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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. 3BM60 "Svinets-2" On a side note, how the **** did this thread get derailed by a debate on the frontal armor protection of the Abrams tank when exactly no one ever questioned the frontal armor on the Abrams tank. In every video I've seem of an Abrams getting wrecked by an ATGM it was hit in the side or rear.
  2. Because the HMG42 is technically a heavy weapon all day every day and the game makes no exceptions. I'm not saying it's realistic in this circumstance, just that it isn't a bug.
  3. Turns out it's not a bug. The HMG42 is classified in the game as a "heavy" weapon type and that category of weaponry is not allowed to be used in shelter bunkers.
  4. Yet a LMG42 can shoot out of a shelter bunker firing from the shoulder. Seems like an inconsistency so I'll report it.
  5. I should clarify. I've had the tank for a while, but it very recently got busted in the chops by a rampaging panzer IV.
  6. I just happened to come into possession of a T-34 with main cannon, coaxial machine gun and weapon controls knocked out but a functional hull machine gun. When I give it a Target order the hull machine gun fires. The tank does have all 5 crew members.
  7. Keep in mind that after dropping the bomb on Nagasaki the United States only made 2 more nuclear bombs in 1945, one in August and another in December.
  8. If it is happening in a scenario or QB with foggy or hazy conditions then it's actually not a bug. There is apparently some compatibility problem between the shader and those weather conditions so it is deliberately disabled. I personally haven't noticed any problems so I can't be more specific.
  9. There is some more information here but it only lists FO times and only with Elite units. Also note that position in the force structure has no effect on response time. A platoon HQ has the same delay as the battalion HQ.
  10. Studienka and DRd5PD are good PBEM scenarios as well, assuming you have a reliable partner who doesn't mind the time commitment required of big battles. The DRd5PD map is a masterpiece.
  11. Until a couple of years ago I had probably spent more time testing the games than playing them.
  12. FOs are faster than HQs with all indirect fires. I'm not qualified to say how realistic that is but it's never been called into question before that can recall.
  13. Penetration of rolled homogeneous armor at 0° at 750 meters, in millimeters: US 75L40 (Sherman): AP: 84 APCBC: 77 UK 57mm AP: 100 APCBC: 96 APDS: 150 UK 76mm/17 Pdr AP: 160 APCBC: 156 APDS: 244 German 75L70 APCBC: 158 APCR (rare): 216 German 88L71: APCBC: 211 APCR (very rare): 269
  14. The Pershing is a given. I'm not sure about the Super Pershing. IIRC there were only two of them.
  15. It could be done as part of the Fantasy Vehicle Pack Steve alluded to in the other thread. You don't really need a new game family. With all the models, artwork and TO&E already done it could be patched into RT and/or FB. Then it just comes down to how ambitious BFC wants to be with it and the corresponding price point. If there is no new content aside from the "fantasy" units then it's essentially a vehicle pack. Or they could go balls to the wall with new scenarios, QB maps and campaigns and price it as a module.
  16. I don't think any of those hits should make it into the interior of the vehicle. Since they don't appear to be making it that far I don't see a problem there. The gun damage is another matter.
  17. The thing to remember about AT guns in-game is that they are always pushed at the same speed in every situation and condition. So yes, it's slower than in reality in some conditions but faster in others. You can push a 76mm gun up a muddy hill with half the crew hors de combat.
  18. The JPz IV mantlet has two sections and there is an air gap between at least the outer edge of the first section and the second. At least some of the apparent penetrations are penetrating the outer plate and then getting stopped by the inner plate. You can sometimes see the two hit decals if you ghost the camera through the vehicle. When a shell strikes two plates in rapid succession only the hit text for the second impact is displayed. The problem is that everything that get past that first section is knocking out the main cannon. That seems hard to justify so I have logged it as a bug.
  19. I bitched about this a few years back and IIRC Phil said it was an OpenGL driver issue he couldn't fix. But it was a few years ago.
  20. What is the problem with infantry squads picking up a radio? Are they extremely heavy, so that months of specialize strength training would be required to lift one?
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