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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Get 'em while they're hot at CMMODS.COM! Late-war Luftwaffe infantry mod is based on my CMBB LW mod but is totally reworked and improved. Late-war American infantry wear cold-weather gear inspired by photos of 10th Mtn. Division troops: tan anoraks (with coyote fur trim!), mountain pants, and two-buckle combat boots. I think they turned out way cool :cool: and they're a must for any scenarios with snow! And lastly, a preview of things to come:
  2. Thanks! It's amazing how fast the time goes. He's just started walking and has a few teeth. What I've discovered, and which may come in handy for some of you, is that he *loves* to watch Combat Mission, especially the tanks and little men running around on the monitor. Now there are drawbacks to this, as you have to play the game one-handed, and having a squirming baby on your lap often leads one to make unusual and quite often regrettable tactical decisions. But what's more important--the pain of your virtual soldiers or the happiness of a small child? Move over Dr. Spock--BFC is helping me raise my kid! Now if he gets really squirmy I start up the iTunes visualizer...
  3. Thanks Marco! I'm not sure exactly how it is that I can turn so many mods out myself. I think it's mostly being proficient in Photoshop rather than spending that much time on it. I hope that's what's happening, anyhow. I think what with a full time job (getting fuller by the day, with the work I have) and an energetic 10 month old at home I really shouldn't have any spare time whatsoever. I also want to dispel any rumors that I look like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons and spend all my time in a dimly lit room with my Mac and an ample supply of sugary soft drinks and salty crispy snacks to fuel my modding mania.
  4. These things have needed a face-lift for a while now, especially as they're CMBO "legacy vehicles" that look a pretty out-of-place amongst CMAK's and CMBB's more sophisticated graphics (even though they're Fernando's old SPW 250 mod, which was one of my favorite CMBO mods). That said, here are some WIP screenies. They're obviously based off my SPW 250/1 Neu mod. Still need a little work before they're released, though.
  5. The SS and Heer mountain troops share cap BMPs, which is why the both wear the same cap in the game. I tried at one point to make a Waffen-SS M43 cap, but it didn't turn out too well due to the distortion from the 3D model. Likewise there is no way to alter the model to show other troops wearing the cap, as the 3D models are hard-coded.
  6. It Fernando's BMP list, so if something isn't there you may want to ask him. It seems to cover everything in CMAK. There are a few Romanian uniform BMPs that snuck in there; a holdover from CMBB I'd guess. You can find some CMBO uniform BMPs in there, too, if you look hard enough.
  7. As it's based on my mod originally--no they definitely do not share bmps. Actually, I think I got lazy and left the license plates all the same but the tactical numbers on the rear panels are different for each vehicle.
  8. Manx! Glad to see you're still around. After all, I blame you for getting me addicted to modding, since you hosted my very first CMBO mods way back when.
  9. ...at the CM Mod Database Early-war Panzer gray and mid/late-war dark yellow versions, each with optional Heer or Waffen-SS number plates. Hugely superior to the massively sucky CMBB original, which I can feel free to insult at will since I made it in the first place! BFC used my old CMBO Kübelwagen mod--my first mod ever, BTW. I also made versions for CMAK, preview pix at the CMAK forum.
  10. Get your hot little hands on them at the CM Mod Database. New Afrika Korps and Italian theater Kübels for your all your favorite gamey tactics. They're based on my ancient CMBO Kübelwagen mod (my first mod ever, BTW ), which was, incidentally, was used by BFC as the stock CMBB Kübelwagen and the basis for the versions included in CMAK. This new example has been entirely reworked and is now not only way more historically accurate, but way more cool too! :cool: Enough blabber--pix! I also worked up two final versions for CMBB and posted them in the CMBB section of the database. I suppose I can show some pix of those, too. And yes, I'm aware that the lighting on the spare wheel blatantly defies the laws of physics. Don't blame me--I had nothing to do with the 3D model.
