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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I used to drive through it every day, now only about once a month. I know it a bit. Why?
  2. I've only just realised that I can see reflections in the windows of that semi. :mad: :mad: How awesome is that?????? :mad: :mad: Andreas - I have a CM map of my village if you want it, and am doing one of the Medway crossing at Tonbridge at the moment.
  3. The Victorian Semis look perfect, just the same as the ones a mile or so away.
  4. Isn't it a great campaign? I've finished the map contours now and I've got quite some way to finishing the last of the terrain so in a couple of weeks I'll be looking for playtesters. Just hit 25,000 points per side with 10 reinforcement slots used.
  5. You always hate to see a person completely lose their mind, but this is clear evidence, far beyond the shadow of a doubt. Call those nice young men in their clean white coats, 'cause they're coming to take Soddball away, ha ha! </font>
  6. Inferno has gone out to Wike_the_Mino and Catson and Wrick. The others can go out once I find the motivation to finish the briefings for them. I hate briefings. :mad: In about 6 months time I'll be looking for playtesters for my 700-turn 15-battle campaign on an 8km x 4km map. Divisional strength forces. Start queueing on the left, please.
  7. Does it have any TNT, or did Sob all (the toe Jamoomba maggot) design a 5k-er with nothing but crews to balanced out Infernal Damnation??? :mad: </font>
  8. It's an official CD - I saw it in Game - and if the copies of CM:BO and CM:BB are anything to go by they will have all the patches on them. CM:AK is likely to have the first patch on it. The second CM:AK patch hasn't been released yet.
  9. Has Worthless and Crap ever played Inferno, Dave? Perhaps you should take him for a little spin on that pit of horror?
  10. I've been poking around in the Scenario Editor again and have a couple of offerings which need a final going over before I ship them to the Scenario Depot. I've got a CM:AK Inferno which some of you have already played but I need it checked again, and two others, one at 1,500 pts total, and the other at 5,000 pts total. Anyone up for a taste?
  11. I had a whole rash of your mods on my CM:BO game, GS. Looking forward to seeing some of your new work and welcome back to the fold.
  12. I suspect it, like all others females you hit on, will give you a good kick in the danglies when you start getting fresh. </font>
  13. That creature looks as though it has a ... no, never mind. Let's hope it's not sitting on a bar stool when I'm drunk and lonely, that's all I'm saying.
  14. Do you need one? Everyone hates Axe. It's like making an 'I metabolise oxygen' T-shirt.
  15. It - erm - yeah - my choosnatcher got crosswired with the hernbilty, so you need to send the patch to me too. *cough* *cough*
  16. I posted this info in the GF but will repost it here: Some notes on the photos so far: This year there was a visible increase in modern equipment. In particular, Russian 1980s gear appeared - a BMP-1, a ZSU23-4 (which looked really cool) and some T72s. The world's only privately-owned Challenger tank is just immense. The Centurion AVRE looked really good, too. The Valentine DD tank was a Mark 9 mounting a 6pdr. The inside was pretty spacious for a 3-man crew, all things considered. What surprised me is the ground clearance - about 18 inches or so and I had imagined there to be much less ground clearance under the tank. In a couple of the photos you can also see a Comet and an M10 Achilles - it's the one from Channel 4's "Salvage Squad" series and won first prize for 'Best Tank' at the show this year. The 'Ugly Stick' photos show Simon Elwen and Darsalon enjoying themselves cuddling up to a US halftrack and a Panzer IV. Simon is the one on the right. The Tiger photos are of a T-34/Tiger conversion which looked great racing around the arena. Those who were concerned that heart failure had killed off the Lard SS guy from last time will be pleased to note that he is still moving (just) in the 'WehrmachtWeightWatchers' photo although I understand that no uniforms were available to fit so he is wearing a camo-ed tent instead. Notice how his belt is used to hoist the belly just high enough to keep it from snagging on his weapon. 'Rolling Thunder' was a Vietnam recreation group who had a tremendous time shooting at each other. One of the photos has a truck with what looks like a quad-50 mounted on it although groggles can correct me. This being the 60th anniversary of D-Day, a Normandy recreation was the final big spectacle and I've picked the seven best photos. The Stuarts firing their .50 cals (see Normandy7) were truly awesome. I want someone to mod that noise for my guns in CM! It made me want to flip out and kick someone right in the face. The 37mm gun on the Greyhound was pretty quiet but the Sherman's gun was louder than anything except the simulated artillery. Some of the non-vehicle stuff is shown in the wargamers photos. The game area (as you can see) is a real work of art. In the background there's a chap selling prints of various militaria and there was an immense tent full of tank models, kits and stuff for sale. The War and Peace show is definitely one for the modellers. The BMP-1 is an interesting piece of machinery. There are three gun ports on each side at different angles, and the engine is front mounted with doors in the back to allow soldiers to climb in. It doesn't look as though it would be much cop on the battlefield, but it does look like an efficient crowd suppressor. If anyone can tell me what the vehicle photographed as 'German AC' is I would be grateful. "1stKuchenEssenSS" is mangled German for 1st Cake Eaters - a reference to the general lardosity of the re-enactors. You can see that in the 'MG42Tripod' photo I managed to also get in one of the few known examples of the Nazi Party's "Positive Discrimination" laws.
  17. The chap on the left is registered here as Darsalon, a uni chum who has been a long-suffering ale companion for nigh on a decade. The chap on the right is registered here as Simon Elwen, who lives about 2 miles away from me and is also a tanking fan. Ugly, aren't they? I'm cute, but then SOMEONE had to take the photos.
  18. I had a feeling looking at it that it wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on the problem. Now I know that my l33t gr0g skillz are just latent, like my force powers.
  19. More photos to come when Gyrene can get some space in his inbox!
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