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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Shouldn't you be hanging around the local infant schools with your bag of sweeties, you reprobate? It comes to something when a long streak of widdle like you is allowed to leave your scent mark on the walls of the Cheery Waffle Thread. :mad:
  2. Jamoomba plans to boil your feeble heads in oil and then eat them with an avacado dip! Praise be to Jamoomba!!
  3. Any bets that Redwolf won't be back in here to apologise for his brusqueness and his wrongosity?
  4. Non, pas que je sache. Meilleurs voeux, John. </font>
  5. Beholders... No offense, but you've been posting awfully noobish questions lately. Are you sure you're playing the right game? :confused: </font>
  6. That worked wonders for the Rugby, didn't it? BwahaahaahahahH!
  7. The British asked themselves the same question.
  8. Ninjas who wail on guitars. Ninjas who pork hot babes whilst wailing on guitars. Ninjas who flip out and kill everyone. Frisbee-eating suicide ninjas.
  9. If your mother could still talk after the porkage gave her, she'd be begging for mercy.. :mad: :mad:
  10. Retarded ****monkey you are. Save your skills for developing that drool-proof keyboard you set your heart on.
  11. :mad: You strap-on. Push off back to your pit. :mad: I rode your Uncle Harold until his sphincter bled. Yes, I'm back, you stupid dildos, and I hate you more than ever. I hate you all, more than I hate having an itchy helmet frokm having shagged Snarker's great aunt Jezebel. :mad: LAP UP SOME :mad: :mad: :mad: , MAGGOTS!!!!!
  12. “Kicking” being the operative word. </font>
  13. Mmmm. Fine trophy, that is. Fine arse-kicking the aussies got, too.
  14. Ditto the Cromwell - of all the units "missing" from CM:AK (obviously not ACTUALLY missing since they didn't see service), the Cromwells would make the biggest difference for me.
  15. I would still have liked to give them a good shoeing for being collaborators - which is the main reason for my disappointment.
  16. As a result of seeing this, I went and got hold of a copy of Populous II. My weekend is doomed.
  17. As a result of seeing this, I went and got hold of a copy of Populous II. My weekend is doomed.
  18. That reminds me of the 'pillar of fire' attack in Populous. What a great game that was.
  19. That reminds me of the 'pillar of fire' attack in Populous. What a great game that was.
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