  11. Looks like there were a few mods missing. Strange, but with the way my brain is lately not entirely implausible. Regardless of what mental deficiency led to the problem it's been fixed and re-uploaded to CMMods.com.
  12. You know, Mikey, it's pretty inconsiderate of you to release *two* different Hetzer mods. Now I can't decide which one I want to use! Thanks alot... :mad: Your new Hetzers are supercool. Now if I could just choose one to use...
  13. 251s are on the way, but still need a little work before I show them off. These are all based on my SPW 250 and 251 series mods for CMBB, BTW.
  14. The 250/9 is still a "legacy mod" leftover from CMBO, and the BMPs for the new versions won't fit the old 3D models without some serious alteration. Eventually I think I'll tackle it and the 250/8, and maybe even the 251/9.
  15. Yes, I know the uniforms a too clean. As I'm sure I've repeated numerous times: I'm too lazy to go through the work dirtying them up . Seriously, if anybody would like to try to mess them up a bit then be my guest. Oh, and address any 3D model concerns to the BFC boys, cuz I can't do anything about them.
  16. So I actually, finally decided to finish a few of the incomplete mods that have been languishing on my hard drive for a while now. They're all posted now at the usual place. First up: Winter Commonwealth uniforms. Leather jerkins and gloves worn with battledress. Set includes all Commonwealth Italian theater uniforms including Canadians. Next: North Africa theater Luftwaffe mechanized uniforms. And now: Afrika Korps Sd Kfz 250s! All four of them. Nice and dirty and weathered with a neato "tan over Panzer gray" effect, just like you like them! Here's a couple detail shots of the 250/1. Each vehicle mod includes options to remove the numbers and add the infamous aerial recognition banner! But wait, that's not all! Also posted are the mid- and late-war Sd Kfz 250s (neu)! Again, some beauty shots of the 250/1 These mods also include a "no numbers" option. Enjoy!
  17. I began trying to do that but then realized that there was a problem with them all looking alike due to units using the same arm, side, and leg BMPs. Unfortunately, CMBB is set up to make all the uniforms, well... uniform. That said, it would be easier to do with the early-war partisans as the mid-/late-war versions share the khaki gymnastroika collar with the rest of the Soviet face BMPs. I just eventually gave up researching and experimenting with it and made something that was similar to the stock game art.
  18. I think I made a late set and I think I posted it before the crash, but I really can't remember for sure. I'll look on my HD when I get home and see if I can find it. Thanks again Jordan for posting all my CMBB stuff. I don't think I would have taken the time to upload it all and I'm sure a lot of people really appreciate what you're doing. I know I do.
  19. Ready for download now: Winter uniforms for all Italian Theater German Heer infantry, mech, and mountain troops. Based on historical photos that show the mountain troop anorak in widespread use by German troops in Italy. All units wear anoraks, gloves, woolen field-gray trousers, and gray-green helmets. Pix speak louder than words -
  20. I never made a winter set for the LW ground forces in CMBB, but MikeT did cobble together a set out of my Heer winter uniforms, which included white, splinter, and swamp pattern camouflage winter outfits. There is a swamp/tan-water helmet cover included with my late Heer infantry set (for the Gebirgsjäger, IIRC) that should be available at the CM Mod Database. If I didn't re-post it then Astrocat surely did.
  21. It's a nice, simple to understand reference with a lot of information. The line drawings especially convey a lot of essential information in a way that's easier to grasp than if using photos or artist's renderings. Thanks for making it available.
  22. As others pointed out--yes, the panzer crews wore skull insignia on their collars. The ones in the mod are indeed derived from photos of real Panzer collar tabs (one of the few things I didn't draw from scratch in Photoshop!) and not Waffen-SS insignia. The field gray uniform with the litzen is correct for mid- and late-war assault gun uniforms where the skull insignia were replaced with Sturmartillerie collar tabs (at least that's what Michael's website sez ).
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