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Everything posted by c3k

  1. All mod files need to but put in a folder in your CMBN/Data folder. When the game loads it looks at the data in alphabetical order. Most people create a "z" folder: CMBN/Data/Z. Once the mod is in the Z folder, start the game. The mod will be active. (If you have multiple mods for the same data, the latest alphabetical name will be used.)
  2. No, they were always able to surrender quite easily. Surviving the surrender was a different question...
  3. When you remember to put a FACE command at the end of a move, the enemy will ALWAYS be on the other side than what you expected.
  4. Use the FACE command to change which action spots, and internally within each action spot the precise placement, the squad or team will use.
  5. A good map-maker will give the player cues regarding the location of bocage breaks; a dab of dirt will do ya'. Use the dirt, instead of grass, where the break is located to represent the wearing of a path on the ground. Likewise, a good scenario designer will include a clue about ground conditions such as, "watch out for the boggy, wet, mucky, mire, down by the river."
  6. Hmmm, are those the mobile anti-aircraft panzerfaust I've heard about? Pedal until an ami jabo decides to strafe you from behind. Two shots, nerves of steel, just wait till the jabo's shadow flashes overhead and pull the trigger!
  7. Okay, that made me laugh. Thanks. As to the multiple uses of the letter "K", well, I do consider it the best letter in the alphabet and personally think it should be used for many more roles. But I may be biased. The simple solution is to change "Bail Out" in the hot-key assignments to something else, or delete any hotkey binding at all to that function. There are many others who have noted the same issue. (An alternative hotkey file is included in your game files.) Good luck! K-K-K-K-K-K-Ken (shamelessly using Kevin Klein from "A Fish Named Wanda")
  8. Kane, Welcome on board! You have a good eye for catching details in the manual. Regarding your question, I have Jentz's "Germany's Panther Tank", Schiffer Publishing, 1995, open at my desk right now. On page 86 it states that the Ausf. G differs from both the A and D by having a "Front Lower Hull" armor of "50 mm @ 55 degrees", whereas the A and D have, as you stated, 60 mm at the same slope. Jentz uses the manufacturer's drawings for his references. I hope you consider him a reliable source. (I do not know what source(s) BF.C used for their armor values.) The manual in CMBN appears to be correct. Regards, Ken
  9. I suggest emailing BF.C's support address. Additionally, posting on the tech support forum would also be a better place to post for help on matters like this. Sorry for no answers.
  10. Hmm, I have used BLAST to clear wire. Are you sure you did it correctly? Tanks can get damage to their running gear clearing wire (or rhino's going through bocage), so be sure to track their damage levels before ordering a move through wire. ANY ordnance or ammunition carried by a vehicle has to be ACQUIRED by a passenger/crew. Just standing nearby will not enable them to get the bazooka. Split off a team and load them into the jeep, then ACQUIRE. Good luck, Ken
  11. German bow machineguns have sight systems, directly in-line with the barrel. (I'm unsure of their magnification, if any.) US bow machineguns had no sights. The bow machine gunner used the periscope to track the tracers.
  12. Partially correct. If the individual units are attached to the battalion HQ, then they "tie" the HQ to the battle. The workaround is easy. Before you purchase the individual vehicle, select an HQ (on the right hand side) which will remain. The vehicle will be assigned to that HQ's unit when it is purchased. Look for the yellow arrow to see which unit gets the vehicle. Ken
  13. I ran into this and learned what to do. Here's an example: 1st Battalion HQ -- Battalion Escort Platoon -- Battalion Assault Tank Platoon -A Company -B Company -C Company Okay, if you want to keep each of the three companies but NOT the battalion HQ, you must FIRST get rid of all the units DIRECTLY attached to the battalion HQ. In this case that would be the escort platoon and the assault tank platoon. Once they're gone, there's nothing tying the HQ to the battlefield. The companies have their own HQ's, so they can stay and play. This applies to any HQ you want to eliminate. A subordinate HQ, and all its units, can remain, but the higher HQ can ONLY be eliminated if all directly attached units are deleted, first. Hope it helps. Ken
  14. In-game gamma option would be nice to have.
  15. The picture makes it look as if it should be able to fire. Is there a chance you could email me a savegame? (Address in my profile.) I'll look at it and see if I can figure it out, or pass it on up the chain. Ken
  16. Well, duh. The WOODEN bunkers are made from local TREES. Have you ever tried to destroy a tree in CMBN? That should explain it all...
  17. datoff, If it's important that the unit follows a specific path, then put waypoints where you want it to go. For example, if I have unit facing a house and I want to get to the other side of hte house, but I don't care how it gets there, I'll place a single waypoint at the other side. The unit may go left, it may go right. I don't care. If I want to FORCE it to go to the right, then I have to put a waypoint on the right of the house, then another waypoint at the end of where I want them to go. You can put an endless series of waypoints for each unit's movement orders. Does that help?
  18. Whereas I'd like to see a bit more fidelity with regards to vehicle turning, perhaps defining how they turned back then would be a good place to start before we jump into the game's mechanics. As far as I understand it, only German Tigers and Panthers had a zero radius turning ability. Due to the paucity of specific metals, and a desire to increase the production numbers, the gears used to perform this action were weak and easily destroyed. Performing a zero redius turn was not something done commonly. It could render the vehicle immobilized. They wouldn't waste the ability on a road march (unless geometry necessitated it), nor would it be used while directly under fire (imagine risking destroying your final drive as rounds bounced off the hull?). The different gear ratios provided specific turning radii. The drivers were expected to select the proper gear based on their estimate of the turn required. Allied tanks used skid steering. Current tank motive technology is so far advanced beyond 1930's and 1940's automotive technology, that it is almost too hard to describe the differences. The steering effort, forethought, and skill needed to get a 60 ton, 1,500 horsepower Abrams (or Challenger, or Leopard) where you want it is negligible compared to how WWII tanks had to be wrestled, coaxed, or manipulated into a similar movement. (This is purely regarding driving technique, not the tactical eye for terrain, or how to best position a tank: this is only what it takes to drive it.) Seeing pictures of the tread marks left in grain fields by reversing Shermans during Goodwood as they frantically wove in a vain attempt to throw off the aim of German guns shows how skid-steering could be used by skilled drivers. Not that it helped. Having thrown that out, let's talk about the game. If you've plotted waypoints using FAST, the game will overshoot as it tries to turn the vehicle. A better technique is to use a slower movement order as you approach a turn, say QUICK or MOVE. That will allow a smoother turn. However, if the vehicle gets stuck close to an obstacle, well, then you get to watch it try to extricate itself. You'd best hope the enemy cannot target it. Ken
  19. This is a well known historic fact. In the run up to the actual revolution, our British Hegemonic Masters notified the colonies that "His Britannic Majesty will henceforth increase the taxes we levy upon you." Unfortunately, this notification was read aloud at various street corners, as was the practice of the times. This led to the confusion. As the herald read it, what was heard was, "His Britannic Majesty will henceforth increase the taxes we levy upon 'U'." Immediately, all patriotic typesetters stopped using the letter 'u' whenever they could.
  20. I am confused. It seems like the Cirrus doesn't understand that though the mortars can fire at the location, it is just (possibly) beyond their LOS. Regardless of that, the mortars simply don't SEE the ATG (yet). Therefore, the ATG disappears when the mortars are selected. The game is showing you what the mortars are aware of.
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