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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Thanks for the screenie. Steve hit the highpoints, but I'll chime in since my ego has overwhelmed my id. The screenshot shows the range differences between the two units, 46m vs 73m. It also shows BOTH units have LOS. The lines are blue. Before we go on, let's look at one more issue: the start location of the LOS lines. Your AT team has two members, helpfully circled in yellow and purple. Notice how their icon is hovering over their average location? That is where the LOS starts. While units move, the individual elements can occupy different action spots. However, for LOS purposes, it is only calculated to be in the one, average, location. (An important distinction: TEAMS are the sub-unit being looked at. If a squad has 2 or 3 teams, each team is looked at separately. Your AT team seems to be spread over 2 action spots.) Once a unit stops, it gathers eact team into one action spot. Enough on that... The screenshot shows LOS exists. The AT team has not spotted the M-10. 73 meters away, perhaps they should. That's a debate for a later time. However, if you were running, in combat, under fire, ACROSS a friggin' plowed field while carrying a bulky 'schreck launcher and ammo, I suggest that you may be devoting a LOT of your attention to where you're placing your feet. I'm willing to bet that the AT team - which knows something is over there (look at the icon) - will very shortly ID the M-10, includind facing, etc. It may be while they're running, it may be within a few seconds of stopping. The spread of information up - and across - the chain of command (and communications) is an entire sub-set of the game. A good spotter who is in comms can ease your entire force's advance. I hope this helps clarify some more of what it looks like is happening. Ken
  2. The following is all quoted (partially) from McAuliffe. I've added my comments in bold. Now, all the bold statements I added in, above, are "IMHO". I think that a lot of the criticisms have some merit, however, some - as noted - do not really hold up. Because a function is accessed differently does not mean that the function is missing. Again, IMHO. Ken
  3. Gautrek, I think posts #19 and #20 may be the most appropriate. I would, humbly, add the following: play WeGo, and replay the turns when action is occuring but have the camera down close to your men. Try the intro campaigns. It may not be your cup of tea. Coming from CMSF, I know that the UI does take a little bit of training. Once that hurdle is passed, the game flows. Ken
  4. Cirrus, If you could click on the enemy AT-Gun icon and target the icon, that translates to targeting the unit. What if the AT-Gun moved? Or, if it hid? If the icon disappeared, your mortar would stop firing. Ken
  5. Baneman, If your description is accurate (and I have no reason to doubt it), then it sounds wrong. Do you have a screenshot? Or, better, a savegame? Post it/them here or check my profile and email me. Thanks, Ken Edited to add: There is another possibility. LOS is drawn from various elevations within the action spot. A standing soldier has a higher LOS than one kneeling or who is prone. (This is the enhanced LOS (eLOS) as described in many CMSF threads. Go to that forum and search for more detailed information.) The possibility is that some members of the team are prone, so cannot fire their weapons - no eLOS/LOF, whereas others are kneeling or standing and therefore do have LOF due to the eLOS.
  6. This is a fantastic gem of a campaign. Kudos to FMB for creating and sharing it. Thanks, Ken
  7. Here are the LOS/LOF lessons I've learned from CMSF and CMBN. Any mistake in what I write and how it REALLY work is fully my own mistake. The game looks at EVERY action spot at the battle start up. It creates a table denoting possible LOS for each action spot TO each action spot. (During the game the LOS may degrade - smoke, vehicles, etc., but it will not IMPROVE. An exception could be LOS through a tall building. If the building collapses, then an LOS could exist. I _believe_ this LOS through a building is part of the possible LOS table.) Now the game "knows" what action spot can see which action spot. These are done to and from action spot center points. (An 8m x 8m grid is far better than CMx1's 20m x 20m grid. A 1m x 1m grid would be better, but not as good as a 10cm x 10cm grid. Etc. Read the full BF.C threads on why waiting 2 weeks for your CPU to process the LOS grid is a bad idea.) Now, all this happens while the loading bar is moving across your start screen. During the game, let's say you have an AT team, an Infantry team, and an enemy tank. The game looks at the action spot your Infantry team is in, it looks at the action spot the enemy tank is in. It takes that pair and looks at the LOS table. If an LOS is NOT possible, say a hill is in the way, the LOS check is over and the units cannot see each other. If the the two actions spots have a possible LOS, then the game looks a bit more deeply at the situation. Is there smoke? Are the members of the infantry team hiding, or ducking down behind a wall? Etc. It looks at the tank - specifically at the exact location of the tank - and checks LOS to the infantry unit. If LOS exists, it is two way. It then checks Line of Fire (LOF). It checks LOF for each infantryman from his specific location. This is how you get the grey target line: some have LOF, some don't. If your AT team is in the same action spot as the infantry team, but the AT team has no LOF while the infantry team does, it's because their location within the action spot is not good enough. Use a FACE command to move them within the action spot. Or, move the AT team to a different action spot. LOF to an enemy unit is drawn from each shooter directly at each enemy unit. LOF for area targets is drawn from each shooter to the center of the action spot. This can cause an issue in some very specific cases. If an enemy unit occupies a building, the enemy will disperse within the action spot and use the windows. If there is an end window AND the rest of the windows/that action spot center point are blocked by an intervening obstacle (say, another building corner), then a minor issue pops up. As long as the enemy is VISIBLE in the window, he can be shot. If he ducks down, then you can only use area target. However, the area target is drawn to the action spot center point. That point is blocked by the intervening building. The enemy cannot be suppressed. Remember, for him to fire at you, he IS exposed to your return fire. (If you don't understand this, that's okay. It's a very specific set of circumstances.) The only other case I can think of involves vehicle wrecks. LOS goes THROUGH wrecks. However, LOF is BLOCKED for certain cases. There are good reasons for this. I hope this helps.
