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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. My turns have rolled out to nearly everyone. Mike_the_wino - I appear to have misplaced your turn. Any chance you could drop it into my inbox? I am now on version 1.03.
  2. Ayee, I live, though the sight is not pretty. Being a small business is hard work, harder than than a big box of hardness, and today rode high on the suckage scale. Cheery Waffle is ready for playtesting by those volunteers. Try to think of it in the same vein as Inferno - although it's set in daytime without fog. I have yet to include the names of The Brood but yes, it is ready to rock and roll. I considered that including the names of a bunch of worthless punks was less important than cramming in an extra two barrels of molten TNT. My apologies for the delayed turns - I will start sending them when I have a free hour or six.
  3. Hear Ye, Hear Ye. None of The Brood has received turns from me since the patch was released. This is because I suck. However, I have been conjuring up the horror that is to be Cheery Waffle and I seek volunteers as playtesters. You can give it a go against the AI - although the AI isn't very good - but it will play better TCP/IP or PBEM. So, if you're interested, email me for a copy. To those hoors who playtested "Island in the Sun" and "Forward Recon" - I still haven't received feedback. If you have comments to make that can't be put in this thread - although I find that hard to countenance - email me again. If they suck, I need to know so that I can remove the suckage and make them groovy.
  4. Nice cheap shot, but if anything, Herr Schorner would be more comfortable on the Left side of American politics. Ultra-environmentalist, pro-animal rights, anti-Christian, almost certainly pro abortion (from his stance on eugenic,), probably pro gun control (Hitler certainly was), anti-free market. </font>
  5. I have just obtained 1.03 via hookey means and will be patched and turn sending tonight. Bitches. :mad:
  6. That's not a socket in the back of your head. That's your ear. Yes, you are seriously deformed. I know. For the love of god, go and put a paper bag on your head.
  7. Goodale, there aren't any rules. Stop blathering. As for you being the ultimate arbiter in all things, dream on, you slack twat. The only thing you're allowed to arbit around here is how much of a thrashing you'll receive from everyone when you stop playing Gamey Ho and start a real battle. Turns out when I can get the frigging patch downloaded. It's worse than vaginal thrush. What's with these damn 25MB patches anyway? Geez. :mad: :mad: :mad: PS - Goodale is a boy-fondling cockmunch. Pass it on.
  8. Oh jeez, I'm so scared. So, you're going to be dropping those well-known precision weapons on me, are you? Better hope they make it onto the map, because I'd hate you to waste the effort of digging me some more foxholes to camp in. As for the infantry - bring it on. If you think a battalion of infantry is going to run head on into 150m HE and live, I'm willing to be your guinea pig. I am so scared, I do believe the turd chisel is required for my underwear. You gormless strap-on. To My Opponents: Getting patched blows goats. I will get round to it ASAP but my connection sucks harder than Keke at the Blue Oyster so it may be a day or so.
  9. Because you don't, and you do it 100 times more often than JonS.
  10. Groovy! Great story, by the way. Could you pop by the Cheery Waffle thread and give MasterGoodale some lessons. Wierd bug, I agree.
  11. A wanker like you should have no problem dealing with that little - and I do mean little - problem. They don't call you Tiny Ted for nothing. :mad:
  12. Jim, great to hear that your wife will be coming out of hospital soon. However, we are not a challenge thread. That would make us rather too Pengy, and lordy knows there's only enough space on the Battlefront Forums for one batch of deranged simpletons. We are a STILL WAITING FOR GOODALE TO SEND A DAMN TURN THREAD and proud of it!! If you feel the need to stick your head around and accuse Goodale of being a no-turn-sending nonce, then that would be most groovy. If you want me to steal some flowers for you, I can do that.
  13. How much does he charge? Prinz Argument, you bidge. I'll accept your challenge, you worthless scrote. Let's have picked forces (2,000 points) on one of Old Dog's maps. Make it an attack/defence one, and I'll attack. I don't mind on dates or sides so long as you ain't no motherloving gamey ho.
  14. I remember reading that you couldn't fire the rear MG and the forward gun at the same time - small turret, too few crew - so whilst it's useful, don't rely on it to protect you. What are you doing letting infantry get that close anyway?
