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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=5 font color=blue>Good Monday Morning, Cheery Waffles!</font> It has come to my attention in another thread that BFC is willing to sacrifice the PBEM capability in CMX2 for greater realism and correspondingly larger files. If that indeed becomes the case, will any of you Wafflemaniacs continue to play CMBB and/or CMAK? I'd hate to lose my excellent PBEM partners, especially those of you who are kind enough to lose to me on a regular basis.
  2. If there's no PBEM, there's absolutely no reason for me to purchase the game. I don't play against the AI at all, and I'm not willing to set aside time for playing on line. I've been playing nothing but PBEM since SuperTed's first CMBO newbie tournament, and I'll continue to play PBEM. If that means CMBB and CMAK are the last BFC games I buy, so be it. If BFC wants to take their next game in the direction of the uber "realism" of console FPS games at the expense of PBEM, that's entirely their right and their choice. That doesn't mean I'll continue to support the company by purchasing games I don't want. I've seen this happen plenty of times before, where the emphasis on creating the ultimate product drove away the potential market. Can anyone say "Edsel"? How about "Battlecruiser 3000 AD"? [ February 28, 2005, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  3. Crew of Enola Gay - 10 men Casualties in Hiroshima - The British Official History of World War II in its final volume of the War Against Japan states that the casualties at Hiroshima were: 78,150 killed and 51,048 injured. According to your statistic, these 10 airmen caused no wounds. The British ex-Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics" (popularized by Mark Twain in the U.S.).
  4. Congratulations to Watson & Crick for a 61-39 victory in rune's Bridges at Le Muy. He battered my armor the entire game, and actually was able to get three AFVs across the bridges. At the end I wasn't able to press him back away from the VLs on the bridges. My shrewd tactics managed to get a couple of powerful German units immobilized too far away to even see the bridges. I also ended with three useless AFVs with damaged guns, which is really aggravating. GRARRGRAGHRARRGH!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I honestly didn't think anybody could survive a trip across the bridges, but W&C proved that it can be done. Rune, the scenario has more depth to it than I thought. It's a tough nut for the Allied player to crack, but it is possible. It's a tough scenario for the defending Germans as well, because finding a good firing position to cover the bridges tends to be suicidal. I recommend the scenario to anyone who can tolerate a long stalemate for most of the battle. Again, great job W&C, and a great game - as always.
  5. Oh sure, now that I have finally wrapped up the BDLRM you suddenly resurface. I guess we'll soon be seeing Keke and Lurkur around again, too. You can proclaim yourself victorious all you want, but we know better. :mad: :mad: :mad: No new games yet, as I'm still mired in the deepest bowels of TurboTax and the IRS tax code. Anyone know the income tax implications of two houses sold on contract (installment sales) in 2002 that were suddenly given back by the buyer in 2004? How about a house we lived in until we rented it out in 2002, sold it on contract in 2003, and sold it outright (refinanced by the buyer) in 2004? As if anyone else here had their first clue about anything. :eek:
  6. Well, you know how Australia is the home of many odd creatures that were evolutionary dead ends, unable to survive anywhere else. This, and Mace himself, are but two more examples. Leave it to the prodigal Cheery Waffle attorney to try twisting the meaning of words around. GRAARGHRRARGRARRGH!!! :mad: :mad:
  7. <font size=6 font color=white>Good Friday morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font> So Axe's thread title was a bit too complex for some of the simple minds around here? That's okay, I'll just copy my post over to this thread. I can keep copying it just as fast as you maggots can create new threads. It gives me great pleasure to announce the results of the 2004 BDLRM contest. I started a total of 15 PBEMs with various Waffles, <font size=1>penguins</font>, and other riff-raff. Amazingly, only four failed to complete their doomed mission, including the uber-Finn Keke who bailed after completing 23 increasingly futile turns. The hardy souls who played through to the bitter end were, in no particular order: Wallybob, _UXCVA, Mike, PseudoSimonds, mike the wino, Boo Radley, Axe2121, Robohn, the suave Teddy Windsor, Snarker, and Mace. All right, Mace was last because the no-turn-sending Aussie maggot <font size=1>penguin</font> just finished!! His excuse was that I didn't send him turns. What horse hockey! On a whole, you were crushed like peeled grapes. Congratulations to Snarker, who held me to a 64-56 Minor Axis Victory. He was the only contestant to inflict more casualties than he suffered. In any future battles against entrenched Axis troops, I highly recommend the use of excessive VT artillery. His FO chalked up 39 infantry and one 20 mm AA gun, all of whom were in foxholes or trenches. Snarker managed to exit from the map edge with a Hellcat and two Chaffees, and maybe even some infantry. Congratulations, Snarker!! Second place goes to Wallybob, who held me to an 83-17 Major Axis Victory. The Germans were very lucky as his American aircraft missed both my Panther and my AT gun in the first three turns! Wallybob went first class by purchasing only Easy Eight Shermans. He also managed to get one Sherman off the map edge. Well done, Wallybob! Honorable mention goes to mike the wino, who managed an 84-16 Total Axis Victory, just missing the Major Axis Victory score. He came at us with 6 M15s and some Staghounds, which fortunately couldn't get close enough to cause too much damage. MTW knocked out my bogged Panther with his engineers, which I thought was a bit unkind. Good job, mtw! The other eight slackers all tied with Total Axis Victories and scores ranging from 98-2 to 100-0. I faced everything from P-47s to Sextons to halftracks to Stuarts to Churchills to Mace's 48 armed jeeps, and my Germans stopped them all. No two of you chose anywhere near the same Allied forces, and every one of you attacked with different but equally futile tactics. It's just barely possible the scenario may have been a bit out of balance. At least it was well-tested! Thanks to all the chumps; ummm, make that good sports, who participated. Wait until next time! :eek:
