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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. I don't think this is entirely true. I believe I read somewhere that until Jan. 1944 Soviet troops have delay times equal to German troops one level lower, i.e. conscript Germans would have the same delays as green Soviets. AFAIK this is only for delay times.
  2. Eh, why did you start a 3rd thread on this subject while your second thread is still open? On a seperate note, 2 out of 3 subject lines in all caps does not bode well for the future. [ September 03, 2002, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  3. This is exactly how I learned the German phrases in CMBO. It didn't take long before I knew all of them without having to consult the cheat sheet. I'm sure someone will eventually post a list of .wavs and their corresponding translations.
  4. Shockwaves for HE explosions Shockwaves for buildings collapsing
  5. If you had read the book you would know that this is how the actual battle really was. Many of the Somalis were wacked up on a drug popular amoung the locals, and fought with little regard for proper military tactics or their personal safety. If that bothers you blame the Somalis' bad personal habits, not the film makers. Again, read up on the subject then comment when you know what you're talking about.
  6. I agree Seriously, I agree with most of the others that none of the things you mention are inherently unethical. The reason for this is something Chad pointed out: good players, or players who have simply played the game a lot, will usually know this stuff off the top of their head anyway. So, the question then becomes if you already know it without having to look it up is it gamey or unethical to use that knowledge to influence your decision making? Is it even possible to not use it once you have it? I think the answer to both questions is no.
  7. The answer is that they are allowed unless it is agreed upon that they are not allowed. There's nothing gamey about using them, but some people just prefer to play without them. Personal preference. It's usually best to simply ask your opponent to make sure.
  8. The only one we know the exact number for is lower hull, which is 12% (Steve confirmed this). Upper hull is somewhere around 50%, turret around 30%, (rough numbers here). Gun hit is about 1%, track hit takes up the rest probably around 7%. EDIT: Oh, I forgot: It would have to be different for turretless vehicles, but I never tested for them so I don't have any numbers. Mantlet is not a hit type. It is included in turret hits. [ August 04, 2002, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  9. Steve said at one point that this would not change until the rewrite, unfortunately. EDIT: I do like Redwolf's suggestion. [ August 04, 2002, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  10. I think it is all units, but I can't be sure. I know for a fact that it is not just vehicles since I've read Steve talking about it applying to infantry.
  11. Probably not. Moon posted a list of countries that are covered by the CDV agreement a while ago in another thread. Most (all?) Western European countries are in it. BFC is not allowed to sell direct to these countries as it would violate its distribution agreement with CVD.
  12. I think people should calm down about the SS naming thing. As has been pointed out, it is already possible to change the names of units in CMBO. It stands to reason that this will likely be the same in CMBB, so it will end up being much ado about nothing. The only relevant issue is the copy protection, but since we do not know what form of copy protection they are using it is all speculation. [ July 23, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  13. Buy it now! It's better than sex!!!... with sheep... from what I'm told... Actually, Madmatt needs a new hard drive and your 50 bucks will go a long way towards covering it. Support the cause.
  14. No way will this happen nor should it happen. See Andreas' question above. In addition, you must realize that the average CM game represents a fairly atypical engagement compared to real life in as much as it is a fight to the death (or close to it) between two evenly matched forces. Add in the fact that most of the players controlling the forces will probably not be following German and Soviet doctrine as it was practiced in the time period represented and you can see that this is not a reasonable expectation.
  15. It may happen sooner. In an interview a while back Steve said they are considering doing a CMBB/CMBO combined remake with the new engine for CM 4 or 5. By the time CM 6 rolls around I want to see a modern warfare CM
  16. As others have stated, it isn't going to happen. Note that the changes to MG effectiveness in CMBB are more than just an adjustment to the MGs themselves. There were also changes to the speed and cover given to units using the "fast" order, and these changes necessitated the introduction of some completely new orders. In short, retrofitting the CMBB changes to CMBO would be a major project in itself. It would be far more cost effective to simply start over from scratch with a new engine, which is what they will do eventually.
  17. Big problem here and probably the main cause of the jerkiness. Hit Control+Alt+Delete. This will bring up a window listing all the programs running. You should have no more that 4 or so ideally: Explorer, Systray, Gmtray and Em_exec are all I have (not all of these will appear on all systems) and I usually have around 88% free. You can shut these down one by one from this window or permenantly stop them from autoloading when you start Windows by using the steps Schrullenhaft mentioned. IIRC the Model 64 is the budget version of the TNT2 and has poor performance. Almost anything you get will be a major improvement. I am running a Gainward Geforce 4 64 MB card in my AGP 1.0 slot (Intel 440BX chipset). I had to reset my BIOS to get it to work, but it runs fine. If money is tight you could pick up a Geforce 4 MX 400 for under $100. [ July 18, 2002, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  18. Unless the beta testers have been lying to us, yes it made it in.
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