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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Because this is be kind to animals month and I am being kind to you. Send me a setup. Whoo-hoo — 10 games and counting. Am I making up for lost time or what? P.S. I will be away from home from Wednesday to Sunday so no turns for any of you. Fa-la-la-la-la-GA-RA-GA-GA!! Dons Soddball now his gay apparel Fa-la-la-la-la-GA-RA-GA-GA!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  2. That's "Special" in the same sense as Special Education and Special Olympics, you maggot. Why aren't we playing CMAK? All the rest of you maggots are every bit as Special as Axe. The <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>, of course, are even more Special, just like my old PBEM buddy Veteran Gamer/Headshot/Poor Old Spike/ad nauseum. Bah, humbug!
  3. That's "Special" in the same sense as Special Education and Special Olympics, you maggot. Why aren't we playing CMAK? All the rest of you maggots are every bit as Special as Axe. The <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>, of course, are even more Special, just like my old PBEM buddy Veteran Gamer/Headshot/Poor Old Spike/ad nauseum. Bah, humbug!
  4. Okay, so I have crashed and burned in my very first CMAK PBEM! So what else is new? Jim Boggs and his gamey Italians absolutely shredded my pitiful Brits in Clash of Titans. For some reason my guns seemed to attract Italian hits by the dozen. Almost half of my guns were knocked out in the first three or four turns. As time went on, gamey Jim then knocked the armor out, getting some really nice explosions in the process. On the bright side, my surviving tank crews spent most of the scenario hiding at the wadi, so they won't be thirsty for a while. Speaking of gamey Jim, your question in the other thread said, and I quote <font size=4>"IF</font size=4> two peacocks lay two eggs in two days". Don't come skulking back later and say that peacocks don't lay eggs. Unlike the other maggots and <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> mental midgets here, I'm perfectly aware that peahens lay eggs - not that anyone cares. :eek: Soddball, has the pace picked up in your game with Seanachai, or is he still doing the MasterGoodale shuffle to avoid sending turns? Mike, I'll have to call my internet provider and ask why your e-mails are now coming through. I thought I had you screened out!
  5. Okay Jim, figuring these are smart-alec questions, I'll take a shot: 1. 1 3/7 2. 2 3. None 4. Same as short cows? 5. The side of her head? 6. February? 7. None 8. Produce 9. ? 10. ?
  6. Okay Jim, figuring these are smart-alec questions, I'll take a shot: 1. 1 3/7 2. 2 3. None 4. Same as short cows? 5. The side of her head? 6. February? 7. None 8. Produce 9. ? 10. ?
  7. For that reason, I plan to keep supporting BFC with my purchases for a LONG LONG time. As far as I'm concerned, you guys have built a level of customer satisfaction beyond most retailers' wildest dreams. Quality products, reasonable prices, and paying attention to your customers equal long-term product loyalty. Have you guys considered building cars?
  8. Hot wind from the East swirling through the Waffle Thread; Don't sue me for this. Sorry, maggots, but Becket drove me back to unrestricted haiku warfare. I will also have to take it out of the hides of his doomed Soviet troops in our PBEM, if his Yak would ever leave. :mad: I'm happy to report that in my reverse-BDLRM game versus the gamey mike_the_wino, he is already whining (on turn 2) about the weak German anti-tank guns. Well, duh!! Like I didn't notice how ineffective they were against KVs and T-34s in seven games. Of course, I'm sure the same guns would rule the desert against the British/American cardboard armor. Lurkur and I are finishing the Ghetto Uprising scenario. What a depressing battle! Rune, that had to be one of the real tragedies of the war. Your scenario has made that abundantly clear to both Lurkur and me. Jewish partisans in Warsaw fighting the occupying German army with no possible outside help, and certain death the only possible outcome. The German soldiers dying while killing civilians who were no threat to Germany, and only pushed to armed revolt by an insane political decision. Sheer madness, with no glory for anyone. As for CMAK, is there anyone not waiting for a turn from me? That is, anyone other than Mike, whom I have successfully eliminated from my e-mail server. I'd hate to think I've accidentally slipped up and sent a turn recently. It just wouldn't do to treat any of you so well. I don't want you maggots getting soft and complacent.
  9. Hot wind from the East swirling through the Waffle Thread; Don't sue me for this. Sorry, maggots, but Becket drove me back to unrestricted haiku warfare. I will also have to take it out of the hides of his doomed Soviet troops in our PBEM, if his Yak would ever leave. :mad: I'm happy to report that in my reverse-BDLRM game versus the gamey mike_the_wino, he is already whining (on turn 2) about the weak German anti-tank guns. Well, duh!! Like I didn't notice how ineffective they were against KVs and T-34s in seven games. Of course, I'm sure the same guns would rule the desert against the British/American cardboard armor. Lurkur and I are finishing the Ghetto Uprising scenario. What a depressing battle! Rune, that had to be one of the real tragedies of the war. Your scenario has made that abundantly clear to both Lurkur and me. Jewish partisans in Warsaw fighting the occupying German army with no possible outside help, and certain death the only possible outcome. The German soldiers dying while killing civilians who were no threat to Germany, and only pushed to armed revolt by an insane political decision. Sheer madness, with no glory for anyone. As for CMAK, is there anyone not waiting for a turn from me? That is, anyone other than Mike, whom I have successfully eliminated from my e-mail server. I'd hate to think I've accidentally slipped up and sent a turn recently. It just wouldn't do to treat any of you so well. I don't want you maggots getting soft and complacent.
