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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. I'm not sure what that's analagous to since I've never used PSP. Try the "hardness" setting on the brush palette. Maybe try "flow", too. Also, try using the different layer blending modes to achieve a better effect.
  2. PhotoShop's masking tools are really very good, it's just a matter of PSP vs. PS technique. I found that I had to monkey with the levels settings quite a bit to get an appropriate contrast for the mask to work as indicated in the tutorial since using the indicated settings in PS led to something totally unworkable.
  3. I wasn't planning on it. If one of our resident expert winterzers wants to take a crack then more power to them.
  4. Uh-oh. Looks like BFC used the early-war BMP numbers (in CMBB) for the late-war SPW250s in CMAK. Sorry to mislead--it looks as if the BMPs will need to be renumbered to work properly with CMBB. Edited to add: the SPW 250/1, /7, and /10 mods should work in CMBB with no alterations, although the early versions are painted Afrika Korps brown. [ June 07, 2004, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  5. I think I can make up some winter uniforms for the WaffenHamsters pretty quickly. I'll just update one of the CMBB versions. Will that do? Let's see: I think the aforementioned guys need winter outfits, as do the Fallschirmjäger (which I'm working on--well, forgot about, actually, but I did start them) and the LW ground troops. The allies are pretty much taken care of.
  6. Since you asked so politely and all It's still in the early stages, which is why it looks kind of odd. I'll post here when it's ready. This vehicle could really use a new 3D model, as all the versions I've seen have the gun mounted not in a superstructure as shown (as on the SPW 250/8), but rather with the gun protruding through the area where the passenger-side vision block should be.
  7. Finally ready for download at the CM Mod Database! New textures, based on my SPW 251/1 mod, for two old CMBO "legacy" vehicles used in CMAK. Not that the old BMPs were bad or anything, but they were looking a little out of place amidst the CMAK (and CMBB visuals). Oh, and they'll work in CMBB and CMBO, too. Sorry, but I was too lazy to make any alternate camouflage schemes. SPW 250/8 SPW 250/9 I'm not sure what BMP controls the 20mm gun barrel texture on the 250/9, so it's not included. The original looks pretty good, though, so no worries there.
  8. I made a 251/1 (and 251/2 and 251/10) for CMBB. My CMAK versions can be used in CMBB as well. The forthcoming 251/9 will be usable in both games.
  9. Yeah, I think I've done all the uniforms except for the Brit Paras and, for some unfathomable reason, the Luftwaffe desert vehicle crew. Oh, wait, I didn't make a French uniform mod. Better get to work.
  10. Andrew are you working on 251/9 or 250/9 ? Pat </font>
  11. Some of you may have figured this out already, but, at long last, there are two--count 'em--two Italian uniform mod sets available for download now from The CM Mod Database! As usual, these are complete, from-scratch remakes, although the continental uniforms are based on my CMBB Italian uniform mod, but are improved and stuff. Numerous added details and improvements abound, including proper unit-specific cap badges and cool fighting knives for the paratroopers. Here are a few pix: Tropical airborne Tropical infantry (mechanized almost the same) Continental mechanized Continental airborne
  12. I think you're on the right track. The trick seems to be getting the contrast on the b/w image for the mask very high. Think of the mask this way: the black areas totally mask the image while the white areas let everything be seen. Any gray bits are differing areas of transparency, so the effect you described above is correct, so you want to try to get as much black and white as possible with not very much gray. Play around with it some more and see what you get. FYI, what I usually do is experiment with the dirt layer's blending mode and opacity. I find "soft light" works pretty well for dirt and dust. Start off with a dark brown color--the blending mode will cause it to appear much lighter. I then usually apply a layer mask and paint in specific areas that I want masked.
  13. Alright, I consider myself kind of a minor Photoshop layer-mask guru, so I took a look and think I figured it out. The terminology used in the tutorial is a little oversimplified (which is not a bad thing in and of itself) which makes it a little confusing when trying to apply PSP techniques to photoshop. I messed around with the tutorial and this is what I found out: In Photoshop-speak, he's making a duplicate of the original art layer, then making into a high-contrast alpha channel from which to make a layer mask. You can do this in Photoshop but the procedure is somewhat different: Make a new "pinkies" knockout layer per the tutorial Duplicate the bottom artwork layer, then desaturate it, but DON'T up the lightness +100% as this will result in a totally white image! Adjust the brightness and contrast per the tutorial. Now, here's where it's different: select and copy the gray image. Switch to the "Channels" pallette and create a new channel. This will be named "Alpha 1". Paste the image into the channel. Switch back to the layers pallette. Discard the grayscale layer and create a new Dirt Layer as in the tutorial. Now go to the select pull-down menu and click "load selection". Choose "Alpha 1" from the pop-up menu and click ok. Are you still with me? You'll see a bunch of "marching ants" on the image that may or may not look like the vehicle. Now go to the "Layer" pull down menu, mouse over "add layer mask" and click on "hide selection". You'll see a new thumbnail of the grayscale image to the right of the layer thumbnail in the layers pallette. Now feel free to paint away on that layer without obliterating the details. Make sure you're not painting on the layer mask, though. Hope that helps. Note to MikeyD: Photoshop masking is really supercool! Once you've learned the intricacies of it you'll wonder how you lived without it. It will change your life.
  14. The "circular bulge" is indeed an odd sort of conical armored cover which could be swiveled out of the way to expose the MG port when needed.
  15. I've just been including Juju's version of the MG in my mods that use it. With his permission, of course.
  16. That's way cool! Supercool, in fact, as are all of the CMAK assault guns you've done so far. The wonderful camouflage schemes you apply to them make me slightly ashamed of my "lazy man's" blurry camouflage I've been using on my German AFV mods. I just don't have the patience to match up the patterns properly from BMP to BMP.
  17. Sadly, no. CMBB uses the old CMBO 3D model which, as I found out the hard way, is totally different than the new CMAK version.
  18. Available now at Modslut Central: the semi-long-awaited Jagdpanzer IV mods! Totally from scratch, these mods correct a few problems where the BMPs didn't quite fit the 3D model accurately. Jagdpanzer IV early, now with Zimmerit! The later Jagpanzer IV has steel front wheels and lacks a muzzle brake, which had the unfortunate tendency to kick up dust when firing, giving the vehicle's position away. Crews often removed them in the field, and later production models had them omitted altogether. Options are included to restore the muzzle brake and add partial skirts, like this: And I finally tracked down the BMP numbers for the Jagdpanzer IV/70 skirts and gun barrel. Also released is a version of my CMBB Nashorn reworked for CMAK.
  19. Er, no, it doesn't. That's why I'm asking The Jpz IV lang has separate gun barrel and skirt textures. The skirts in the default version are mesh in fact. The SPW 250/8 and /9 mods should be done soon as well.
  20. Anyone know the BMP numbers for the Jpzr IV/70 gun barrel, skirts, and unit picture? I'm having a hard time finding the things as they're not in sequence with the other Jpzr IV files. Thanks!
  21. I made some winterized Hungarians. They should be on CMMODS.COM.
  22. I'm considering doing an Aloha Shirt, shorts and flip-flops mod for the desert Brits. While researching this mod I found a photo of a British tanker wearing a similar ascot with his battledress, so I swapped out the scarf that the FJ officer was wearing and it actually looked pretty cool (in an "upper-class twit of the year" kind of way)!
  23. Because it was late and I was too lazy to look up the proper ones... So what should they look like, then?
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