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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Michael - the helmets are darker than they look in the screenshot, which happens to show the highlighted portion at the front, which is naturally lighter. I'll take another look and see, though.
  2. Ready to download now from the CM Mod Database. Set includes two variants on the German tropical uniform: a dark olive version depicting the uniforms as issued, and a faded, sun bleached version. Neato details include Zeiss sun goggles, and an improved Afrikamütze. Some screenshots, of course : Vehicle crew with Italian desert goggles
  3. Just as soon as the item that Mr. Dorosh posted to me arrives. All in due time...
  4. Fernando--got it! Many thanks! Michael--Hey! I'm not ugly! But please don't try to kiss me all the same. I look forward to something cool showing up in my mailbox. Thanks!
  5. Ready for download now: all three sets of US infantry uniforms for CMAK, with tank crew uniforms thrown in as a bonus. I won't spend too much time describing them here, you'll just have to download them and check them out in game. Suffice it to say they're a total revamp of the original art with lots of new little details and cool things. For the nitpickers: for sets 1 and 2, the 3d soldier models really can't depict the HBT and M41 jackets correctly--they're too long. I tried to make them look ok given the circumstances. Also, the HBT uniforms have a HBT texture to them that some may find annoying, though I think most will agree that they look good. I'm not going to change them at this point. Please let me know if there are any huge problems with them. I had to do a fair amount of guesswork on the BMPs, but they seem to all be there. Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Now if we can get a uniform BMP list of some sort (Fernando--help!!! ) I can release the rest of the stuff I've been working on. Unfortunately, many of the BMPs don't follow the logical progression they did in CMBB, so I still have a few missing pieces parts to find. Here's a teaser pic--mid-war Gebirgsäger:
  6. A list not unlike the CMBB one on your GD Web site would be invaluable. I've got a few mods on deck that I can't release because there are a few BMPs here and there that I just cannot identify. Also, there's some real weird stuff in the CMAK BMP folder, include some old CMBO body parts and and a complete Romanian uniform set from CMBB! :confused:
  7. Now... ahem... you could always send that to *me* to see what I could come up with, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
  8. I'll qualify my statements by admitting that on large maps with lots of trees and buildings and stuff some downsampling occurs, but it doesn't seem to be as extreme as with the graphics acceleration turned on. I used to see the effects of downsampling on all but the tiniest itty-bittyest maps. Not any more.
  9. So... today is a good, no, great day. I find CMAK waiting for me when I get home, AND this trick seems to work!!! How cool is that?
  10. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!! I gotta try this when I get home. Course I don't actually have CMAK yet, but perhaps there's a surprise for me in the mailbox today.
  11. Excellent! Images of Folgore would be quite useful, as well as any general pix of Italian infantry in North Africa that show field gear, etc.
  12. Bump? Perhaps I should put this in a new thread...
  13. Please post pix! I'm currently working on an Italian mod set and need pix of, specifically, paratrooper ammo pouches, the leather gaiters worn by Bersglieri and tank crews, and officer Sahariana shoulder boards. Also, if any Italians or Italophiles out there could help me with a question: what kind of field gear was standard for Italian troops in NA? I've seen depictions of both continental green leather belts and pouchs as well as brownish "tropical" versions of the same. My guess is they would have been mixed, depending on the time period and availability. Any info, pix, etc. would be helpful. I'm afraid most of my knowledge of Italian stuff has to do with olive oil, wine, and Alfa Romeo engines!
  14. I like Canada. Got to go to Ottawa to a museum conference a while back. It was kind of creepy at first--everything in the city was clean, people were really friendly, things were cheap (gotta love that exchange rate)--but I got used to it pretty quickly. I'm still not quite sure why people kept trying to talk to me in French, though. Edited to say: I actually do have CMAK, but it's a Windows copy sent to me by mistake. Madmatt says a Mac version is on its way, though . [ December 16, 2003, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  15. Keep the Italian NA photos coming! If anyone can provide good references for uniforms, especially officers' insignia and footwear--specifically those leather gaiters that a lot of troops seem to be wearing in the photos--it will be very helpful for a mod set I'm working on while I wait for the full Mac version of CMAK to show up. I think I'm the last person in the contiguous 48 states without it.
  16. The Humber was a royal pain in the butt, because the original CMBO bmps were so blurry and indistinct that it was tough to use them as a guide for the new ones. I didn't have much time for trial-and-error fitting of the all the pieces, as I was working on a pretty tight deadline, although I thought they looked pretty ok at the time. It was late at night, well, early in the morning when I finished the thing so perhaps my judgement was off.
  17. So you've found the Humber, have you? Thanks for posting it!!! BTW it is my work, and not Gordon's. My apologies if not all the bits fit just so--it was made to fit the CMBO Humber model and even then was completed in on evening (and night and early morning) of frantic pixel-crunching (it's a long story). [ December 11, 2003, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  18. Where else do you expect AndrewTF's Gucci uniform mods to come from? </font>
  19. Thanks! And I usually am very modest and self-depricating--really!--ask almost anyone. I decided to be different this time.
  20. Soon! It will actually help when I have the full version of the game (long story--it's on its way ) The bad side of this is that I don't get to play CMAK for a few more days. The good side is that I can spend a little more time making MODS. You should see the Afrika Korps uniforms I have waiting for you...
  21. AFAIK only the German army (and possibly navy?) had chaplains, the Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe being too tied Nazi ideology which was officially atheistic.
  22. Yes... And thanks for the pix--they'll come in handy. Actually, Michael, I am familiar with how the gas mask canister, et al., were worn, but you have to remember we're dealing with the blocky (by necessity) CM soldier 3D models, not a real-live person. The field gear is not modeled in 3D but has to be depicted using "trompe l'oeil" methods in a 2D graphics file. That said, there's just not enough space on the BMPs to depict everything realistically. In real life the gear would have been carried both on the back and the side of the soldier, but with the current 3D model in CM this is pretty hard to do, especially as the torso side BMPs are mirrored. If I were to show the gas mask canister hanging at a 45º angle I would have to omit the mess tin or overlap it, which would look really odd (it does, I've tried it). In order to fit all the gear in, I have to use a bit of artistic license. BTW, if you look at the platoon/section HQ of my latest CMBB Heer uniform mod you'll note that I tried to depict the gas mask canister hanging at an angle. It's not a perfect 45º though (so put away your protractor) .
  23. Nah, nobody ever bugged me about those. It was the aerial recognition flag on the early-war halftrack mod.
  24. :eek: You're right! I hadn't noticed! :eek: I'll see if I decide to add it on. Perhaps I should just leave it out this time... just because.
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