of the composition of that unit. It could be a full-strength infantry squad, a half-squad, or even a squad with only a single man surviving. Until your own men get a better identification, assume it's a full-strength squad.
  16. Who around here would rune trust to not post in this thread for a year? :confused: :confused: <big>Eureka, I've got it!</big> I'll e-mail MunsterGoodale to tell him of rune's offer. He could easily go a year without posting here - he goes almost that long between PBEM turns. He would get an advance copy of CMAK, rune would be embarrassed, the Peng thread would sink lower than its already pathetic existence, and the Cheery Waffle thread would be without MGoodale for a year! Talk about your win-win!!
  17. Not cheaper, less expensive. Hookers are cheap; CM is priceless. </font>
  18. Two and a half million men from India and Nepal served in WW2? That's an incredible number! I had been aware there were troops from India in the Allied armies, but this is orders of magnitude greater than what I had thought. Thanks to all of you who posted links; this puts a new face on the "average" Allied soldier.
  19. Possibly she took my assassination of her in A.E.B's challenge a bit too seriously. Or maybe she has simply come to her senses. With luck she recognized that Seanachai doesn't really need a Queen. A personality implant, yes of course; but a Queen, certainly not. That goes for all the other pitiful, vile creatures trapped in that thread located on the wrong side of the tracks as well. YK2, wherever you are hiding, keep up the good work! There are programs to help people like you become valuable members of society again, after you've escaped the clutches of the foul PENGuins. I think it's pretty similar to the deprogramming for escaped cult members, for obvious reasons.
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