  15. ARGHARGHARG! :mad: :mad: This place makes me sick. I disappear for 8 hours and no single post of wit and serfisterikayshion appears, not one!! You're a disgrace to the species. Goodale (top of the list boy, suck it up because you're going to be my wife, and soon) has just reminded me of a song we used to sing at school. It went "naaa naaa, you suck, you are useless naa naa". Great tune, lyrics not up to much though. Never mind, because it's true. He really sucks at CM. I mean really, really really just sucks so much!. Who ELSE IN THE WORLD would carry out their probe and recon with 2,000 points of armour, only to lose it all, then wait and attack with 2,000 points of infantry? I'm pretty sure that Goodale is in fact strapped into a chair, where he conjures up sentences on the keyboard by means of the little straw attached to his head. This also explains why I only get one turn a month, because the mouse is so full of saliva and mould that it takes forever to push round. Might_be_a_Whiner cowers feebly like a big cowery weasel at the back of a sack of apples in your shed. I wipe my bottom with the skins of his soldiers. Total annihilation in the city is the way to go on this crazy arse scenario. It's a bit up close and personal for a peace-loving Brit like me, but a colonial like Mike will appreciate it - coarse and smelling of cooked fat, like him. Teddy Windsor has been flambed and is now sobbing his heart out at the thought that my sig is going to be liberated from his rancid perversitudes - for which I will blame MasterNoGoodale and his spastic scenario-making. Teddy's army has been - is annihilated too harsh a word to use? I think not. I have only captured one soldier, a MG crewmember, and he has escaped with what looks like two squads out of two full companies plus arty spotter, mortars and MGs. Pity I don't control the flags, but then, wasn't it Saint Jerome of Nimes who once said "Flags suck. Whup arse and fist your opponent like he's a 5-dollar ho." Snooker and I continue to nob each other firmly in our QB on a snowy landscape. I am hoping that his remaining Panzer IV gets bogged down in the deep snow and spares me the ignominnymonnymonony of total annihilation. He's also opened up on one of my stretcher bearers with a gamey AA gun which is sat at the back, gamily being gamey. Nobody else is important enough today. Setup negotiations out to BallyWob and BurytheAxeinMGsSkull. Axe, you 'ho', how are you getting on with "Forward Recon"? Not much TNT to chuck in such a weeny scenario. :mad:
  16. How exactly will having the graphics card handle the graphics processing heighten the problems he's having? :confused:
  17. I think that you're describing two different issues - the slow scrolling is related to the video card, and the switching between game/desktop is a CPU/memory thing. I replaced my old GEForce DDR 32MB card at Christmas when I found that it just wasn't performing in CM:BB - I was experiencing the slowness in scrolling that you describe. I bought a GEForce 4 128MB card which has removed the slow scroll issue. I have 512MB RAM so I'm sure that the slow scroll is not memory-related. My best guess is that the processor is causing the game/desktop switching slowness - Celerons are slow buggers at heart. If you want to sharpen up the game, go for the new graphics card. Replacing the processor means replacing the motherboard and probably the memory as a result, so it's a more expensive route. [ June 04, 2003, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  18. Could you try running the Panzer General game as a 'hotseat' between you and another player? That would get around the AI winning problem and would make for a more interesting game. Great idea, by the way.
  19. Madame Spank currently has me tied to a chair and is smearing whipped cream across my genitals. Mike the Wife is jealous, but his saggy titties do little to arouse me any more, whereas this delectable strumpet sends me crazier than a Goodale on sherbet. Setup to follow when Madame Spank frees me from her all-too-satisfying bondage.
  20. That was pretty stupid of you, really, wasn't it? You should know that compared to Teddy Windsor, babe-magnet and ultra-secret agent, your life is even duller than MouldBasher Antmaster's.
  21. You have this feature in CM:BB already. watch your squads and you'll see that they pick up weapons from their fallen comrades and from enemy infantry. See the manual for details on this.
  22. The trucks are for moving stuff around - soldiers, towed guns - not for carrying ammo. Ammo resupply during a battle is not modelled. Ammo resupply during an operation is modelled, but you don't see it take place.
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