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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. I can't decide if I should be insulted, or if I should thank The Green Rascal for the suggestion of getting a job as an extra on TV. We'd all better get agents! If you think the people here are idiots, go look at the PENG thread (currently titled "...The Peng Thread Has Been Challenged"). As if everyone didn't already know the PENGuins were challenged in so many ways; although through no fault of their own, I'm sure. That's where you'll find real idiots, not the pseudo-idiots here now that MasterGoodale has flown the coop.
  2. Now that's my kind of Champion!! Maggot Jim, get out there and show PENGuin Jim who's boss! I have the utmost confidence in you. For once.
  3. <font size=+2>Pardon the Interruption</font size=+2> On this, the official day of Thanksgiving in the USA, I'm taking a moment to express my thanks to BTS/BFC for creating the games which have brought this amazingly diverse community together. I'm sure when these talented men had the inspiration to develop "The Best Wargames Ever", they could not have foreseen side effects like the Cheery Waffle and the Peng threads, not to mention the General Forum. For each of you gentlemen, and ladies, who populate these forums, I thank you for being part of my life. We've shared news of marriages and illnesses, births and deaths. Whether we like it or not, we really are a community. Special thanks to those of you I have had the great pleasure to play in PBEMs. I can honestly say the e-mail conversations with you mean far more than the results of the games themselves. I'm looking forward to continually widening that circle of friends. So, whether this is a national day of thanks in your particular country or not, <font size=+4>Happy Thanksgiving!!</font size=+4>
  4. Ewww. Are you suggesting The Waffle is the cess for The Cess? I prefer to think the strong regain their senses and fight against the rush of the inflow to reach us. Kinda like turd Salmon... :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  5. Yes. Maggot! What happened to Lurkur? Did they flush him over in that other place? :confused:
  6. So who read it to you, maggot? Are you here spying for YK2, mike_the_squire? :mad: :mad:
  7. Would one of you brave souls who is not concerned about catching some kind of intestinal parasite from the peng thread please inform Leeo that while they may have Cherry Waffles there, we have genuine <big>CHEERY WAFFLES</big> here!
  8. Lurkur, although I have been repeatedly beaten senseless by most of the Cheery Wafflers, I figure it falls to me to repond to your challenge. The least of the Wafflers versus the least of the kaniggits, if you will. Since my supervisor frowns on my setting up new games here at work, I will have to wait until this evening to send a setup. Mind you, it will be in CMBB, as I didn't download the CMAK demo. Any preferences? How about one of Jim Boggs' 50+ turn battles?
  9. Soddball, don't forget, as soon as you get your CMAK CD we have a standing appointment to meet somewhere in the Med for a long-overdue battle to the death. In the meantime, I've been reading some of your posts in the peng thread and I think you are working too hard to keep your emotions in check. I know as an Englishman you take pride in keeping a "stiff upper lip". Why not just once open up and tell them what you really think? It appears that your challenge to the self-proclaimed "peng-god" Seanachai has frightened the wee gnome into hiding. Now his running dog lackeys are trying to talk themselves into the courage to stand up to you and the rest of Cheery Waffle Land. I think if MasterGoodale were to make a strafing run over there, chucking his molten TNT, hatred, and attitude in his inimitable style, they'd all wet their Depends.
  10. <font size=+2>Good Morning, Cheery (not Cherry) Waffle Maggots and other poetry lovers</font size=+2> Ooooh, I remember this scene from "Taras Bulba". The Polish general extended his hand, and Yul Brynner chopped it right off. So be careful, Soddball, those PENGuins can be very spiteful. For any lost PENGuin who has blundered in here looking for raw fish entrails, this is for you:
  11. I think there was something about free Lone Star Beer. Axe got so excited he repeated himself. Keke, great to see you again. Now that the sun is down for the next six or eight months, how about another CMBB PBEM? I've almost gotten over the last beating you and your Finns administered. Mike, a quick look at the PENG thread shows that most of the posts are from Australians. Apparently they got the national batteries recharged and the forum members have electricity again.