  10. I'll talk to my provider all right. I'll see if I can add some more e-mail addresses to this blocking list. To start, anybody from Canada, Finland, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, and the DC area. That should thin out the useless e-mail I get from you slithering maggots! Mike, thanks for straightening out that little scenario confusion. I couldn't find an e-mail to you in my sent folder with a CMAK scenario, and I was afraid I was even more out of touch with reality than I thought. I'm glad to know it was all Axe's fault! It just shows what a disservice the Canadian postal system has done by ever delivering that CMAK CD to Axe. Snarker and Axe for Battlefront man of the year? I'll have to see what that really means. Too bad Kitty wasn't around to meet the legendary MasterGoodale!
  11. I'll talk to my provider all right. I'll see if I can add some more e-mail addresses to this blocking list. To start, anybody from Canada, Finland, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, and the DC area. That should thin out the useless e-mail I get from you slithering maggots! Mike, thanks for straightening out that little scenario confusion. I couldn't find an e-mail to you in my sent folder with a CMAK scenario, and I was afraid I was even more out of touch with reality than I thought. I'm glad to know it was all Axe's fault! It just shows what a disservice the Canadian postal system has done by ever delivering that CMAK CD to Axe. Snarker and Axe for Battlefront man of the year? I'll have to see what that really means. Too bad Kitty wasn't around to meet the legendary MasterGoodale!
  12. Sorry fellow maggots, but I don't think I would care to see a movie of Clint Eastwood turning a stoat into a Chia pet. Speaking of sod, that reminds me of the story of the Kentuckian/Ohioan/Pennsylvanian/Kiwi/Finn/Canadian/English/Californian/Floridian laborer who was laying sod in a new yard. A passerby heard him muttering something under his breath, over and over, each time he unrolled the sod. The passerby went up closer to him, and could tell he was repeating the same three syllables, but still couldn't make it out. Finally he asked the guy what he was saying. The worker replied that his boss (probably a Hoosier) made him repeat this phrase whenever he was laying sod "Green side up!"
  13. Sorry fellow maggots, but I don't think I would care to see a movie of Clint Eastwood turning a stoat into a Chia pet. Speaking of sod, that reminds me of the story of the Kentuckian/Ohioan/Pennsylvanian/Kiwi/Finn/Canadian/English/Californian/Floridian laborer who was laying sod in a new yard. A passerby heard him muttering something under his breath, over and over, each time he unrolled the sod. The passerby went up closer to him, and could tell he was repeating the same three syllables, but still couldn't make it out. Finally he asked the guy what he was saying. The worker replied that his boss (probably a Hoosier) made him repeat this phrase whenever he was laying sod "Green side up!"
  14. I know Axe, in his youthful exuberance, has started a new thread. I just want to keep the entire BDLRM results in the same thread. Maggots! The seventh, and final, BDLRM challenger was 86smopuim. He assaulted with one SMG company, one recon C company, five DP LMGs, two Maxims, two PTRD AT rifles, five tank hunter teams, five 50 mm mortars, two 82 mm mortars, one FO (82 mm mortars), one FO (122 mm), and two T-34 M43 platoons. We fought to a draw. Unlike everyone else, 86smopuim sent almost all of his armor against my left flank. His infantry attacked from the right and in the center toward the factory. I discovered the terrain to the left was more easily defensible against tanks, and destroyed all of his armor. Unfortunately, his excessive TNT chucking and his armor played havoc with my infantry. 86smopuim and Teddy Windsor were the only opponents who kept me from holding any of the VLs at game's end. He caused 88 casualties, more than anyone else. However, since I caused 79 casualties and eliminated his armor, I had enough points for a 54-46 draw. And they all lived happily ever after. The end!
