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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. I'm trying to finish up Super Action Pack vol 3: Commonwealth 'n' Polish Uniforms. The one thing I need at this point is a decent, straight-on photograph of a Denison smock for the British and Polish airborne. The only good image I can find on the Web is of a 1945 pattern smock which I'm sure you all do not want, although I suppose I can include it as an option. Anyhow, a good, large-sized scan (remember--I'm doing these all hi-res), digital photo, or otherwise of a 1st of 2nd pattern Denison would be greatly appreciated. Post it here or e-mail me at andrew@foxarts.com Thanks!!!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: The Airborne pic should be ok now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's more like it ! Thanks again, Manx!!!
  3. Bummer, but that's what I figured. I thought it would be nice to desaturate them a bit and add a little texture. Oh well.
  4. I think I might know the answer to this already, but I'll ask just in case: are the berets for the British airborne and tank crews hard-coded or am I just not finding the bmps for them? If thery're not hard-coded it would be nice to tone down the paratrooper beret a bit.
  5. Thanks, Manx The screenshot is definitely NOT my airborne mod though--it looks like it might be DD's. :confused:
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: --------------------------------------------- Yep that is exactly what it was, My screw up. No problems now, It was probably to many beers that night. Thanks Shatter [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Too many beers? Is there such a thing?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Here comes. You need a Frog to catch a Frog. That Croix de Lorraine was the one and only patch for our FFL (Free French Forces). It was more ubiquitous than divisional patches. So best bet and fewer work with MODing only that one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GROOVY!!!!!
  8. I'm shocked--NO ONE HERE KNOWS, (or even has an opinion)? :eek: *bump*
  9. Does anyone out there know what kind of insignia the Free French forces wore? Several people have asked me about adding a French shoulder patch to my new US uniforms set and I think it's a good idea. If anyone has a picture, drawing, etc of a French divisional patch or anything even close, please let me know or, better yet, post a picture here. Thanks.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: AndrewTF I downloaded your American Infantry mod last night, and either some of the BMP's were missing or numbered incorrectly. I simply put your mod in as is, and now my American 44 infantry and 45 infantry all have the same uniforms. All American uniforms are Green with different arm patches. The 44 infantry does not have their tannish Jackets. The whole reason I got your mod was because of the 44 uniforms. So I switched back to DD uniforms, I still would like to use your uniforms. The strangest thing is that, I see the Tan jacket BMP in the zip, but they are not shown on the soldiers when I add them to the BMP folder. I lost my list with the US Uniform BPM numbers so maybe you could send me the BMP numbers for the US uniforms Also some of the BMP's are missing because I the first time I add a mod I compare each bitmap to the one already in my BMP folder. This could be the sleeves you spoke of earlier in the thread. I really don't know what is going on with your mod, I am gonna try to figure it out now. Thanks Shatter<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you playing a "snow" scenario? All the winter uniforms use the M1943 or "45 pattern" uniforms that would be more correct for Autumn and Winter 1944. The regular bmps ARE correctly numbered (ok, so I forgot to add the different arm bmps, but Tom already posted my patch) and should give the proper results for 44 and 45 pattern infantry squads. I'm using them myself and have found no problem.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Yeah I use Netscape 4.77. I haven't taken the plunge to 6.0 yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Max- 6.0 is pretty strange. I've just switched to Intenet Explorer (gag) because I can't get anything to work right in Netscape 4.7 and 6.0 is just too weird.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe: Good as DD's were, you definitely want the ones from the man who posted right after you. Hail Andrew Fox - clothier for CM!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow, thanks. I used DD's uniforms until I went and made my own. Well, some of them--I was using Magua's British outfits (now I'm testing my own, so stay tuned!).
  13. It's still there--first page of the infantry uniform section of "3rd Party Mods"
  14. I corrected the transparency color on the tank crew uniform and sent it to Tom. If anybody can't or doesn't want to fix it themselves I can e-mail it to them. Just let me know here if you need it.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: Um Andrew, I think the pink masking on the summer tank crews is slightly off. It could use a little tweak so they don't have pink belts. It's probably easiest just to have people fix it themselves. For those who don't know, the pink mask is 255 red, 0 green, 255 pink. The problem is 5056.bmp [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, Maximus already e-mailed me about that... I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I'll fix it and send the file to Tom. Didn't have time to do it last night, but I did get the sleeve patches fixed.