  8. I agree with Jaws' sentiments as he expressed them, above. Some of the more egregious mistakes do detract from the polish of the final product. My suggestion is to use this thread as a single point source for all suggestions to improve the briefings. Might I suggest that if you've found some sort of mistake that you post it here, clearly denoting the scenario title, the specific part of the briefing which you think is wrong, and your correction? For example, "Big Busty Battle, briefing, first page, second paragraph, "you're" should be "your". Instead of a general condemnation of all things BF.C, specific recommendations like I've just described will do far more to improve the game. Ken
  9. Sergei, That is a fantastic video. Well done, and thank you for sharing. Ken
  10. Don't forget the effect on the British divisions. Risk averse, not wanting to be the last man to die, etc. Now, before the flames start, that was a gross oversimplification, but there were comments - contemporary - about the desert veteran divisions not performing at the elite/crack/veteran level expected of them. (I'm sure this would be true of any other nation as well, given the same circumstances.)
  11. As stated above, if your spotter cannot see where the spotting rounds land, well, the barrage won't be very accurate. As well, the higher the experience level of the spotter, the more accurate the barrage will be. Finally, I believe that there is a known bug regarding PRE-plotted (opening turn) barrages which is being worked on. There may be some work regarding spotting round behavior, as well.
  12. The 76mm vehicle: what was it and what was the crew's experience level?
  13. A minor point: the combat order given at a waypoint only takes effect upon reaching that waypoint. It seems obvious, but it can be confusing. The result of this rule is that the vehicle will follow that combat order until it receives a new combat order. In the linked images, above, the M1 Abrams using the shoot-and-scoot methodology is a good example. At start, it has no combat orders. It will move QUICK to the first waypoint. At that waypoint it will TARGET the building downrange. As it reverses, it will CONTINUE to TARGET the building downrange. It will NOT adapt the COVERED ARC command until it reaches the waypoint at the end of the reverse. In effect, the combat action for a movement path is determined by the combat command at the waypoint BEHIND the vehicle. Make sense? Ken
  14. Do they share any textures? Would a modder be able to change the hedge appearance so it appears very different from low bocage? Embedding the word "Hedge" would be a but much, but if the textures are separate, anything is possible.
  15. Don't give in! Many is the time I've rued the day I got my first credit card. Okay, I've never rued anything. I'm not even sure what the proper form of ruing would look like. If you've fought the machine, or the man, or whoever, for all this time, don't quit now. There are options. Have your girlfriend order it for you. Take up one of the offers from posters here who are willing to order for you. Heck, I'll do it, but I'm stateside. My sister's married to an Irish lad, would he get a break on shipping or customs? Don't give in! Ken
  16. Fold it up into a little square and... You can find a web-file host or you can zip it and email it to me. My address is in my profile. I'll send it on up the chain. Ken
  17. If you're playing WeGo, the game engine doesn't even know what you want until you hit "Go". How could it run pathing on the fly? Admittedly, it WOULD be nice.
  18. Excellent. Please post it at your favorite hosting website. Or, zip it and you can email it to me. (PM in my profile.) I'll forward it to the appropriate authorities.
  19. As above: HUNT = Move to Contact, then stop Did you know that at each waypoint you can select one of the Combat orders (under the "C" tab in the UI) for each waypoint? Imagine you've plotted a 5 waypoint movement order, a,b,c,d, and of course, e. Select the first segment, which ends at "a" and open your Combat orders. Perhaps choose TARGET. Next segment, ending at "b", select TARGET LIGHT For "c", how about TARGET ARC? "d" seems like it needs TARGET "e", the finish, would like a FACE If you move in an inverted V, start, mid, end; Go FAST, at the mid pause for, oh, 20 seconds with a COVERED ARC, then REVERSE back to the end. Move, shoot, reverse. Etc. Ken
  20. Using the scroll wheel on your mouse and getting down in the dirt helps. There is a mod which adds an overlaying grid on top of the terrain. That helps to show the undulations a bit better.
  21. You guys know I've been pushing for UI improvements for awhile. So, take this criticism with that in mind. If, say, my BAR gunner goes down, this would show a red BAR icon. Cool. Now, someone from my squad grabs the BAR. What will the UI show? - The one BAR icon in the hands of the guy who got it? - No change; the BAR stays red, the guy who got it keeps his Garand icon (for example). - We show TWO BAR icons; the red wounded guy's, and the green one for the guy who just recovered it. Now, what happens when each BAR gunner, in turn, gets wounded and the next guy recovers the BAR? How many BAR icons do we end up with? Ken
  22. Wengart, Thanks for running several iterations and posting results. Ditto to Furinkazan and Redwolf.
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