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Everything posted by Stixx

  1. For 8th Grade ya have to give this guy some credit... Is Manx's "Boot Camp" still up anywhere? I can't recall seeing it at CMHQ. That would of been very useful for this bloke. Stix
  2. There are lots of people still using CoCaT yes. I'm not familiar with the problem you are experiencing but i would advise you to post your problem on your divisional forum in CMMC. Stix
  3. I'm totally against a .pdf It's the one thing that stops people obtaining illegal copy's of the game. Well it doesn't "Stop" them but it stops them getting a copy of the manual!. Just my 2 cents worth...
  4. You do a great job Big Dog, not to mention the Admiral... You are an excellent asset to the CM community!.
  5. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them Lest we forget.
  6. Hmmmm Iron Duke, i don't suppose that would be that Iron Duke from Falcon 4?
  7. I'm keen. Let me know how much you want for them? stix243@iprimus.com.au
  8. ROFLMAO!!! Priest a modder! Now that's a laugh!
  9. Well CM is in the lead! CM is at 87 votes with the whole CC series at 51 votes.. [ April 15, 2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Stixx ]
  10. Anyone remember the Falcon 4 manual!!! Ahhhh Those where the days! I too would like a much more comprehensive manual.
  11. ROFL@Gyrene... ROFLMAO... I just heard that in my head crystal clear ROFL...
  12. The CMMC is very much alive... All the information on the website is "outdated" because of "Fog Of War" which is so think in this game ya can't see your hand in front of your face Yes there Will be a CMMC2 after the release of CMBB sometime, people are working on that now.
  13. Like you said Marlow. Just play against trusted opponents... I am yet to see any of my opponents use a "gamey" force selection.
  14. I, I think i would have to agree with you there sir.
  15. I'm sure BTS doesn't get sick of reading "Thank-You" posts. I'm sure they already know how great a game they have made but no one knocks back a compliment... I'm sure the thank-you threads will be long and heart felt after the release of CMBB.
  16. Yeah but you have a bloody sleeping disorder that we are all well aware of by now... I swear, you must be the only living Brain donor!.
  17. Oh, pull your lip over your head and swallow!
  18. Is that the World War II Facts on File volume? Michael</font>
  19. Yeah books are the way to go... I've got one here called "Infantry weapons of WWII" Lots of info, goes in to AT guns, Hand Grenades, Mortars etc as well. If you can find a reasonable second hand book store in your area it's amazing what you can find... I'm still looking for a copy of the Rommel Papers to pop up
  20. 0125!!! Ya gotta be kiddin! Brian, you can tape it and send it to me
  21. I'l sell mine for $190 and express post it to ya!
  22. Budding CMBB Scenario designer, anyone? Actually i would be interested in any such books as well
  23. Give the guy a break! Damn!!! Welcome aboard Volker. There are so many mods out there it's hard to say which are the "best". It's all a matter of taste. Mods are simply new .bmp's that over write the games originals with the new graphic. I suggest that you just search through some of these sites and see what is available. Start d/ling and installing them. Open up CM and see what you like/dislike, simply go looking for new and better mods, it's an on going process. Also BTS did not ship winter textures for ALL items but the modders soon worked out how to do that. So you can d/l things like "Winterised stone walls" with snow etc and they will only show up in the "Winter scenarios" etc... I would suggest you check out these sites for mods. Cmbat Mission HQ Has lots of mods, the MDMP (Mad Dog Mod Packs) located on the 5th link down the left hand side has LOTS of mods all in one and may be a good place to start. Toms Combat Mission HQ Displays the mods on his site extremely well and is a pleasure to navigate and browse through. Der Kessel Also has some very nice mods. This should keep you going for a while but there is no end to the moding of CM If you need help with anything don't be afraid to ask. Stix
  24. ROFLMAO!!! That's gotta be one of the funniest AAR's i've vere read! ROFL!!
  25. This is most likely the TAC AI pulling back the tank and should work the same for you as it does for the AI. Try giving your tank orders to "move" to a hull down position but in LOS of the pill box, and a reverse order down from the hull down position. Normally he will have just enough time to get a shot off before he reverse back out of LOS.
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