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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <big>HEY!! :mad: :mad: </big> We hardly ever put MisterGoodale's worthless name in the title any more, so it won't make much difference. After a year of us keeping the maggot safely penned up here, I think the rest of the forum members will just have to take their chances with him. So yes, let's definitely continue with Cheery Waffles, but with fewer residents of New Hampshire. Does that seem appropriate? What do Soddball and Abbott think, since they caged the beast in the first place?
  2. I hate to have to correct you (that's a lie), but I believe we had a 54%(Allied, you) to 46%(Axis, me) draw in the BDLRM. As anyone, maybe even you, can clearly see, that is a better score than Stalin's Organ managed against you. :mad: :mad: I can squeeze in another CMBB PBEM. In other words, send me the setup, maggot!!
  3. Ditto to that. Especially the dysfunctional part. Axe, I'm truly sorry to hear the news of your family. So much bad news coming at one time about people you love is tough to bear. Too many people get depressed and withdraw at times like this, when the very best thing to do is spend more time with family and friends. Becky sure helped me get through losing my parents. I'm glad that you've got Paula to lean on (even if she did hate my little cartoon). :eek: You know that any time you're feeling down there's somebody here to talk with. Hang in there, my friend.
  4. You guys are pathetic! Check out The Man Song to see how the rest of us married men live. I couldn't find a site where you could hear it. I used to listen to the "Bob and Tom Show", which is where I first heard this classic bit.
  5. <big>Good Morning, Maggots!! </big> Well, I was killed yesterday in A.E.B's assassination challenge. Ace Pilot, if you read this, I will find a way to get revenge someday. GRRRR!! :mad: :mad: On the other hand, I did get my second kill, taking out UberFunBunny. So I got two kills, which isn't too bad. Our boy Axe is still hanging in. The challenge is down to a handful of players now, and he's one of the survivors. I guess he's such a nice guy nobody has tried to get him yet. I wonder why? :confused: Nothing much going on in PBEMs. Mike's infantry has all submerged into their holes in the ground again. Becket captured one of my HMGs in a human wave charge, the maggot. Stikkypixie's tanks have reappeared, at less than 900 meters range this time. We'll see what effect the AP rounds have now.
  6. I spent part of the morning reading the AAR that Axe and Teddy wrote of their titanic struggle in the snow. Very impressive, gentlemen! How much more gamey can Teddy get than shooting up KVs with a pair of Tigers? Jim, I'm glad to see you're cracking down on those misguided souls who would waste company time on the internet. Keep up the good work. That earlier conflict between Jim and Axe sure took a nasty turn. At first they were ready to fight in CMBB instead of waiting for CMAK. Then they both named seconds for their duel. By the end they were planning to let their seconds fight it out, while they had a pint, or a quart, or even a liter. You two guys give a whole new meaning to "bloodthirsty". Let's see, in my own games I'm driving my panzers across the steppe looking for Stikkypixie's Russian British armor. Although I actually got hits at 1,400+ meters, it had zero effect on Valentines and Matildas. Becket is still getting a couple of hundred pounds of TNT falling on or near him each turn. Fortunately the firing rate of the BIG GUNS is slow enough to keep adjusting the target without running out of ammo. Mike had his Germans sleeping near the remains of a demolished town. I was hoping to sneak up on him through the fog and rubble, but an alert HMG opened fire on my infantry at maximum range. Evidently that woke his men up, because now they are scurrying around like roaches. I received another turn from THumpre, so I guess the last BDLRM game may finish after all.
  7. We interrupt this program with a breaking News Flash! I have successfully assassinated YK2, the Queen of the Peng Thread, in A.E.B.'s challenge. For some reason I feel like I've accomplished a noble deed. We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion of Soddball's, shall we say, tendencies.
  8. I'm looking forward to watching you try, you limey maggot! Oh, and feel free to keep the president in Jolly Olde England as long as you want, preferably in the Tower. Or send him to Canada, or anywhere else. :mad: :mad:
  9. Congratulations, Jim. The fox has officially been given the keys to the henhouse. :eek:
  10. Soddball, I read a few of your posts in the GF. Looked to me like you were most interested in discussing your dietary requirements, not to mention the results you experience after eating a salad. I'm not saying your posts didn't cause any "wrecked and burning corpses", but I suspect most of the carnage was self inflicted. After reading your posts I felt the urge to wash my eyes repeatedly, as if some caustic material had gotten in them. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. No, wait, it wasn't Snarker, it was Becket! You remember, the victory you celebrate in your sig line. Becket was the guy who came up with the truly inspired "I'll change my sig line, and then turn my sig line off" defense. My mistake, and I'll correct it in my previous post.
  12. MasterGoodale, I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss. Now for the really big question, who is crazy enough to start into a large battle with MasterGoodale (the maggot)? You <big>know</big> he's not going to send turns. You <big>know</big> something will come up to delay and delay and delay the game. Now he's found these other games to play, in addition to everything else on his horribly overcrowded plate. I've resigned from a game, Becket has resigned from a game, Teddy is about ready to resign a game, Soddball kept a stiff upper lip and hung in a game for 9 months. Anyone else see a trend developing here? If not, <h1>MasterGoodale wants YOU!! </h1> [ November 10, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  13. Thanks Axe. That was the very first time a pillbox has been a very useful tool for me. Without it you would have flattened both flanks, instead of just one. [ November 09, 2003, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  14. Please remember the purpose of this thread was, is, and forever shall be to keep MasterGoodale from taking over the entire forum. We seem to have misplaced the worthless maggot somewhere, but we do not let a minor detail like that deter us from our common goal. If we have, in some small way, taken some of the luster and grogdom away from the CMBB forum, well, I'm pretty sure it's Seanachai's fault.
