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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Axe, I didn't realize you were moving to a different town. Any particular reason? Do you still have the same job? Anyway, congratulations on your move and your new home. I hope you and Paula love the new house. One suggestion - don't hang pictures on the walls for the first couple of months. Lots of people rush right into that without having spent time in the house. Give yourself a little time, so you'll know where to hang your favorite pictures. Trust me on this, and save yourself aggravation down the road. Dear Paula, please let Axe come out and play with the Cheery Waffle maggots. We'll send him back home after he's taken some serious beatings of his ego.
  2. We're perfectly willing to allow you to say that, anytime you like. Say it loud and say it proud. Another round of the BDLRM has now ended in a tactical victory for the heroic and sadly abused defenders!! I must be getting better with the practice. Public Service Announcement: I owe any success I ever achieve in Combat Mission to Axe, Mike, mike_the_wino, suave Teddy Windsor, Keke, MasterGoodale, Jim Boggs, Crow, the gone walkabout Prinz Eugen, Becket, Snarker, Shosties4th, WallyBob, _UXcve, 86smopuim, GrumpyBear, THumpre, and all the other maggots who have already beaten me, are currently beating me, or who will beat me sometime in the future. All of you constantly push me to get better, and you give me inspiration, because I plan to eventually <big>CRUSH</big> each and every one of you!! <big>GRARGHRAGGRAGHRAGRHARRHGRAH!!</big> :mad: :mad:
  3. Aren't you shocked, shocked to find wit in the Cheery Waffle? I assume you mean redeem in the sense we used to collect Green Stamps and Top Value Stamps to redeem for valuable stuff. Seems like that's how I got my first baseball glove. So what are you saving to redeem me? Empty bottles? Worn out bottle openers? Tons of empty aluminum cans? Just curious, because you don't see much redeeming any more.
  4. What do you expect the doctor to do, replace those last few brain cells that you fried with your mousetrap? Sorry MG, but I think you've managed to do yourself in. On the other hand, you are spelling "pus" correctly now, so there is improvement. Maybe shock therapy was exactly what you needed all along.
  5. Even that fails to keep out the curious - and who is more curious than Seanachai? Of all the threads in all of the BFC site, why does he constantly keep stumbling into this one? Hey, that actually has a CMAK-related/North African ring to it! Don't tell me, Seanachai: you came to the Cheery Waffle thread for the waters, right? After playing some all-armor CMBB games versus Jim Boggs, I'm really looking forward to the dust clouds CMAK will introduce. We've been using the steppe as a stand-in for the desert, and with only 5 tanks on a large map it's easy to stay concealed, even when moving. Once tanks can't sneak up on you, the anti-tank guns should really come into their own! :eek:
  6. Good morning, all you maggots out there in Cheery Waffle Land! Axe, my friend, what can I say? How many years can you get your hopes up, only to watch someone (usually the Yankees) rip your heart out? Even when the Red Sox were ahead 4-0, and Roger Clemens was taken out of the game, did you feel confident? Or could you feel the dark clouds gathering? Believe me, I feel your pain. Let's see, to the games. My British tanks are smacking Jim Boggs' panzers around the steppe, on the rare occasions he comes out of his smoke screen. Snarker and I just started another all-armor game. _UXcva and I are still plodding through Cheery Waffle 2. We're on turn 28 of 32+, and I'm confidently expecting more reinforcements. GrumpyBear and THumpre are still trying to break the BDLRM defense, but time is running out for them. Becket has shown up with American armor to defend against my Germans, which really psyched me out. I keep looking for bazooka teams. Last of all, Axe sent me a setup last night while his beloved Sox were winning. I haven't looked yet to see what kind of gamey thing he has tossed in my general direction. I'll wait until this evening to start, in sympathy for his shattered hopes and dreams for another season. By the way, I thought I would brag a little to you guys that Becky and I are refinancing our home at a cool 4 1/8 percent interest rate. We close next week!
  7. Well, if the Red Sox can pull something really stupid tonight to blow Game 7 to the Yankees, that would cheer me up. That was kind of a rant, wasn't it? I'll place all the blame squarely on mike_the_wino, even though he was gracious enough to send us a wonderful gift. Okay, I'll take out the "Mouth-breathing" part and just call him a wine-soaked football-zombie maggot.