  12. Teddy, thanks. Unfortunately my Jefferson Airplane collection is at home. On the other hand, there are lots of ways to get away from it all. Maybe I'll try some of Axe's poetry gig: Clouds of dark gloom flee Island man confounds a gnome: PENGuin not so tough Or maybe this: Hot wind from the Pool Does a brave spirit come forth- No, just more hot wind Hey, this is fun: While cherry blossoms Stir in the time of rebirth, Smelly Pool dries up What do you think, Axe, will I ever get the hang of this?
  13. I just read the "Disappointed in CMAK" thread. Seanachai, please do not take my previous post as a personal attack. I don't want to start something to get yet another thread locked. Good thread titles shouldn't be wasted. Fellow maggots, once again I have sinned. I expressed an opinion in the General Forum and have been accused and convicted of "scoring political points" from dead American soldiers. That was not my intention. I ask the forgiveness of anyone who interpreted in such a negative manner anything I posted. As penance I'll stay out of the GF - again.
  14. <big>Good Morning, Maggots (and visiting maggots)</big> It's painfully obvious that Seanachai is feeling the increasing pressure of the Cheery Waffle threads. His latest message, urging the exodus of the Maggots to the Mostly Bombastic Thread (MBT), is clearly a gambit born of sheer desperation. Is there anyone so dim as to abandon a thread of complete self-reliance for one which boasts of its mistreatment of newcomers? Well, yes, there's mike_the_wino/squire, but I think that he really proves my point.
  15. BFC has stated on many, many occasions that they have no interest in the Pacific Theater. I'd say that the new engine may make it possible for modders to do justice to the Pacific fighting. Do not look for a Pacific game from BFC.
  16. Good morning, maggots! Winter made its first appearance last night. Yesterday afternoon the temperature was in the 70s, clear skies, windy and beautiful. This morning the temperature is 36, the wind chill is 26, the sky is leaden. So, naturally, at 7:40 AM (10 minutes after starting work) the fire alarm goes off. Fortunately, I am assigned to stay on the second floor with an elderly woman who is not able to manage stairs. I saw no smiling faces as the other shivering people huddled out in the parking lot. After that excitement, I get here and find Soddball, far from giving Seanachai the beating he so richly deserves, sending coded so-called "English" messages to YK2. No wonder Professor Henry Higgins made his lament about proper English that "In America, they haven't used it for years." Turns were few and far between over the weekend. Mike's elderly Germans are all running away from my SMG squads and M-17, which does a wonderful job of motivating hidden units to reveal themselves. Becket changed e-mail addresses on me, which I discovered when my turn kept coming back as undeliverable. I was hoping to see if my flamethrower, which just torched a Sherman, could do the same to an SU-152. The Sherman made a wonderful explosion! Stikkypixie was too busy playing CMAK to send a CMBB turn, even though our tanks finally engaged at reasonable range. 86smopuim has a squad of German/Koreans trying to draw fire from my Soviets (I'll let him explain). THumpre must have been enjoying the California weather too much to play CMBB. Jim Boggs is either still downloading CMAK, or has been coerced by Mrs. Boggs into another period of inactivity. :mad:
  17. <font size=+5>OPUS IS BACK!!</font size=+5> Sorry for the lack of posts today. This has been a day I never expected to see, when Opus the penguin again appears in the Sunday comics. I am filled with joy and delight. For any of you infants or foreigners who may not know, Opus was a central character in Berkeley Breathed's classic "Bloom County" comic strip. During the 1980s this was a strip which mixed equal doses of intelligence and sharp wit into an amazing concoction. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Breathed's work, go immediately to amazon.com and get your hands on one of his collections. This strip was as popular then as "Dilbert" is today, appearing in something like 1,300 newspapers. When he decided to retire the "Bloom County" strip in the late 80s, there was a major feeling of the loss nationwide. Welcome back Opus! We'll see if other former "Bloom County" denizens return, like Steve Dallas the shyster attorney, and Bill the Cat with his serious hairball problem. If today's first strip is any indication, Berke Breathed is ready to make up for lost time. Lord knows there is enough to satirize.
