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Everything posted by Stixx

  1. Ummm, no worries mate. I don't know if the last file is your or mine, either way i will pass it on to either you or Capdog accordingly.
  2. Hetzers have extremely sloped armor. Tungsten is normally pretty dismal against em. Probably the fact that you were only 100m away helped
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: it's airborne and gets in when I breath.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Still, take my earlier advise. Shut your mouth!, you might need to block your nose too.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Urgh...yuk - that tasted horrible! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't open your mouth then!.
  5. Sorry to do this to you Treeburst but i think it would be best if i left the RoW. I don't want to!!!. Things in "Real Life" have changed alot for me over the past few weeks. I just can't keep turns flowing out sorry. I'm not sure what you wish to do in the way of a replacement etc. If you need my assistance just hollar, i'll do what ever i can. Sorry Mate Stix
  6. Hey Ted. I was going to tell ya that your signature had already been taken "By me" but.... I've been using it for long enough now. Time for a new one
  7. Not here!!!! Sorry couldn't help myself
  8. I'm going to do everything i can to stay in guys so don't worry too much just yet. I just thought i would warn you. I'll no alot more in about 2 weeks.
  9. A word of warning. When the Game arrives the CD will be inside the manual which is sealed in plastic. It's not in a normal hard cover case. Alot of people including me almost died when we tore open the pacaging to find that they had forget the CD!!!. Of course they hadn't, it is "Inside" the maunal. Just thought i would warn you.
  10. I have some major real life changes that are about to occur that will start taking up alot of my time. I'm not sure if i will be able to continue in RoW. I will do everything i can to stay "active" but there are only so many hours in the day. I do not wish to pull out now especially after i have done some serious ass whipping of some of my opponents but..... Real Life takes priority. I'll inform you of my situation as things get closer.
  11. Just like the Zone or MPlayer or Gamespy. It would be nice for CM. Maybe a little more complicated than for some of the other games but I think it could be done.
  12. I can't remember who said but one famous bloke said "Every thought you think is making your future" I don't think anyone that plays CM or any other computer games WANTS a WAR. That doesn't mean that playing computer games doesn't change the way we think, i'm sure it does.
  13. Don't worry Shatter your old system will be fine. The system requirements are very low for CMBO and won't be increased all that heavily by CMBB.
  14. Does anyone know if ICQ makes a mac version? I'm the one he is having problems with and i thought a quick TCP/IP game might save the PBEM problem. I hate sitting in Chat rooms for hours ICQ is quick and easy.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS: But it already is! It takes a bit of finding but its there alright. Works grate to. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think he was talking about something OTHER than turning the brightness up on your monitor.
  16. I might be missing something here? I see that i have been accepted in this tournament and i have been recieving E-Mails from various blokes in here but......I haven't recieved any E-Mail etc from Treeburst or WineCape. Has anyone else actually been "Notified" as to whats going on? Stix
  17. I also believe that troops in CMBB will be alot more vulnerable to MG fire while on the run. They are putting in some new movment orders like assult? i think was one but running troops will now be alot more vulnerable.
  18. I also believe that troops in CMBB will be alot more vulnerable to MG fire while on the run. They are putting in some new movment orders like assult? i think was one but running troops will now be alot more vulnerable.
  19. I have heard of a few 100:0 victorys but they have all been with the AI on attack. I doubt or would like to hear of anyone that gained a 100:0 vicrory over the AI while attacking on atleast a 500pt batttle.
  20. Well no you couldn't exactly run them under water (I don't think). They still have altinators which are electrical and charge the batterys. The batteries are needed to run electrical equipment but i'd say tanks have some sort of back up. Still you need electricity to warm up the fuel and turn the starter motor. Diesels have Glow Plugs instead of spark plugs. Petrol engines are ignited by spark plugs which actually set the fuel alight. Diesel engines ignite fuel by compression, but glow plugs warm up the fuel so that it ignites easier under compression. Hope that helps.
  21. LOL. Well CMBB may still 6 months away yet. BTS haven't given a date only "around" the end of the year-early next year. It still costs them the same to manufacture it and the more money they make the happier they will be so we will get CMBB quicker $45 is a small price to pay for the enjoyment CMBO brings. One night out on the town will set you back just as much.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: New Zealand is, of course named after part of teh Netherlands <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ya sure ya don't mean Nether region?
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I've got one going with 10000 points per side. Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> After my last artillery barrage i think thats getting closer to 5,000 points. Also foolishly advancing Panthers thru the trees without infantry support... Damn!!!. I thought i was going to get a challenge out of this game. Instead you seem more concerned about herding your sheep off the map edge and walk your infantry straight Into my artillery barrages????. If your an Aussie i'm ashamed to call myself one!
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