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    c3k got a reaction from Bulletpoint in New features curiosity   
    I've run into this and tested it. AFAIR, every time the teams eventually combined. I tried every combination I could think of regarding terrain, morale status (linked, due to quantum physics and spooky interactions), pinning/non-pinned, command status, etc. 
    Some cases took longer than others. But, I never found a case where the teams did not finally merge. Again, it's just a matter of time. (Apologies to sub-atomic physicists, everywhere. But, then, they already knew that apology occurred, didn't they.)
  2. Upvote
    c3k reacted to A Canadian Cat in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    I highlighted something important - big maps are cool and all but once you start fighting on them with lots of forces you can easily reach the limits of what your computer can handle. I have not yet touched what @benpark has been working on I've only seen a few more screens so I am *not* talking about the module directly here but about the game. I totally do not want to be a wet blanket here because what @benpark has done is amazing and we well all be thanking him for decades of gaming. The amazing number of battles that will be created out off his work could be staggering.
    I wanted to set some expectations a little - his map is a resource to help all of us jump start creating scenarios. That map really needs to be cut up into smaller parts for individual scenarios or campaigns. A while back @c3k and I helped test a big battle for @sfhand
    We eventually were unable to play any further. I forget how many Battalions we had on the map but it was a lot of troops. Long before you get to the point where the game cannot process the orders many machines will not have satisfactory performance. Hence the need to extract smaller portions of big maps to create scenarios on.
  3. Like
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in Naughty or nice... here's some bones!   
    Heheh: a double diphthong post is never something to try to take back!

  4. Like
    c3k reacted to Sulomon in The patch?   
    Brave Rinaldi, Miller and others have long battled against those who think the lack of communication and fixes is acceptable!  Fortunately many others have come to their aid as more forum posters grow restless after months and months of nothing.
    I didn't put anyone specific for the orcs but they represent the people who think the current situation is reasonable (of course they can believe what they wish but in this video they're shown to be wrong) and in general represent steve's lack of communication and fixes.
  5. Like
    c3k reacted to Heirloom_Tomato in Golynki - 2x2 km, villages/marshes (map done/scenario WIP, v0.1)   
    So I just checked the editor and no trains, partisans or SS units available. Thanks for the bone about the new Red Thunder module. 😁
    If these units aren't in the next module I will hold you responsible for getting my hopes up. Especially working trains.
  6. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    A point of clarification, however. You stated that you did not want to deploy your two HMG teams in Casa d'Antonio because you wanted them to have freedom of maneuver within their respective buildings.
    Well, you -did- mention the 2.3 minute DEPLOY time. That's an estimate of how long it takes to setup in the buildings. So, yeah, it could take longer. To Deploy.
    Underneath that Deploy time listing is something labeled "Pack Up". That's showing 14 seconds. So, you could have depl oyed the machineguns (and gotten all the ROF/LOS benefits, if any), and the packup time of 14 seconds would've been the only delay incurred to move them from one floor to another (or to the other side of that floor). They would've then been in the "semi-deployed" status.
    I would highly recommend always using deploying when initially setting up in a building. FWIW.
    (I just want to make sure the different time penalties for deploying and packing up are correctly noted.)
    Also, as evident by the chain-reaction spotting/firing which unzippered your defense, setting covered arcs is always a good idea. Delete 'em later if you want. The units will still spot, they just won't fire. That may've preserved some of your firepower. Or not.
    Waiting for the next installment.
  7. Like
    c3k reacted to General Jack Ripper in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Since you asked nicely:
  8. Like
    c3k got a reaction from jtsjc1 in "Fire for Effect" produces no fire, or effect.   
    Man, you're just cold. That poor guy obviously got hit with a case of the shakes. It happens.

    I just grabbed the file. Thanks for putting it up there...  It will be presented to the powers-that-be, behind the walls of Mordor.
  9. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in "Fire for Effect" produces no fire, or effect.   
    Man, you're just cold. That poor guy obviously got hit with a case of the shakes. It happens.