  18. Soddball, the word on the street is there's a challenge between you at kneeling height vs. the ubergnome in CMAK. I don't suppose we can really call this a "Battle of Titans", since both contestants seem to be vertically challenged for various reasons. On the other hand, from all indications both contestants are, shall we say, Combat Mission challenged, too. So it appears to be a fair fight. We appear to have two "champions" (snicker) battling for the "honor" (snort) of the CMAK Forum challenge threads. Sorry, but it sounds even more ridiculous seeing it in print. Soddball versus Seanachai - the phrase rolls easily off the tongue. Soddball, creator of such awful scenarios as Inferno and Cheery Waffle. Seanachai, author of far too many messages of poems, songs, and ramblings best left unwritten. :mad: Could this be a struggle of epic proportions, which will be discussed in chatrooms and forums all over the internet for years to come? Or will this turn into the biggest dud since the Y2K (not YK2) fiasco? Time alone will tell. Gentlemen, and I use the term very, very, loosely, I salute you both. May the best (or maybe the least worst) man win!
  19. <font size=+2>Listen up, maggots, if you can drag your sorry selves out of the sandbox for a moment. :mad: </font> I'm waiting on turns from Stikkypixie, Mike, Becket, THumpre, and 86smopuim, not to mention a setup from Jim Boggs. All of these PBEMs are from the Eastern Front. If you think I owe you a turn instead, please let me know. If you're so wrapped up in CMAK that you can't bear to go back to CMBB, please let me know. If you're going to pull a MinisterGoodale and just disappear for weeks at a time, please let me know so I can surrender and go on to something else. :mad: Okay, back into the dust, maggots! :mad:
  20. Have you lost those last couple of brain cells? Maybe it was the sun in Corfu, or the nights of wild passion with the Greek women who made Zorba look feminine. Whatever the reason, stop a minute and consider the can of worms you are opening here. Having YK2 visit Cheery Waffle land sometimes is pleasant, as she is the pinnacle of good taste (except for that Nicholas Cage thing). It's no surprise she was made queen of the PENGuins; she towers over them in all ways. Rune's visits were tolerable because he was harrassing Axe, which is always a fine idea, and generally a good thing. If you convince Seanachai to relocate, think of the flotsam and jetsam of humanity who could follow. People from Ohio, for example. Creatures from the wilds of Minnesota. <big>Australians</big>, for God's sake. :eek: Please take this back, Soddball. Decency (look it up in the dictionary) demands it.
  21. While I appreciate the thought, I also had an idea about appropriate music last night. Listening to the Clash's "Rock the Casbah", I thought this is the very music for CMAK. I'll have to try it when my CD gets here!!
  22. Good afternoon, maggots!! Sorry for the delay, but it's a beautiful day, so I called in to work and told them I wouldn't be in today. Becky and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. I sat out on the back porch for a while watching the doves and finches on the feeders. A couple of hawks soared overhead, circling effortlessly while looking for their own meal. I could get used to this. Finally I came in and turned on the computer to see what was happening in CM-land. I seem to have a challenge from the Boggsmeister, which I accept. T-34/85s versus Panthers sounds great. Choose your side, set it up, and send it. Boy, I sure do wish we could have some nifty Grants or maybe some cool Matildas, but we'll have to make do with what we have. Have I mentioned that all of you who post here or bother to read this are lower-class maggots? You are not to be confused with the upper-class maggots you find in roadkill.
  23. Okay, so far we like laissez faire, apple pie, and Carrie Anne Moss. Can I add pineapple? Oh, typing "Carrie Anne Moss" reminds me, have you people seen "The Meatrix"? Take a peek here. Somebody did a great job. [ November 20, 2003, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  24. <font size=+4>EEEeeeewwwww!!!</font size=+4> :eek: :eek: This may be the single most horrifying post I've ever seen on the BFC forum, and that's saying a lot! A squire for MonsterGoodale? I think I'm going to rinse out my eyes from reading that. :mad: The Cheery Waffle thread has no squires, nor titles of any kind. We are what you would call a perfect anarchy. If you would like to be a squire, please go to the PENG thread and ask for Seanachai. He'll show you the ropes and other paraphernalia. Be sure to mention that I sent you, so he can express his appreciation.
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