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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Want to see something bizarre? Go to Google, type in "miserable failure" and press the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. I wonder if the good ol' boys from the GF know about this?
  2. So Paula is in social work. I'm convinced that probably explains so much about her relationship with you! <big>ATTENTION</big> mike_the_wino!! Becky's company catered a cocktail party last night for a group of doctors in Louisville. She provided bartenders, and they brought their own liquor. She told me they had several cases of the same wines you sent us. Do you know if there is a local distributor, or are more cases "falling 2,000 miles off the truck"?
  3. Hellraiser?? Who, me?? :eek: :eek: :eek: Becket, I re-sent the following turn last night. For some reason my e-mails to you keep disappearing. On a related note, Mike received an e-mail from me a week after I sent it. My guess is Keke is somehow responsible. I don't think that he's really from Finland at all; but that he's living on a mother ship somewhere out around the orbit of Uranus. Oneirogen, of course you want issues. Everybody wants to have issues. I'll see what I can do to help you out.
  4. "Losers"?? If you want to impress me with your bravery, try adding your e-mail address. Wait until some of my CMBB games are finished, Grasshopper. We'll see if that cultural reference means anything to you. Jim "Two-Face" Boggs, you said you would take the Axis in our game. So quit your whining about the Italians. That was the first small scenario I found. I just hope none of my men sneeze, because I'm afraid my "armor" won't stand the strain. I think the jeeps and trucks are better protected. :eek: <font size=3>NEWS FLASH!!</font size=3> Keke told me last night he doesn't think the scenario we are playing is winnable for his Finns. No matter what happens now, I have detected a crack in the armor of the unflappable Finn. Victory!! Well, sort of, anyway. Lurkur, the gamey <font size=1>PENG</font size=1>uin, has received even more German armor to expedite his destruction of the Warsaw ghetto. What's the matter, was the high command (rune) afraid the German infantry couldn't handle a mob of partisans? Good morning to the rest of you!
  5. Never happen. I have no ability to write that much to say absolutely nothing</font>
  6. Jim, a scenario is on the way! Wow, the desert is beautiful. Empty, too!
  7. I am in complete agreement with you. I play exclusively PBEM, as I appreciate taking some time with the game and having a real opponent. Personally I enjoy the uncertainty each new scenario creates, as I have no idea what units my PBEM opponent has. Once I find out, I'm not interested in a philosophy of "play until I win". I'd much rather play another scenario! Thankfully Combat Mission isn't a game with "levels", which force you to play the same situations over and over until you figure out the trick to win.
  8. Okay maggots, now I've got CMAK loaded and we're open for business. Who needs a demo, anyway? Anybody ready to take it out for a test drive?
  9. Isn't that the "fine" tradition that goes like this: Boo: "Ugh." Seanachai: "Ugh, ugh?" Boo: whines Seanachai: "Ugh!" Boo: breaks down in tears Seanachai: "Ugh, ugh." Boo: "Ugh." This example may be sugar-coating the mating rituals of the <font size=1>Penguin</font size=1> threads, but it captures all the majesty and wit of the members. Which didn't take much capturing.
  10. <font size=4>Good Morning!!</font size=4> Becket, I don't remember seeing a turn from you. I'll check this afternoon. Somebody PLEASE keep me from getting into games with Keke!! In our current game his gamey Finns just ambushed my Soviets. I had a whole platoon of pioneers covering the flanks of a T-34 platoon moving along a road through dense tall pines. Out of nowhere here came a couple of platoons of Finns with their SMGs, slaughtering the pioneers and tossing grenade bundles at the tanks. GRRRRR!! As best as I could tell, the Soviets didn't even bother to shoot back; they just died peacefully. :mad: :mad: Lurkur continues to crush the ghetto like an eggshell. I hate losing whole squads just because the building they are hiding in suddenly explodes! :mad: :mad: I am still holding the moral advantage, though. Stikkypixie continues to kill my Pz IIIs at 700-800 meters with his Valentines. His Matildas are wallowing around out there somewhere, too. 86smopuim has probed a couple of times toward the VLs in our game, but mostly he sits back and chucks 150 mm TNT packages at my Russians. Fortunately they are not hidden in buildings in this game! THumpre sends a turn or two each week, and I hope to finish up the BDLRM with him soon. He has three minutes left! It's too early to remember if I'm playing anybody else right now or not. Who knows, CMAK may be waiting for me this afternoon!!