  15. The sixth adversary for the BDLRM challenge was THumpre, who also came from a "Who's the Worst Commander?" thread. He assaulted my overmatched Germans with one Guards 43 company, one recon C platoon, one pioneer platoon, three DP LMGs, one Maxim, one flamethrower, one tank hunter team, one 50 mm mortar, one FO (76.2 mm), six T-34 M43s, one KV-IS, one SU-122, one M3 Scout Car, and a partridge in a pear tree! We fought to a draw, largely because it took him a while to get his troops into the fight. The only actual infantry fight was around the factory, and THumpre was reluctant to commit his armor to an all-out attack on my dug-in infantry (which had worked so well for Teddy and Mike). He caused 32 German casualties and took one prisoner, but I managed to hang on for a 55-45 draw. Next: 86smopuim
  16. It's a good thing they didn't mail the Thompsons from the US to Canada, or they would still be waiting for them! With apologies to Axe
  17. My fifth BDLRM challenger was none other than mike_the_wino. He assaulted with one Guards 43 company, one recon platoon, two DP LMGs, two Maxims, one FO (76.2 mm), seven T-34 M43s, a KV-I M41, an SU-122, and an M3 Scout Car. M_t_w won a minor victory by dividing his armor, approaching the defenders from three directions. The only thing that saved me from a worse disaster was his armor spent too much time shooting infantry to make it to the large VL. On the lighter side (sort of), one of his T-34s managed to kill a HMG team which had already surrendered to him. He caused 72 casualties, enough for a 64-36 victory. :mad: Next: THumpre
  18. Good Morning, or Afternoon, or Evening, or Night (whichever applies) Fellow Maggots of Cheery Waffledom!! Perfect timing, Mike. I see you posted this last night while I was watching Monday Night Football, although you were at work on Tuesday morning. Now I am at work on Tuesday for the next eight hours, while you are at home Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, waiting for a setup. As usual, we're off to a fast start. A moment of pure paternal bragging - Saturday morning my lovely, brilliant daughter Anne graduated (in only seven semesters) from Francis Marion University with her BA in Journalism. The same morning, my beautiful, brilliant daughter-in-law Sarah graduated from Western Kentucky University with her Masters in Speech Pathology. Congratulations to my two girls, of whom I am very, very proud! On a totally unrelated note, I read something in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread which I feel compelled to bring to your attention. Kitty posted a link back to the original thread, and there I found this bit of deathless prose. See if this makes any sense to you: Did you notice that this is one single sentence? :eek: It's concise writing like this which has weighed down the <font size=1>MBT</font size=1> like tons of ballast, until it has sunk beneath the sheer volume of meaningless verbiage.
  19. Thanks for not noticing you maggot. :mad: Wish me luck at the mailbox tonight — eight hours to go. </font>
  20. Fourth up for the BDLRM challenge was GrumpyBear, whom I met on a "Who's the Worst Commander?" thread. His assault forces included two Guards 43 companies, three sharpshooters, two tank hunter teams, two BA-64 ACs, two T-34 M43 platoons, and one SU-122 platoon. I managed a tactical victory for the defense, in spite of having one gun-damaged Pz IV and one undamaged infantry squad leave the map. Maybe I should have tried more of that particular tactic. Anyway, GrumpyBear was forced to use his infantry more than most of the other players, because for a change my tanks and AT guns fought quite effectively. He caused 43 German casualties, but I inflicted 56 and destroyed 6 AFVs, enough for a 64-36 Axis victory. Next: mike_the_wino
  21. Thanks for not noticing you maggot. :mad: Wish me luck at the mailbox tonight — eight hours to go. </font>
  22. Good Monday Morning to each "soft-bodied legless grub that is the larva of a dipterous insect (as the housefly)" in Cheery Waffleville! Except for Mike, who's already to Wednesday or Thursday. He's our only Kiwi. :mad: :mad: </font>
  23. My third opponent in the BDLRM challenge was our favorite Kiwi, Mike. His assault forces included one Guards 43 company, two pioneer platoons, one tank hunter team, one 76.2 mm M27/39 gun, one FO (120 mm mortars), two FO (82 mm rockets) and three T-34 M43 platoons. Mike won a tactical victory, and the second-highest BDLRM score, by chucking TNT like there was no tomorrow. On the very first turn a rocket barrage landed, fortunately scattering all over the map. He sent in two groups of T-34s, one platoon which shelled the factory, the second group (of six tanks) held back in overwatch. After KOing my tanks, he covered my entire position with smoke and charged with his own armor. My AT guns and Marder, which I had kept hidden, fared miserably against his T-34s at close range. His tanks then fired a lot of cannister into my infantry. He caused 76 German casualties while only taking 19 (least of any attacker), enough for a 69-31 victory. :mad: Next: GrumpyBear
  24. That is quite correct. Keke made several ill-advised (Goodale-esque, even) attempts to close with the Soviets in the last couple of minutes. My troops were then defending the two VLs, which were in a church and a pile of rubble. With three T-34s, three Maxims, plus the infantry defenders, his troops couldn't get close. Keke, the scenario said the first choice was AI Allies versus the human Axis player, but it also said the second choice was two-player. Put on plenty of sunscreen for the Sahara.
  25. The second player to take up the BDLRM challenge was our own suave Teddy Windsor. He assaulted with two Guards 43 companies, one DP LMG, one FO (82 mm mortars), a T-34 M43 platoon, a KV-IS platoon, and an SU-122 platoon. Teddy won a major victory, and indeed the entire BDLRM by blasting away with his armor from the very first turn. His massed tanks quickly took out my tanks and the ineffective AT guns, while his assault guns almost leveled the factory. He then turned his armor loose to rampage against my infantry, while his own infantry followed up, picking off dazed survivors. He caused 79 casualties and captured 1 man, enough for a 75-25 victory. :mad: Next: Mike/Stalin's Organ
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