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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I'm angry with MassiveCockGobbler. I'm sick and fecking tired of waiting for turns from such a remedial bell-end. :mad: :mad: :mad: Send me the surrender file, or I'll tell everyone about your comedy warts. :mad: :mad:
  2. Turns are flowing out from my computer faster than pus from an infected ant-bite on MasterGoodale. Speaking of the lowly MG, I am not even slightly surprised to tell you that I haven't received a turn. This is because The Goodale is a vibrating dildo with three speeds. How do I kick thine arse? Let me count the ways! Thy troops are more dead and more full of lead, Artillery fire rakes thy troops once more, And anti-tank guns turn thine armour into collanders. Poetry sucks :mad: but not as much as MasterG. Snarker is using his gamey surviving armour to gamily attack my poor chilly russkies. Add to this the thrill of artillery and you get a suckage package of frottage. :mad: PlatCommander and I are in the early stages of Kneiber Dam. There is nothing to report from the Russkie front right now. :mad: Wallybob and I have set up on a cutesy-pie Old Dog map and nothing is till happening here, since he sucks and it's turn 2. :mad: Mike the Wino has just lost a juicy piece of armour to the predations of a T-34, and we are busy blowing each other like a pair of furious homos. :mad: Keke and I are having a horrible time in our random map night time QB. Yuck and Treble Yuck. :mad: Work on Ice Cold in Avnavodsk continues apace, with map complete, unit selection largely complete and plans afoot for briefings.
  3. Try playing against MasterGoodale if you want to know what slow turn rates are all about. :mad: :mad:
  4. I like some of your ideas, particularly the 'progressively decreasing value of a flag' idea. What you CAN do to alleviate the existing problem is pick maps with a low number of small flags on, and keep points values high. This will discourage flag-holding, since (for example) it won't be worth losing a 114 point StuG to hold a 100 point flag.
  5. Here's my 100 word essay: Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's miserable excuse of a scenario. Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's pitiful excuse of a scenario. :eek: Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's horrifying excuse of a scenario. Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's grotesque excuse of a scenario. Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's malignant excuse of a scenario. Hope I passed. I wonder if there may just be a flamethrower in this scenario?? </font>
  6. Ahh blelty. Turns will go out this evening - and you know this to be true, for I am not MasterNoTurnswhosucksboysfordollars. Goodale. Turn. Now. No more weaseling excuses. SPOILER * * * * * Goodale sucks at CM:BB. I told Mike the Wino that I have a new scenario for playtesting, and lo! it is true. Volunteers for Ice Cold in Avnavodsk (developed during a hung-over morning) should email me with a 100-word essay on why they should be allowed to playtest my baby. :mad: :mad: It's December 1941, Russians on the attack, very cold with snow and snow, and snow and snow and snow.
  7. I don't know what you hoors are whining about on Cheery Waffle. The unit picks work like this. Whatever you have, your opponent has the equivalent - so if one side has (for example) a flamethrower tank, so does the other, which arrives on exactly the same turn as its opponent. I think Teddy's just winging like a pus-riddled strumpet because he didn't get an invite to Will's do. It wasn't bad, although that Osama outfit chafed around the bollocks.
  8. I'm mentioned. I'm glad you liked Kneiber Dam, it's still one of my favourite maps.
  9. I don't believe that you can. If you're looking for good quality uniform mods, go for AndrewTF's ones.
  10. Holy smokes!! TWO MastaofDisasta turns in 24 hours. Somebody check the sky for me. I'm looking for an equestrian theme, and possibly some fire and brimstone.
  11. Let's say, for example, that you're talking about a scenario which you've downloaded and played. You say "My Tiger reinforcements, which turned up halfway through the game, meant that I was able to smash through the enemy T-34s and win." So two people who are playing head to head on the same scenario read this, and it affects their game because they now have foreknowledge. The German player relaxes because he knows he has Tigers on the way, and the Russian player will probably change his strategy. The information could "spoil" the game for other people, hence the term "spoiler". Hope that clears it up.
  12. Bore Sighting? You can do that in the General Forum for free.
  13. You love it, you sllaaaaaaag. :mad: If you could be gangbanged by my scenarios, you'd lap it up and gulp it down.
  14. My experience suggests that pillboxes aren't boresighted, but I am prepared to be proved wrong on this. As for increasing the crew ability - well, that's a possibility which may improve matters marginally but it doesn't get around the core issue.