  8. GRRRRRRR!! Too many threads!! :mad: :mad: :mad: [ February 25, 2005, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  9. GRRRRRRR!! Too many threads!! :mad: :mad: :mad: [ February 25, 2005, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  10. Hey, I saw the movie about you. The Hitchcock original, not the shot-by-shot remake of a couple of years ago. Tony Perkins did a great job of bringing your particular insanity to the silver screen. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. Hey, I saw the movie about you. The Hitchcock original, not the shot-by-shot remake of a couple of years ago. Tony Perkins did a great job of bringing your particular insanity to the silver screen. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  12. Actually I think Admiral Yamamoto was about the same size as most single snipers. I suspect you intended to type Yamato, the Japanese uber-battleship. Small difference in spelling, big difference in meaning.
  13. Everyone out celebrating the long President's Day weekend, I see. Axe, if you're expecting quick turns from Soddball you are dreaming. We had a PBEM last year with about a six-month break between turns because he was "busy". I had deleted the game months before his next turn appeared. Apparently Seanachai also has a reputation for letting turns age for weeks or months before sending them. I'm glad you have such an abundance of patience as to play these two maggots simultaneously.
  14. Everyone out celebrating the long President's Day weekend, I see. Axe, if you're expecting quick turns from Soddball you are dreaming. We had a PBEM last year with about a six-month break between turns because he was "busy". I had deleted the game months before his next turn appeared. Apparently Seanachai also has a reputation for letting turns age for weeks or months before sending them. I'm glad you have such an abundance of patience as to play these two maggots simultaneously.
  15. I'll admit that something as small as a PT boat would look pretty odd in action with no crewmen visible. By the time you get up to a destroyer, the crewmen are becoming pretty small in comparison to the ship. Cruisers, battleships, and carriers are far too large to try representing men at their battle stations. Besides, most of the crew is closed up anyway. I think the idea was to be behind the armor, not on top of it. The AA gun crews would be about the only men visible. Unless you really zoom in to observe a small fraction of the ship, WW2 ships in action do resemble "empty, lifeless creatures of the deep".
  16. Sorry W&C, I'm at work. Turns are hours, maybe days away. I haven't been able to do any turns since I actually received files from Mace. I think my computer is still in shock. I know I am!
  17. Sorry W&C, I'm at work. Turns are hours, maybe days away. I haven't been able to do any turns since I actually received files from Mace. I think my computer is still in shock. I know I am!
  18. We interrupt Axe's typical foul mood for an important announcement. The Onion, that internet bastion of fake news, has announced a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. The name? The Waffle Truth. The neocons go crazy (crazier?). We now return you to another cold gray February morning of the ranting of Axe the depressing.
  19. We interrupt Axe's typical foul mood for an important announcement. The Onion, that internet bastion of fake news, has announced a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. The name? The Waffle Truth. The neocons go crazy (crazier?). We now return you to another cold gray February morning of the ranting of Axe the depressing.
  20. Conclusion? I think you'll be doing really great if he ever returns the setup. However, hope springs eternal.
  21. Conclusion? I think you'll be doing really great if he ever returns the setup. However, hope springs eternal.
  22. Don't tell me BFC left you off the Space Lobsters development team too? The humanity! Actually W&C deserves constant beating with a heavy object for simply existing. As do you. Why would anybody want to do anything for the reason that MasterGoodale (the maggot) would have done it? Well, maybe Kitty, but she claimed to be his daughter, which may explain a lot. Plus she tolerates Mace, and what does that say about her judgement? Keke? The uberFinn never calls, he never writes... :mad:
  23. Don't tell me BFC left you off the Space Lobsters development team too? The humanity! Actually W&C deserves constant beating with a heavy object for simply existing. As do you. Why would anybody want to do anything for the reason that MasterGoodale (the maggot) would have done it? Well, maybe Kitty, but she claimed to be his daughter, which may explain a lot. Plus she tolerates Mace, and what does that say about her judgement? Keke? The uberFinn never calls, he never writes... :mad:
  24. No need. In any given situation I can always ask "What would Jesus do?", then imagine the exact opposite. That way I can have a pretty good idea which way you're headed.
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