  8. You left out Canada, Cuba, Central America, and part of South America, mister know-it-all. If you were coherent enough, you would remember that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, one of the proofs that Russians were in Cuba was the appearance of new soccer fields. Before then, it was strictly baseball, baseball, and more baseball. If only Fidel Castro's pitching skills had been good enough to make the big leagues. Ooooh, the Vikings. I can see where your interest in the Vikings lies. How did they manage to get enough players out of the DUI tanks in Minnesota to field a team? Or do the police only arrest drunk players between seasons? Do you want to talk about the impact the NFL has made all over the world? They haven't been able to get the Canadian Football League to play by the same rules, or even on the same sized field. How many NFL players weren't born in the US? Any at all? Worldwide, the sport isn't even called football, it's called American football. So much for the "exporting". Mouth-breathing wine-soaked football-zombie maggot! :mad: :mad:
  9. Good afternoon, maggots!! I've now officially completed my 12 hours of mourning for that cosmic scrap of pure heartbreak that goes by the name of <big>Chicago Cubs</big>. Why do I let myself get attached to that team? Their ineptitude makes the Red Sox look like over-achievers. They're like the Little Engine that Could, saying "I think I can, I think I can", getting to within a few feet of the mountaintop, and then rolling back down the tracks. Each time I just want to give them that final push to get to the summit. But they never (since 1945) get there. It's exactly the same story as the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus. Amazingly, I can't even work up any anger towards the team. Each failure makes them that much more endearing, because they're trying so hard. So, like all true Cub believers, all I can say is <big>Wait 'til next year!!</big>
  10. Well, if you posted here more often, then we would have a regular who is playing CMAK. But I suppose you'd rather play the game than post on the forum. By the way, that wasn't you by any chance sitting down the left field line at Wrigley Field last night, was it? How is the mood in Chicago today? Grim? Nasty? :mad: Kiwi's? Does that mean their infamous "tank" we've seen pictured on the forums will make it into the game? Are there any plans to do another Fort Knox tour sometime? CMAK is going to rekindle the interest in all of that cool American hardware again. Abbott, are you giving us your secrets on scenario creation? It all sounds very zen to me.
  11. Somebody give Brother Snarker an <big>AMEN!!</big> Hallelujah, brothern and sistern! Snarker, how is it that after all this time, we have yet to meet on the field of battle? Would you feel uncomfortable flogging someone who has lost to MasterGoodale? How about trying one of Jim Boggs' little CMAK-lite tank duels?
  12. Good morning, CMAK maggots! I realize nobody who's a regular in this thread is actually playing CMAK yet. Details, details. If we were going to allow ourselves to get bogged down in minutia like that, there might not even be a Cheery Waffle. Then where would we be? Where would obviously repressed Penguins go to let off steam? What threads would be safe from the howling lunatic who is MasterGoodale? :eek: :eek: So don't be shy. Who needs to be playing CMAK before corrupting the moral fiber and intelligence level of the entire CMAK forum? Who needs multi-turreted tanks to keep pushing grog threads further down the forum page? Not me. And not you, either!! Thank you very much.
  13. NEVER, <big>NEVER</big> believe that score during the game. It doesn't mean a thing until the game is over.
  14. Well, MasterGoodale (the renovating maggot) and I actually started the battle you created as a one-of-a-kind. I liked the map and the balanced force selection for the Germans so much I decided to use it for the BDLRM. So actually our game was not part of the BDLRM, but on the same map with the same German defense. Which means that earlier I was lying through my teeth to MasterGoodale. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Still two ongoing fights in the BDLRM. So far the single Major Victory is looking tough to beat. GrumpyBear and THumpre still have a shot. When I do the "Son of BDLRM" later, my plan is to set up in a more easily defensible position. I'm thinking along the lines of Monte Cassino, or the Kasserine Pass. THEN we'll see how you assaulting maggots like it!
  15. So how do you like the new sig MasterGoodale has given me for the next three weeks? I thought it was a little pushy for a 56-44 minor victory, but since it's as much a cheap shot at Becket as it is to me, why not? Anyway, it's not like anybody important will see it here.
