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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. My first reaction to that is "How do you know what Soddball feels like?" This was immediately followed by intense waves of nausea and retching. Please, don't say things like that. :eek: :eek: So your CM Jones has up and gone, has it? I was feeling somewhat bored the other evening, since my three PBEM opponents are all taking their sweet time sending turns. I popped in the old Master of Orion II CD for a bit of entertainment. Hours later, after repeatedly losing to obvious cheating by the computer (put my home planet in a temporal warp, will you!), I felt energized for some more CM PBEM. At least whether I win or lose to you maggots it's not because of you cheating. Gaminess, yes, but cheating - I don't think so.
  2. Isn't "Mace's greatness" an oxymoron? :confused: I think Aussies define the word naked differently from the rest of us. In most places naked means you're not wearing clothes. In Australia naked is any time you don't have a beer in your hand. Clothing appears to be more or less optional.
  3. Rune, I've played two of these a while back. I thought Written Off, the battle at the airfield, was terrific and a difficult struggle for both sides. It's a perfect situation of having to move your attacking infantry across open ground in bounds while using covering fire on the defenders. The Bridges at LeMuy became a stalemate for a while until my gamey Allied opponent shot up my hapless German armor and rushed a tank across one of the bridges. GRRRRR!! I'm still disgusted with letting that happen. :mad: Definitely recommended, but players who get their jollies by crushing the AI in "fair fights" will have all kinds of problems against a human player - and maybe even against a <font size=1>penguin</font>.
  4. Turns are out, none are in. No surprise. :mad: Anyone seen Moraine Sedai lately? Our battle is still at the setup stage. Maybe Hiram carried her off to Middle Earth. :eek: :eek:
  5. Is that a textbook example of damning with faint praise? Something like saying the average <font size=1>penguin</font> is a lot better CM player than a bucket of algae? Not all of them, of course. The drunken Australians pull the <font size=1>penguin</font> average way up.
  6. <font size=4>Good Friday Afternoon, Wafflemaggots!</font> Stroke, stroke, stroke....keep that up and you'll have plenty....stroke, stroke, stroke......</font>
  7. <font size=1>penguins</font> tend to speed up the process. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  8. Poor Old Spike. There's a name from out of the past. He used to post here and was banned under several identities. Apparently he immersed himself totally in Combat Mission, to the exclusion of everything else. He would have 25 or 30 PBEMs going at once. The ladder players grew disgusted with his, um, abrasive personality pretty quickly. So did the forum moderators.
  9. Well, it's been 5 days since I e-mailed my setup turn and I haven't heard a peep from the Lady. Hiram must really be a Lord of the Rings diehard, like Pseudo! :eek: :eek: Speaking of our student Waffle, I've clearly lured him into feelings of overconfidence. My tactic of scouting his defense by running a few panzers around aimlessly in full view of his Canadians is already paying big dividends. So I have a few broken and dismounted crews now; who cares about minor details like that?
  10. Where are my turns? Mace, Moraine, Pseudo?? I want turns and I want them now. How can you take the beatings you deserve if you won't send turns? GRARGARRGHRARRGH!!! :mad: :mad: Hey Axemaggot, do you type faster now?
  11. Moon, thanks for both answers. I just didn't expect to have such a long wait between the announcements and the games. Usually you guys have something ready to go before tossing the bones to the wolves in the forum.
  12. Since we haven't played before I figured I wouldn't set up my attackers right on top of the VLs this one time. If we go on to the next two battles I may not cut your defenders the same kind of slack. I've learned gamey tactics from some of the gamiest CM players around. Yes, that includes you mike the hobo.
  13. Since this site was opened last September, BFC has announced and released T-72 and S.C.S., and has now announced DropTeam. I saw the post saying Modern Naval Battles is being held up because of delays with Down In Flames. Is there any progress to report? :confused: :confused:
  14. Since this site was opened last July, BFC has announced and released T-72 and S.C.S., and has now announced DropTeam. Anyone around to let us know what's happening with Down In Flames? :confused: :confused:
  15. <font size=6 font color=white Happy Friday the 13'th, Cheery Waffles!!</font> Two new PBEMs are underway. Moraine Sedai has presented me with a map which appears to have a single straight road as the only route for my plucky Canadians. I expect an immediate German surrender when they spot my hordes of tough but very polite soldiers closing in. I sent Pseudo a setup for a different scenario with my Germans attacking his Canadians. I think his troops are still drying off after wading ashore at Juno Beach. I didn't hear back from the maggot last night, so he may try to weasel out of this battle. It doesn't matter, he can pick his own poison.
  16. I didn't realize that someone could get so defensive about living in a refrigerator box. I'm sure you'll be a big hit with the neighbors.
  17. LOTR?? Isn't just sitting through one of the movies about as much of that dreck as any one person can stand? I feel your pain. :eek: :eek: Aren't these Kingfish scenarios in sequence? If so, let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. If not, how about trying the smallest one first. Thanks for showing more backbone than the rest of these Waffle-worms. Speaking of which, where is Salkin? Where's Sergei? Even Axe is laying low, the snow-covered maggot! GRARRGRARRGH!!! :mad: :mad:
  18. Well at least one person shows a little spunk. I hate spunk! So, Lady Moraine, are you up for an angry TNT chuck-fest of a PBEM, or do you administer all of your beatings in the forums?
  19. My monitor is finally back. I sent a turn to Mace after a long delay. Now I can see where the angry TNT goes on the battlefield, unlike my last few battles. Unfortunately, now that my computer is back together, I find myself in a tax-and-computer induced PBEM vacuum. <font size=6 Font color=red>GRARRGRARRGHRARR!!!!</font> <font color=red>Where are you Waffle maggots hiding? Slither out of your hiding places and take the beatings you deserve! NOW!! Show some guts, you slimy toads!</font> :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. Any updates on the possible new job? Or should I be reading something into these anger issues of yours? :confused: :confused: Mace, sorry about the turn delay but I'm still waiting on my monitor. I drove the 15 miles to the repair facility to drop it off on April 25'th. Instead of calling me to come pick it up when they finished with it on the 6'th, the maggots shipped it back to me. Delivery is scheduled for tomorrow - the 12'th. Six days to ship a monitor 15 miles, in the city that is the UPS hub! GRARRGRARRGRARHRARRGRAR!!! :mad: :mad: Well, it looks like BFC's real time "Attack of the Space Lobsters" has arrived. :eek: [ May 11, 2005, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  21. <font size=5>GRARRGHRAARGRARRGHRARRR!!!</font> :mad: :mad: She may be a Lady in that other place, but here she's a chip off the old Goodale (the maggot) block!
  22. No news here. She's a Goodale after all. Kitty, I challenge you to the TNT chuck fest of your choice. CMAK or CMBB. I'll whip you like the unholy spawn of the Jewel Encrusted Maggot who begot you. :mad: :mad: If I can survive the glacial turn sending of Mace, Soddball, and your dear old dad, this will be no problem. See above. Once a Goodale, always a Goodale.
  23. You are so pitiful. I'm glad to see you too, Lurkur. It's been too long since we crossed paths. Trust me, we all reserve tons of disrespect for the denizens of <font size=1>Penguinland</font>. Even then it's probably not as much disrespect as they deserve. The game you had to abandon was the fabulously balanced BDLRM2 scenario. Since most of the players lost by 99-1 scores, you probably did yourself a favor. Those aren't elderberries, it's mike the wino's feet after another long day of stomping grapes. :eek:
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