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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. But I don't want or need MasterGoodale's house. There's mice, mold and ants in it, and I'd probably run into MasterGoodale himself. You go and pick it up. Or is picking up houses strictly an Uberfinn thing ?</font>
  2. You win an honorary degree from the MasterGoodale School of Advanced Spelling, Pest-Extermination, Tactics, and Mold-Removal. Suitable for framing. All you have to do is drop by his house sometime and pick it up.
  3. Oh, so now the internet sites are finding out that you four guys are secretly behind Combat Mission, so now they start sucking up to you! We could have seen that coming a mile away!
  4. You should be working in tech support with your iron grasp on how a computer works. </font>
  5. Good morning, maggots! Another Monday morning after setting the clocks back an hour. I absolutely despise daylight saving time! The explanation for it is that it helps the farmers. Well, that was great when most people lived on farms, but it doesn't carry much weight now. Let the farmers wake up earlier if they want, but don't make us all reset our clocks twice a year. GRRRrrr!!! :mad: :mad: I didn't even turn my computer on yesterday, so any of you awaiting turns probably didn't receive any. I'll try to catch up tonight. Those are great family photos some of you are posting. Now we know what a few of you maggots actually look like. Makes me thankful for the internet, so I can stay far, far away from you.
  6. Either that, or the before and after pictures of his efforts to electrocute his latest herd of mice. Actually I thought the first picture looked like James Carville. I figured the second was James Carville after a few years of marriage to that stone faced, non-lip-moving wife of his. But then I saw they were starring together in K Street on HBO, so I guess it's not him.
  7. Whoa!! I have a busy day at work and look at the shambles this thread has become. A Finn, a Scot, a Canadian, and a New Zealander dominating this page, with only Snarker and MasterGoodale representing the US (and isn't that a sad state of affairs all by itself?) To the games. Snarker is pounding my Valentines with laser-guided AP shells. He's already KO'd a Matilda from about 1,000 meters. I suspect he's using something closer to an M1A1 than a 1940's era panzer. That's just a hunch. _UXcva and I have finished turn 29 of Soddball's 32-turn opus, Cheery Waffle 2. It seems more like turn 2,900. _UX's sailing schedule has slowed his turn rate, but as the Wisconsin rivers begin to freeze over he should get more gaming time. :eek: THumpre has finished 12 turns of the BDLRM, so he has 8 minutes remaining. He appears to have as much armor as any of the rest of you gamey toads who tried this assault (you know who you are). Now he's informed me he's waiting for his artillery barrage to begin. Wonderful news for my Germans! Becket is either waiting for me to send him a turn of more high explosive destruction, or he owes me the next turn. I have forgotten. His infantry is keeping a particularly low profile, obviously avoiding my StuH's for some strange reason. Axe is so busy self-publishing all the daily newspapers in Canada that his turns have been few and far between. For our infantry "knife fight" he gave me almost an entire handful of points to purchase units. My whole platoon of Soviets awaits his attack or assault, whichever it is. We're expecting much armor, artillery, and air support from his gamey side. Eleven days more with this sig line. I'm ready for a change.
  8. I don't see that there's any connection between one statement and the other. I don't believe that intimidating a twelve year old in a life-threatening situation qualifies as making a MAN out of anybody. Least of all the person doing it. I don't believe that expressing great anger qualifies, either. There's a lot more to being a man, or a human, than constant rage.
  9. Let me get this straight. You were 12 years old, crossing a lake alone by canoe in a storm, you were scared to death, losing control of your canoe, and your dad decided that was a good time to scream at you and threaten you? And he was the principal of your school, too? MasterGoodale, I take back anything nasty I ever said about you. It sounds to me like you've suffered enough.
  10. Ooooooh, that could explain a lot. Isn't he the guy who hit you with the oars? Did he do that to you at school, or just at home?
  11. What's the matter, all those halftracks with quad .50s not doing so well with 150 mm shells falling nearby? :cool: Well, since Seanachai is a bit on the peculiar side, I figure each of the Four Horsemen gets stuck with him for one quarter of the time. About a week per month would be nearing the "cruel and unusual punishment" forbidden by the Constitution. Of course, since some of the Four Horsemen are not US citizens, I say the more cruel and unusual punishment for them, the better! And what could be more cruel and unusual punishment than Sancho Seanachai as a constant companion? The "helmet full of curds" question I'll leave for a braver person than me to answer. :eek:
  12. Pardon me, Sancho, but does BFC pay you by the pound or by the cubic yard for this verbiage, or are these semi-coherent ramblings your charitable contribution to mankind? One suggestion - don't try to deduct anything on your taxes for this. I'll have you know the fine upstanding folk of the Cheery Waffle thread have never considered sacrificing MasterGoodale, figuring any deity would be highly offended. However, MasterGoodale is even now conducting his own personal war of extermination in his basement, and most of us in the Cheery Waffle expect the news of his demise to come any day. [ October 22, 2003, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  13. Man, are you the picky one. So you have to check out your victims and try to decipher their last thoughts? You prefer that fleeting pleasure to the pure joy of waking up one morning and finding that your devoted cats have brought you a present of a dead mouse, bird, rabbit, or something? You're cold hearted, even for a maggot.
