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Everything posted by c3k

  1. ...And when my jaegers hit the Croc trailer with a 'schreck, the resulting "boom" had better be bad-ass.
  2. The fourth and sixth posts were by beta testers. That -implies- an awareness by BFC. Page 1. (Would it be preferential if all beta testers had that title listed in their sig, or whatnot?) However, an official public announcement by BFC may have calmed the waters. Then again, it may not have. If it always takes a public, official, BFC post, then a LOT of development time will be taken up, to no effect. The next time a problem is found, but BFC doesn't announce they're looking at it, even though they are, that will cause much angst, fury, and silly postings. It almost FORCES BFC to always announce they're looking at something. FWIW, keeping the discussion alive has been worthwhile. It allows for a continued development of the issues and various perspectives to be examined. That may not occur in other cases. 74 pages? Yeah, that's a lot. But there have been a lot good posts in there. That's my .02. Ken out.
  3. A neat trick some designers use is to place a burning jeep inside a building. That gives the effect, at least.
  4. I have the answer! Oh, sorry. Guess I'm disqualified. Carry on...
  5. I suggest we agitate for a SuperPatch Sunday! Release multiple patches precisely at halftime during the Superbowl. The resulting crush of bandwidth demand should crash the worldwide web! Do it: we're all curious. If you're with me, sign the petition, below! Ken
  6. I have no idea how you'd change the limber times, unless you impose a house rule on the player defending/using the guns. Having said that, I imagine that the current times could be fine. There's a difference between packing up the entire unit during a planned reposition and an emergency bug-out to keep the guns from being captured. If it is enemy-close and the guns need to be dragged away, all the desiderata could be left behind. Tear down the maps, grab the comm gear, hitch the guns up and head out. Leave everything else behind. With that mindset, the 7 minute limber time is appropriate. But, hey, it's your game! You and your buddy play it the way you think is best. (I'm curious what you come up with, though.) Ken
  7. Yeah, the "Patton Gambit". See how Zhukov et al. fare against western gear. Toss in some late German stuff for fun and giggles. The fighting swirls around Brandenburger Tor...
  8. But if you're going to post to the wrong thread, well, that's certainly the post to use! I vote Sublime for "Face Palm Post of the Year"! Ken
  9. Hey, if the experienced player beats you, post his name so we can all know who got his jollies beating the newb. If YOU beat HIM, well, post his name so we can all make fun of him! TacAI is very good, especially when a good designer makes the battle, but pbem is a whole different kind of good. Ken
  10. Do the v1.11 patch first, then copy and rename your game file. That will preserve v1.11 for compatibility w/others, if you desire. THEN install v2.00 upgrade over the original v1.11. This will leave you with two install, one v1.11, the other v2.00. This is not necessary if you don't want to play non-upgraders. Ken
  11. A lot of the Western view of Soviet-era soldiers were brought on by German propaganda. Surely, the superior Germans were only overcome through sheer mass. (/sarcasm off). The post-war/German POW accounts of their defeat in the East have been responsible for a lot of misconceptions. The secrecy of the totalitarian state and its suppression of individuals allowed those misperceptions to gain traction and flourish. The Soviets had a lot of handicaps. The bravery and resiliency of the individual is not in question (or shouldn't be). Ken
  12. Soviet manpower shortages resulted in widespread forced conscription as they regained lost territory, and as they invaded fresh territory. A lot of those forced to serve we less than motivated.
  13. Lots of ATR's, though, and used throughout the war. Many anecdotes from panzer commanders about vision block damage from them. As well as used against softer vehicles, of course.
  14. Yes. The replay turn when it entered the building, and, if possible and even better, also the orders phase just prior. PM me. Thanks, Ken
  15. Just making sure your savegame folder is visible. Go into your game install directory. Game Files (?), should have Saved Games, Incoming Email, Outgoing Email, Campaigns and Scenarios. Is that how your directory is set up? As stated above, the saved game option from the main menu has a dropdown filter at the bottom of the left side. It includes options for email only, savegames only, or both. Is that set so you can see pbem? Ken
  16. Just a quick check: Start any battle. Inside the battle, select Menu/Savegame/ "Save as" doesn't matter. Let it be the default. Quit. Go to the main menu. Open save games. Is the game you just saved visible as a saved game? Ken
  17. 1. Agree 2. BIG issues, hard to code; couple it with anti-tank weapons/demo charges in towns 3. Agree 2 has a loooong history of discussion. There are very many good reasons why it is the way it is.
  18. First, the strawman: NO WHERE did I imply that any weapon capable of high angle fire should do so. The Flak example is simply an egregious example that YOU introduced. As to "mortar emulation" mode, well, if you're unfamiliar with the weapon system, how and why it was designed, and how it was deployed, a bit of research should fill in the voids. The lIG was USED in high angle fire to drop shells behind intervening obstacles. In the balka country and steep-sided river beds of Russia, it was VERY useful for dropping rounds on targets hidden by the terrain. As some of the pictures posted above show, the weapon was used at that high angle. The training was there. The weapon even had a special breech mechanism to account for the high angle of the barrel. Ken
  19. Is the ability for high angle of fire (~73 degrees) taken into account?
  20. What you see is what you get. In a hex-based wargame, if there is a woods depiction in a hex, the entire hex (or the depiction) gets treated like woods. In CM, you get TREES. Each tree is treated on its own. A whole bunch of trees becomes something like an orchard, or a copse, or a woods. It depends on how many there are. Also, in CM, how high are the lowest branches? If they brush the ground, they block LOS that low. If they start 20' high, well, the LOS is clear beneath them. Get your camera down to eye-level. Then you'll SEE whether or not you have a possible LOS. And, not snidely at all, READ the manual. There are golden nuggets in there. Ken
  21. That tank is actually driving and, no, they had no idea it was there. In fact, their total lack of awareness of the tank got ported into CMBN. If you EVER wonder why some infantry can't see a tank RIGHT THERE, well, this was the genesis of that bit of code. Ken
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