  16. I rounded up the arms and sent them to Tom and Manx. If any of you want me to email the zip file to you just let me know.
  17. Uh, oh. I might have forgotten to zip all the inf.44 files. To be honest there were so many similar files it got kind of confusing when I was putting them all together. I'll check it out and send any revisions to Tom.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: Whats your email andrew, I got the latest US uniforms but you German ones are still corrupted for me for some reason. Could you send them directly to me? At least the Dotcamo?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll e-mail it to you as soon as I get home, probably around 6:30.
  19. The only unchanged texture (that's not included, actually) is the tank crew helmet. I just couldn't find a way to make it look and better, so you'll have to use the stock one or the one included with DD's uniform pack.
  20. Ok, I've sent the Super Action Packā„¢ vol.2 to both Manx and Tom. They will announce when it is available for download.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Umm, just noticed something. Doesn't the tank crews use some shared files from the '44 Infantry? Namely the arm. Oh wait nevermind. I see what you did, you just did the winter files up like the '45 pattern. Cool idea. No pum intended. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep. The cool thing about that is then I can give the winter tank commander distinctive armored division shoulder insignia, since almost all the winter/snow scenarios use the 45 pattern infantry. :cool: And yes, they are deliberately weathered-looking. The us uniforms tend to lend themselves to that more easily, for some reason. I'm still undecided how I like the crumple filter--it kinda makes it look like the unforms are made out of marble or something...I see what you're trying to do, though.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker: Nice work yet again. I in particular like the '45 uniforms for both regular infantry and the airborne.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks. One of the reasons I did this is that while the 44 uniforms were pretty much acceptable, the 45 outfits were pretty disappointing and kind of generic. One of the problems, I felt, was that they were too overall green--clothes, web gear, etc. Also, the OD color was really pretty bright. I tried to not only reflect historical accuracy, but give the uniforms a little visual interest and contrast as well. For instance, I left the web gear khaki in color. In the original it was OD, and it certainly could have been OD in real life, but the khaki is equally accurate, and stands out from the uniform pretty well.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Panzer: andrew: ...the '44/'45 infantry and the '44 airborne are first rate, no question about it, but why are the cargo pockets on the '45 airborne trousers a different hue from the rest of the pantleg? ...the resulting disjointed effect looks rather awkward...why did you make this choice? to be more specific, what is "rigger?" [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Peter Panzer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I KNEW someone would ask about that! In late '44 all airborne units were issued with the M1943 field uniform rather than their traditional jump suits. To differentiate themselves from the regular infantry, uniforms were often modified by the unit "rigger" who normally worked with parachutes, lines, equipment, etc. One of the most common modifications was the addition of pockets to the M1943 trousers and jacket sleeves. The pockets were usually scrounged from old M1942 jump jackets or other sources. To give it this "field modified" look I borrowed the trouser pocket from the 44 airborne texture set, and toned it down to make it look old and dirty. I left the sleeve pocket off, because it looked TOO funky. In other words it's SUPPOSED to look that way.
  24. Thanks! I know it's not quite ready, but I get pretty excited when it's nearing completion. The 45 patterns and winter are ready to go...I just have to clean up the others... The hardest part is the research, then getting the basic uniform structure set. The rest is just tweaking in Photoshop, really, and kind of fun. BTW, I forgot to add, there are new helmet textures, too: plain, wide netting, and narrow netting.
  25. Oh man, I forgot about the WINTER uniforms!!! :eek: These are not white parkas and helmet covers. Instead, they intend to reflect the poor winter equipment of the American forces during the early stages of the Ardennes offensive. Each soldier gets a toasty-warm scarf and pair of gloves. A small change, yes, but it gives the whole look of a winter scenario a subtle difference. Hope you like it!
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