  15. <h2>NOOOO!!!!</h2> You take that back right now! :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm planning on seeing it in the next few days. The way the distributor has the movie plastered on thousands upon thousands of screens world-wide, in a couple of weeks everyone who is going to see it will have seen it. I don't expect it to stay in theaters very long, with all the holiday movies coming up. One time recently I read how it was to the distributor's advantage for a movie to have a huge opening, then fall off quickly to be replaced by another huge opening. The distributor gets a much higher percentage of the take for the first week, so the ideal (for the distributor) is to have a new movie opening every week. Movies "with legs" that keep running actually hurt the distributor's potential bottom line. So the production companies grind out recycled chipped beef on toast, hype the "Coming Attractions" like the second coming of Christ, but once the movie opens the advertising for it all but evaporates. The industry doesn't want to make movies so good they stay in the theaters for months. As soon as the movie is yanked from the theaters, then the DVDs can hit the market. The rights for HBO or Showtime kick in, too. GRRRR!! :mad: :mad:
  16. Already with the padlock! :eek: Those old threads just don't stick around, do they?
  17. Somebody had better think of a title soon. By the way, take a look at the End of the World cartoon I posted in the GF. I'll warn you, don't play it too loudly around your mother.
  18. Okay, Teddy, a sig it is for the rest of the year. Congratulations on nosing out Mike for the win.
  19. Announcement Since THumpre hasn't sent any turns for a while, I'm going to go ahead and consider the BDLRM complete. Here are the final results: Teddy Windsor - Major Victory 75 - 25. :mad: Mike - Tactical Victory 69 - 31. :mad: mike_the_wino - Minor Victory 64 - 36. MasterGoodale - Minor Victory 56 - 44. 86smopuim - Draw 54 - 46. GrumpyBear - Tactical Defeat 36 - 64. Congratulations Teddy and Mike. Both of these maggots let their armor do almost all of the fighting/killing. The main score difference was because I knocked out one more of Mike's tanks, and I managed to hold one VL against Mike. If any of you would like to see the German setup zone and comment on how you would set up the defense, I can send you the file. I suspect my defensive setup could have been much better, and I'd appreciate suggestions from the experts here. Keke, since you normally crush all of us, how about taking a look? You too, Becket, since you created the scenario. Later I'll post what I had for the defense and what my esteemed opponents threw against me. Thanks to all of you who participated. Wait 'til next year!!
  20. Teddy, good to see you. FYI, I believe it was John F. Kennedy who gave Washington DC this label. In the United States, the North was known for Efficiency, and the South for Charm. His point was that Washington DC had neither. Are the rest of you amoeba planning on participating in A.E.B.'s assasination challenge for a free copy of CMAK? Looks like it would be fun, as you get to choose your own targets. Here is your opportunity to finally kill (virtually, of course) other forum members. I am so there!! It's such a beautiful morning I feel like singing. Everybody all together and with feeling, "Oh, I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay!..."
  21. and What are you MasterGoodale wanna-be's talking about? The only thing in larger type is my "Good Morning, Maggots!!!" I haven't edited the message. Does it look different now? :confused: :confused: Maybe you toads need to get your eyes checked. Or your heads examined.
  22. <big>Good Morning, Maggots!!! Thanks, Becket. I appreciate your candor and your ability to express yourself. Unlike the rest of you Neanderthals, who couldn't put together a cogent thought with a lifetime supply of duct tape and Krazy Glue. Mike, aren't you comparing the top of the line British and American armor with the most common, but not the best, Soviet tanks? That's disingenuous, maggot. I'd expect something like that from MasterGoodale or mike_the_wino, but from you it's disappointing. Not surprising, but disappointing. :mad:
  23. <big>We're Number One!! We're Number One!!</big> As for my airplane, as far as I could tell the pilot dropped his bombs in the middle of a field. If he actually caused any damage, I'm very thankful - and surprised. Hey Becket, that's interesting what you said about your interest in Tolkien's work. Any particular reason why it grabbed you so tightly? I've read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and none of them really struck me as more than exciting fantasy stories, or fairy tales. So can you explain your passion for them, or should I simply accept the fact that your passion exists? :confused: And Axe and Mike, please don't think I'm putting CMAK down in any way. The backgrounds themselves are reason enough for me to invest my hard-earned dollars in the new game. That early Soviet armor has really forced me to evaluate who had the best hardware at that time, and it sure wasn't the Americans or British.
  24. "One of these days, Alice...POW, right in the kisser!" Mike, I'm glad to know the fine citizens of New Zealand will soon have the opportunity to watch the Reagan miniseries. Be sure to tape it so you can watch it over and over. Axe, why so excited about the Grant/Lee/whatever, with its huge silhouette, fixed 75 mm, and turreted 37 mm? It's not like it can outmaneuver and outshoot the German armor. Think of all the weaknesses of the Sherman, then remember the Sherman replaced the Grant. To engage multiple targets with the Grant means there are probably multiple Axis units shooting at you, too. :eek: :mad: I'd love to see the carnage created by a platoon of T-34s or KV-1s fighting contemporary Grants and British tanks!
  25. Good grief, we've been overrun by a gaggle of hobbits! :eek: :eek: :eek: Speaking of creatures with big feet, THumpre, are you still among the living? I need to get this game finished, to complete the BDLRM. Another day or two, and the game is kaput. :mad: Stikkypixie, did my e-mail yesterday reach you? If so, where is my turn? :mad: All the rest of you, what are doing standing around staring off into space? Get busy, maggots!! GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:
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