  11. Why are you letting rune push you around? Don't you remember who your governor is related to? Just call Jeb and tell him some clown in Chicago is giving you a hard time. I know, you could tell Jeb that your name is Steve Bartman and that you're taking him up on his offer of asylum in Florida. Just insist on a copy of CMAK to make the move.
  12. <font size=9>Good Morning,</font size=9> <font size=4>Maggots of Cheery Waffle Land!!</font size=4> Any explanations yet for the change in type size for the forums? I think it's clearly a conspiracy to undermine us more mature posters. Apparently BFC is planning to market to the guys who spend 10 hours per day playing first person shooters on their X-boxes. As a result, BFC is looking to rid the forum of all traces of wit, of intelligence, of panache, of style, of verve, and of AGE! Making the type much smaller is just the first step in the master plan, I'm telling you. Why leave the type so large? Let's try something even smaller. <font size=1>What's next, BFC? Are you planning on producing Soylent Green?</font size=1> Jim Boggs, you remind me of Two-Face from Batman. Half <font size=1>PENG</font size=1>uin, half maggot. How about waiting a few more days for our tank duel? It will make a great start for CMAK. I'll add you to my list awaiting the dawn of CMAK, along with Axe, Mike, m_t_w, Soddball, and too many other maggots to remember.
  13. Mr. wino/nugget/squire, would you care to put your Combat Mission skilz to the test? That is, if you can tear yourself away from the vines, watching for the first blossom, anticipating the great taste of your next gallon of Ripple or MD 20/20. Seems to me that we have either had draws or you have been spectacularly gamey in your unit selection in our previous PBEMs. As you may recall, I don't consider my loss to Mike the wino2 as a loss to you. So, if you'd like to see if you can take as big a pratfall as your beloved Vikings, we'll try a little CMAK - when the full game gets here. None of this demo foolishness. On the other hand, we can start a CMBB game right now. Pick your poison, wino-maggot!
  14. Metric time? Would that be the centons or whatever they were using in the old "Battlestar Galactica"? Or is it more closely related to the star dates from "Star Trek"? :confused: Didn't the French try something like that back during their Revolution? Seems like they created a whole new calendar with new months of equal length. Evidently it didn't catch on. All you metric fanboys, how come Europe didn't go all the way with the base ten systems? Is it because the solar system refused to be so neat and tidy? Any time grogs out there, or will I have to resort to Google?
  15. <big>Good Morning, Maggots and stray dogs!!</big> I thought the only thing we had to watch for coming out of Pennsylvania was the Amish. You make it sound like they filmed "Deliverance" and "Southern Comfort" just across the border. :eek: :eek: :eek: Can any of you confirm that Keke ever sleeps? I was working in Quicken (paying bills - :mad: ) on my computer last night at 11 PM and here comes a turn from Keke. What time would that be for him, something like 6 AM? No wonder I can't beat the guy. He's a machine!!
  16. Face it, this is WAY more information than I really wanted to know. I have to admit, for a resident of Ohio you seem pretty well informed on the goings on in Pennsylvania, you Cheery Waffle maggot wannabe.
  17. Becket, to answer your question from the locked thread, no, I didn't tell anybody about the simultaneous kills. Your gamey Russians probably outnumber my Germans about 10 to 1, so my tank needed to kill every piece of Russian armor in the game. I don't think that happened. Anyway, it looks like infantry vs. infantry until you bring up another company of Shermans. Did I mention you're a maggot? Snarker, what's this Hunting Day business in PA? I thought the only hunting allowed in Pennsylvania was on February 2, when Paxatawny (sp?) Phil looks for his shadow. So what are you hunting? Sales at the mall? Soddball, congratulations on designing what used to be called a monster game. Can you imagine rolling dice several times each turn for every unit in your scenario? Not me, either. When will you begin crushing Seanachai in CMAK? I'm hoping to follow that developing situation very closely. Just a few more days, and I'll be challenging you, too. Why don't you stop drinking anything now, just to get in the proper frame of mind.