  16. To make you show your teeth. It worked, too! Cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet! Maggot.
  17. Jim, that's spelled <big>Pusssss, maggot. Ain't you got no edjukashun? Quite correct there. The Surgeon General has determined that extended exposure (more than a minute) to MasterGoodale has harmful side effects. The exposure doesn't actually kill you, but you may want to kill yourself to end it. :eek:
  18. Axe, since some of the Cheery Waffle maggots may have limits on the size of e-mails they can receive, I would prefer to have your pictures on a web site. Also, then even those not of the elect of the Cheery Waffle can marvel at your lovely wife Paula, who chose you from among the half-dozen or so eligible bachelors in Canada without mannequins in their living rooms!
  19. You mean "Wake Island - Alamo of the Pacific"?? I saw a minute or two. "Non-history-knowing??" Personally I'm not into glamorizing defeats as something more than what they were. Sure the Marines fought heroically. When you're left isolated to defend a tiny island, putting up any fight is heroic. Most of the island garrisons in the Pacific war fought heroically. Did any of them actually stop the invaders? Not one that I know of.
  20. Becket and Jim Boggs, I went to a local U-pick farm Sunday afternoon with some friends. They had a big tent set up and a crowd of people listening to music and eating. The band from Louisville was playing German/polka music, and everyone was eating bratwurst and drinking beer and having a good time. It was a whole lot like the Catholic church picnics all over Louisville (many, many German and Irish Catholics here), but without the gambling. Anyway, what song should they play but Rocky Top! If you have never heard guys with southern accents in a polka band play and sing Rocky Top, you've really missed out. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  21. Thirty days is no problem, since you were all of a percent or two from a draw. If my unhurt green AT gun crew would have moved, instead of cowering in their trench, we would have had a draw. But noooo, they had to wait around and get themselves captured!! Talk about maggots!! GRRRRRRRRrrrrr!!! :mad: :mad: Just think of something with a somewhat higher level of intelligence than you would find scribbled on the stall of a public restroom. Please. Otherwise, I may have to call on my friend Becket for some sig line counsel.
  22. Good morning, fellow maggots of the Cheery Empire!! That previous thread must have been locked minutes after this one started. Again! Mike, don't sell yourself short. I'm sure if you really put your mind to it that you could do <big>much</big> worse than me. So Seanachai's been into the wine again, has he? Otherwise how could he have missed the Cheery Waffle thread in the CMAK forum? Or maybe he just has difficulty comprehending words longer than p-e-n-g. I'd volunteer for duty as Seanachai's personal stalker, but I can't follow him into that thread where he spends 99% of his time. :eek: I'm now down to PBEMs with Jim Boggs, _UXcva, Becket, THumpre, and GrumpyBear. Jim and I have our pseudo-CMAK battle in high gear, with my Valentines and Matildas mixing it up with his Pz IIIs. Valentines appear to have an unusual armor arrangement, with the upper hull front having the thinnest armor. Is it gamey to fight an entire battle with my tanks moving in reverse? Mike_the_gamey, can I get a ruling? :confused: _UXcva and I are still in the throes of Cheery Waffle version 2.0, and we're approaching the end. Many fires are burning, which is par for the course when playing a Soddball scenario. Speaking of whom, welcome back to reality Soddball. How was life in the 15'th century? THumpre and GrumpyBear are both fighting the BDLRM. It's going to be tough for either of them to gain a Major Victory like one BDLRM player has accomplished. Unfortunately, it's not impossible. Becket and I are just into an Abbott scenario which is in early testing. After one whole turn all of my men are still in one piece. I think I'll go for the cease fire now!
  23. Were they angry because it was turn 20 of 20 and they could see that nice looking flag in the background? Actually I must give credit where credit is due. MasterGoodale has finished the BDLRM and has added another Minor Defeat to my record. Congratulations to MasterGoodale!! There are two games left to complete. I have a Major Defeat(75-25), a Tactical Defeat(69-31), two Minor Defeats(64-36 and 56-44), and a Draw(54-46). I'm beginning to think I may have been outgunned a little too much to hold the Soviet tide back. I'm anxious to get any feedback from the players on how they would have set up the same defending units. Anyone willing to help? I'll send the setup so you can see the terrain and units available.
  24. Thanks, Keke. Obviously sarcasm is lost on you. I'll keep my mouth shut from now on, before I give you any more terrible ideas. :eek: :mad:
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