  14. ooookkk... ummmm.... maybe it's time to just back away slowly and let the nice young men in clean white suits take care of this person. "Wet cleanup, aisle 5, wet cleanup, aisle 5..."</font>
  15. MasterGoodale, you dope, I have the perfect mousetrap for you. This trap disposes of the mouse completely, with no need for you to get rid of the carcasses. The trap is not electric, so it has no batteries, and it does not need to be plugged into an outlet, which may save you some shocks. There is no need to set this trap, as it is self guided and will actively seek out the mice. It is mobile, and will fit into places you can't reach. It has proven to be the ultimate mouse eliminator throughout the world. It is available almost anywhere. Chances are you have friends who own extras they would be glad to give you. Yes, MasterGoodale, the answer to your mouse problem is a <big>CAT!!</big> I suggest you get two, because they will catch twice as many mice and they will entertain each other. Just be sure to have them spayed or neutered. Unless you want lots of kittens, and/or males spraying all over your house, which is about like keeping a pet skunk.
  16. Good morning CMAK maggots!! I'm making this post to push other threads farther down Page 1. If my history is correct, World War 2 ended a little over 58 years ago. In my opinion, debates about the merits of WW2 generals are completely futile and narcissistic. They are about as self-absorbed as debating the military skills of Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great. The one common denominator for all of those famous generals today is that they are uniformly <big>DEAD and GONE!!</big> Sorry to be the one to break the bad news.
  17. I'm sure Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend would be touched. Sniper Panzer is right. Range over 1,100 meters and he gets a first shot kill on my brand spanking new lend lease scrap heap. I'll place the blame for this travesty squarely on Jim Boggs who got me started playing these cheap imitations of CMAK armor games. :mad: Thanks to all for the birthday messages. All were either appreciated or taken with a very large grain of salt, as appropriate. Soddball, I don't have any grandchildren, so slow down a bit. [ October 21, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  18. That vacation on Corfu really gave you an inflated ego, didn't it? To whom are you comparing yourself, the Greek fishermen who all look like Zorba? :eek: :eek: How exactly did that vacation go, anyway? Get on airplane in England, begin drinking. Land at Corfu, go to hotel, escalate drinking. Continue drinking seriously until time to get back on airplane. Drink moderately until airplane lands in England. Go home and drink some more. Next day vaguely remember vacation is over. Begin drinking heavily to forget. Sound about right? :confused:
  19. Ok, let´s see The Bodysnatchers, MIB and Matrix ?</font>
  20. I must admit, ever since your sordid episode with Cabron, you've ventured into aspects of "colorful" that I haven't seen before. Did having a personal stalker elevate you to godhood? He wasn't even particularly rabid or single-minded, as stalkers go. If Cabron's stalking qualified you as a god, what would a real, honest to goodness, dyed in the wool, psychopathic stalker do for you? Make you Master of the Universe or something? Or maybe you could even bump one of the current Four Horsemen and take his slot. Right now I have you pegged as a Sancho Panza wannabe, tagging along on your donkey behind four poor excuses for Don Quixotes. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  21. Haven't I seen some story on the internet about 55 year old hobos having their organs stolen? Now we know where to begin the search for the perpetrators. Anyone else "borrow" some 55 year old parts? Keke, I suspected you had an edge in wargaming experience. I just didn't realize how much!
  22. The <big>Cheery Waffle</big> thread, of course. Think of it as a lamp banishing the darkness. A silver lining for the dark clouds. A bottle opener for the thirsty. A smiling Graemlin in the middle of a groggish dissertation on penetration values. A thick layer of mulch to hold back the weeds of the Peng thread. Or maybe Axe was right after all. :eek:
  23. Where's Jim Boggs? I was counting on him to bring up the average. What a bunch of wet behind the ears pups! All of you need to show more respect to your elders.
  24. Come on you maggots, don't be shy. I'm 51 today and I can tell you people that life is getting to be more fun the older I get. I think all these people you've heard complaining about their aches and pains from getting old are feeling that way because they think they're supposed to. Personally, I'm still trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up. I keep waiting for that magical morning when I wake up and feel like an "adult", but I suspect it's not going to happen. Guess I've passed directly from my first childhood to my second childhood. Cool, and by cool I mean <big>totally sweet!!</big> Think about it: I get to talk directly with people from all over the world (even Canada :eek: ) on this forum and through the e-mail. This is a great time to be alive, and I think it's getting better and better. Optimist - you betcha!!
  25. Good morning, fellow maggots of the Cheery Waffle! It's a gorgeous morning here, and I took the day off from work because today is my <big>birthday!!</big> When you get into your 50's, taking a day to goof off and not do anything in particular is a wonderful present to yourself. I am officially 4 (count 'em, FOUR) years shy of full retirement. I believe I'm ready for retirement to start right now. Axe and Mike, the greatest thing about getting into areas that aren't so overpriced is that soon you gain even more equity. When we had our home appraised recently for the refinancing, we had gained $25,000 in value in one year. On top of that, we got to live in a brand new home for that year. That sure beats the stock market! Not much going on in the PBEMs. Jim Boggs and I finished our little armor battle. Snarker and I are looking for each other in another small battle on a large map. My Matilda is so slow it may never see a German, unless Snarker finds it. Becket and I are cautiously working our way into point-blank range in Abbott's new scenario. THumpre still has some turns left in the BDLRM. When he finishes I'll post some information about it. _UXcva and I are still trying to finish Cheery Waffle 2, the scenario that refuses to end. For some reason Axe has been very slow with his turns recently. I'm sure he has some lame excuse. Maybe I should check my e-mail before I post this...Naahhh!!! Edited to add that I had turns from THumpre, Snarker, and Axe waiting in my e-mail. <big>Doh!!</big> [ October 20, 2003, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
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