    I just grabbed the file. Thanks for putting it up there...  It will be presented to the powers-that-be, behind the walls of Mordor.
  10. Like
    c3k reacted to Sulomon in The patch?   
    While we're waiting another episode!
  11. Like
    c3k reacted to Bulletpoint in Grabner's force at Arnhem Bridge   
    "Enemy vehicle approaching!"
    "What kind of vehicle?"
    "Eh, it looks like a SdfK.. SKdfsz... A Puma, sir!"
  12. Like
    c3k reacted to rocketman in Blast vineyard   
    Don't know if this is common knowledge, but it isn't in the manual; engineers can blast vineyards. Pretty big holes for each demo charge. Can come in handy to make shortcuts through otherwise hopeless terrain that provides good concealment.
  13. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Back to the first turn recon squad. Even I have never given such an order! If, at any point, that recon team ran into the enemy, there's no way for them to get back. Sure, dead scouts DO tell tales, but that mission, as ordered, was something that even Carlos Hatchcock would refuse to do.
    If the scouts got down the first leg of the "U", they'd be behind enemy lines with no options and no support. Sweeping across the setup zone (bottom of the "U") would be HIGHLY unlikely to be survivable. The return up the final leg was merely offered to give them hope, yes? I mean, there's no way a team could survive moving up behind an assault force and then pass through them into friendly lines, right?
    I like the idea of a deep-recce. Some tight covered arcs would be needed, and a target location as a hole-up OP would be better. E.g., go deep and hide. The big sweep? Sure, they had 3 MPs, and that kraut-coolness factor, but even that would not suffice for three men to emerge from this mission.
    In this kind of low-vis, perhaps several teams, sent ahead of the first line of resistance, as listening posts/pickets, would be best? 
    Hindsight is 20/20, even in low vis. 
  14. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Fizou in Book recommendation: Panzerkrieg volume 1 by Jason D. Mark   
    I've ordered (direct from LeapingHorseman.com ) all of Jason Marks books; a total of 10-12. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
    If you have any interest in this subject matter (and why else would you be here?), you'll enjoy the Leaping Horseman products.
    They are well worth the price.
  15. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Oliver_88 in An Possible Exploit   
    Right I've known about this for an little while now, sorry for the delay. Seems there's an limitation or bug in an game mechanic that enables you to discover where an enemy unit is even though you cannot see them. I've not done any PBEM though I imagine that this could be quite an issue for those that do. I've recorded something to explain and show whats going on. But question before doing so is I'm not sure what would be better to do, either post the recording here or private message someone involved in development/testing instead.
  16. Like
    c3k reacted to Sulomon in The patch?   
  17. Like
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in The patch?   
    Let me say this in sburke's defense... (crickets)
    FWIW, from my perspective, I'd love to say something about behind the scenes stuff, but I'm not allowed to do so. It's up to Steve. It's frustrating to see/work/know what's going on, but be prohibited (for good reasons) for posting about it with the other aficionados of our shared passion. 
    If it helps, Steve is very aware of the pleas for more information.
  18. Like
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Great way these two are showing each others' perspective. Nice!!
  19. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Fizou in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    I have no idea what all this Mett and TAI talk is all about, but you've got some cool red arrows! (And who doesn't like tai food?)

    In a bit of seriousness, I'm enjoying this. The approach and the graphics are very much on a Bil Hardenberger level. 
  20. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Gafford in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Great way these two are showing each others' perspective. Nice!!
  21. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in AAR - A Lesson in Defense   
    Umm, that next installment? C'mon, man! We're on the edge of our seats waiting for your counter-attack to develop! Only 1/3 of your force going into the "sickle cut"? Bah. Put 'em ALL in there and SWEEP the enemy from the field. It would be gloooooorious!.  
    More postings are needed.
  22. Like
    c3k got a reaction from domfluff in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    I have no idea what all this Mett and TAI talk is all about, but you've got some cool red arrows! (And who doesn't like tai food?)

    In a bit of seriousness, I'm enjoying this. The approach and the graphics are very much on a Bil Hardenberger level. 
  23. Like
    c3k reacted to DerKommissar in AFV Show & Tell   
    The ERA just makes their silhouettes even more confusing.
    I have a Jane's tank identification book from the 2000s lying around somewhere, with really good photos. So, my knowledge of the Ukranian T-80 variants is from that, and could be outdated. So I decided to do some research:

    This is a diesel T-80U that entered production in Ukraine a few years prior to the collapse. After the collapse, these could not be made because they relied on parts from other ex-republics. So, around 320 of these were exported, in the 1990s, to Pakistan. That is when the new RF began exporting its T-90s, a customer of which, was India. The T-84 was designed as a completely domestic T-80.

    On this one, it is hard to see, but the new domestic T-84 had a all-welded turret. Each vehicle now had Shtora modules, as opposed to just the K (command) variants previously. Armament remained the same and the diesel engine was slightly improved. This one entered service in 1999, and saw further modifications (ie. diesel engine, armour modules).

    An Oplot is a T-84 with all-welded turret, Shtora, and new ERA. The new ERA are the distinguishing feature. The T-84s originally posted are T-84 Oplots. The question is: if you take a non-Oplot T-84 and slap new ERA on it, is it an Oplot?
    The development of the T-84 and the T-90 happened in parallel, and both competed for international sales. Who thought up the welded turret first, T-90A or T-84 Oplot? I do not know.

    This is the T-84 Oplot-M that we know and love. This one was first unveiled in 2008, and was ordered by Thailand and Pakistan. The first big difference is the panoramic thermal sight for the Commander, including new gunner sights, ballistic computer and FCS. It also has new ERA, new stabilizer (apparently) and "new" Shtora (Varta). Every source, including the Ukranian state exports site, say that they use a carousel type autoloader like the older versions and do not mention a turret bustle. 

    In the early 2000s, Turkey was looking for a new MBT. When they stuck a 120mm "NATO-compatible" smoothbore gun and put the ammunition in the turret bustle -- it became the Yagatan or T-84-120. This prototype was not selected by Turkey, and that was that. New 120mm ammunition was developed specifically for this new 120mm gun, it also worked with standard NATO 120mm ammunition. 
    That, my friends, is the tale of the T-84. Most info was taken from Military-Today, as you probably guessed. The RF will most likely shelf their T-80s, sooner or later -- but the UKR are moving forward with the design.
  24. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Pete Wenman in Mod to remove thunder?   
    I hate it when someone tries to steal my thunder.
  25. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Mod to remove thunder?   
    I hate it when someone tries to steal my thunder.
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