  18. As long as North Africa knows that I am not now, nor have I ever been a PENGuin, I'm satisfied! Well, there was that one time, but my single Peng post was for Seanachai's mother, so I don't count that. I guess if MasterGoodale tried to find us now he'd be hopelessly lost - of course he was lost most of the time anyway.
  19. Thanks, Teddy, it's always nice to know you care. Axe, I'm certainly glad to see you bouncing back to your old self today. While the death of a loved one hits us hard, we have to learn to cope with it, because all of us will face that situation eventually. Have a safe trip up into the wilds of the Great White North, you hoser. Soddball, did you create your new scenario in a bid to outdo the deranged molten TNT chucking we all came to know and loathe from MasterGoodale? Jim Boggs, how is your inter-thread game going with that no-good varmint, PENGuin Jim? We're counting on you to pulverize him and then stomp on all the tiny pieces. Show him a cherry waffle or two.
  20. So in US dollars, how much is the whole trip going to cost? About $10? Oh, and thanks for translating those peculiar little French measurements into real ones. A foot of snow - now that means something! Even a dim bulb PENGuin (did someone say Seanachai?) can understand that. PS. You spelled YK2 incorrectly. Be careful or you'll lose your head. I watched a few hours of "Shogun" over the weekend, so beheadings are very much on my mind today.
  21. <big>Good Morning, Maggots!!</big> Yes, it's back to work for all of us who just completed a four-day weekend. I could get used to this schedule very quickly. I'll be doing it all over again for Christmas and New Years Day. Definitely something to look forward to. Quick PBEM updates: Lurkur has begun pulverizing the Warsaw ghetto. My brave partisans can only run away from his Germans. It appears rune has provided the Germans with Weapons of Mass Destruction in this scenario, and Lurkur is not afraid to use them. Thanks a lot, rune! Mike and I finished our scenario in the rubble of a German city. My SMG company, platoon of SU-76, and M17 had far too much firepower for his militia. SMG-armed troops, in an urban area, fighting in fog are pretty tough hombres. Thanks Mike for a fun game. 86smopuim is probing my Soviet defenses with his gamey infantry guns and halftracks. We're using a map that doesn't provide much defensive cover near the VLs, so holding them will be really tough for either side. In addition, only one VL is real, so I have to try to defend them all while El Skunkito can focus his attack on one. GRRRRR!!! :mad: Keke is being his usual gamey self. My Soviets are trying to attack his Finns, in the middle of a forest, in the fog. As usual, his uber-Finns are brandishing toothpicks and pine cones and sweeping all before them. Stikkypixie, Becket, and THumpre are out there somewhere, doing their best MasterGoodale disappearing imitations. GRARGHARGHRRARHGGRAHR!!! :mad: :mad:
  22. Axe, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss. Even though your grandmother's body is gone, the person she was will always be part of you. My sincere condolences to you, Paula, and to your family.
  23. Good Evening, you sorry excuses for maggots!! Add the PBEM that Lurkur and I are playing to the list of inter-thread games. I have trapped him into playing a rune scenario featuring him as the evil Germans shipping Jews out of the Warsaw ghetto. I am leading the heroic Jewish partisans in their doomed fight. No matter what happens in the PBEM, I have secured the moral high ground for the maggots of the Cheery Waffle! Keke, you probably should get in touch with Fionn Kelly for a game. I think all the raving lunatic PENGuins still kneel down and cross themselves at the mere mention of his name. Cheery Jim Boggs, you can take that PENGuin Jim apart with your bare hands. Show him the penalty for thinking he could defeat a MAGGOT!! Take no prisoners!! :mad: :mad: Oops, that's my 8 Graemlins. I can't write any more without them.
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