  15. Simon and I were mulling this over in the pub last night (for which he will burn for ever in the fiery pits of hell, I feel so rough this morning and some of us have work to go to). The logic behind it is that if you've built a pillbox in a position then the weapon in it is already boresighted. You know the terrain, where the hiding places are, etc. This became clear when I tested one of my scenarios. With an 88 pillbox firing at nearly 3km range, the to-hit chance was about 3%. Is it logical or reasonable to assume that with a pillbox that accuracy should be significantly higher?
  16. I know this scenario. After 15 turns I quit in disgust. I was using "Shoot and Scoot" and still lost 2 Nashorns with a third 'gun damaged' when the range was upwards of 1,500m. The problem seems to be twofold. Firstly, multiple enemy targets (half a dozen T-34s all opening up on the Nashorn makes for a better knockout chance than just one, obviously). Secondly, the accuracy of the '88' may still be undermodelled. It's just a gut feeling without any statistical backup. I've noticed this with the 88 pillbox - frustratingly inaccurate.
  17. I am nursing a stinking hangover this morning. (Note to self: Whilst going out for 'a beer at the pub in the park' might seem like a good idea at 7:30pm, getting royally ratarsed and rolling home to bed at 3:00am, then being woken up by a pneumatic drill being used in the neighbour's garden at 7:30am is not the way to run a business). I feel most below average and since my plan to "have a beer and an early night" turned into "Let's get a kebab and go to a disco" at 11:30pm (as it usually does) a combination of bad food, bad beer and almost no sleep has led to this line of frotting waffle. I almost forgot why I logged on. oh yes. No turns from MastaofDisasta. And I haven't sent any out, but you people will have to wait whilst my hangover clears. It's so bad that I turned down some work this morning on the basis that if I can't read the number coming up on the front of the phone, I shouldn't really get behind the wheel of the car. Bitches. Everyone, particularly my drinking 'buddies' (who don't have to get up and go to work). I'm just lucky I don't start till 11:30 today. Yeesh.
  18. Since me, mtw, and Wallybob are beating you senseless, I wonder who are your other 9 opponents... </font>
  19. Because of wossname, tradition. Besides, it sidelines all the nutters so the rest of us can get on with life.
  20. I'm into my 7th month and we are on turn 24 out of 40+. That's an average of one full turn every 15 days. COCKMUNCH GOODALE - send me a turn or forefeit the game, because I'm tired of pussyfooting around. Edited to add: That's a turn (ie 3 emails), not a 'turn' (ie 1 email). I am blessed because I get an email on average every 5 days. Just to avoid confusing the nonces. [ June 18, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  21. I'm not especially worried about the Hetzer. I'm sure you remember the popularity of the Hetzer in CM:BO, since it was largely invulnerable from the front and had a powerful gun. However, the Hetzer is a blind, slow-firing pig in CM:BB and whilst we might see an increase in Hetzer popularity with this change, I doubt very much that it will stop people buying StuGs and P-IVs in preference.
  22. Yes, I understand what you mean now about the curved armour. I must admit that I'm not overly worried. A typical opponent for an 85mm-armed gun will be a StuG or Panzer IV. Panthers are always a concern, but their cost and rarity puts them at a numerical disadvantage. The only concern would be in a scenario without force picks. Do you know what source BFc used when altering the stats for 85mm shells?
  23. Doesn't the Panther have a 'curved' turret front? Does the Hetzer too? I have a wierd thought that it might well have 'curved' upper hull front, in which case the performance would be improved against this kind of target. Nevertheless, it is still the case that with performance improved against sloped armour and at longer range, the advantage to the Germans has diminished. Consider the StuG (that popular unit), hull-down behind a hill at 1,500m with a 30 degree slope (for example), which can now clearly be penetrated by round from the new figures, whereas the 1.02 StuG couldn't. [ June 17, 2003, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  24. Are you aware that you can start a Quick Battle to select your units and then 'load map' from any map or scenario? Obviously not. There are a few maps out there - I am about 1/4 of the way through a campaign on a 6km x 4km map and have recently completed building a scenario on a (roughly) 3km x 2km map - but because many people look forward to completing a game in this lifetime, they are discouraged by the thought of such huge games.
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