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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. In CMBN packing up time works as advertized; it's just the deploy that is bugged. Then again I don't recall seeing any crew-served weapon in CMBN without a functioning deploy button. I'm also pretty sure that deploy time did work in CMBN version 1.0.
  2. Then that begs the question of why the firing unit is required to be in C2 when the FO or HQ calling the fire is not.
  3. So presumably it has to pack up again at every waypoint.
  4. If by "anyone" you mean anyone not working for BFC I think the answer is no. But they have hinted at October.
  5. I know the reason for it. But I was asked for reasons so I decided to be inclusive. As for 6, I will do a test or 2 but I don't think there is any "shocked" status for tank crews in CMx2. If the crew stops functioning after a casualty it's usually because they are about to bail.
  6. 1. Infantry cannot use AT rockets from the cover of buildings, even partially destroyed buildings. 2. Infantry cannot use building corners as cover to fire around. 3. Tank crews have instant borg communication. When one crew member spots a target the tank instantly begins rotating to target. 4. No gun elevation limits. Tanks can fire at targets straight above them and, more importantly, right next to them. Tanks can even if necessary fire through their own hulls to hit close assaulting infantry. 5. Tank crews are more reluctant to abandon a tank after penetrations than they should be. How much so is hard to say, but even BFC has said it's too optimistic right now. 6. Tank crews that take a casualty but do not bail out continue to operate without missing a beat. 7. Although hard to prove that it's unrealistic, tanks seem really, really good at spotting while moving, even while buttoned. 8. Tanks are more accurate while firing on the move than in reality.
  7. I said unrealistically dominant. As in dominant to an unrealistic extent. And yeah, I can live a list of reasons why that is the case if you would like.
  8. http://www.miniatures.de/tactics-1932-german-infantry.html http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/ww2/snippet/infantry-unit-frontages.htm
  9. Good to hear. We may be frustrated but the AI will love it
  10. It's interesting that people find the lack of infantry AT weapons in CMFI a plus. To me armor is already unrealistically dominant in CMBN.
  11. So when moving does the mortar deploy then pack up at every way point?
  12. Good questions. I'm sure there will be patches for CMFI and it's eventual modules. There is also supposed to be a patch for CMBN before the 2.0 upgrade. That is when I would expect the bug to be squashed.
  13. For indirect fire, yes, but since the OP was talking about LOS rather than LOF I assume he was intending the use the gun in direct fire mode. He's going to have to push the gun forward to the wall so that the crew is out of the foxhole, unless he can blow a hole with a satchel charge.
  14. Yep, IIRC deployed MGs shooting through walls was introduced in one of the CMBN patches. Works the same for the low berms bocage sits on.
  15. Although not relevant to tank vs. tank engagements it should be noted that the Sherman 75mm HE round was also significantly more powerful than that of the Pz IV.
  16. Kettler mentioned recently that he used to live on a boat. But I suppose if he were going to remember you he already would have.
  17. One of my wishes for CMx2 that didn't come to pass was the decoupling of movement from contact behavior. Ideally we could select a movement speed from one menu, a reaction to contact SOP from another, mixing and matching as we pleased. I'm sure BFC had good reasons for sticking with the more rigid system we've had since CMBO, but I don't know what they are.
  18. CMBN should be fine since it uses a different DRM than CMSF that cannot be deactivated. You just get a set number of different hardware configurations you can activate on. IIRC it is 3 plus one per year thereafter.
  19. It seems to me that artillery larger than 81mm mortars is unnecessary in the game, unless you're going to use it for tank busting. Same with 105mm-armed assault guns. Why bother? 75mm HE is perfectly adequate for all your infantry killing needs.
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