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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. The APDS was the tungsten round? Even without Tungsten, the 17pdr could deal comfortably with the majority of German tanks at 1km+ IIRC. Since tungsten was a scarce round anyway, that doesn't really impinge on the 90%+ of rounds fired by the 17pdr. </font>
  2. Sorry, I'm not an ammo expert. I understand that APDS stands for Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot but I wanted to know whether you were referring to the tungsten round or, if not, which round you were referring to.
  3. He hasn't posted at all since 22/09 so it's got to be serious.
  4. The APDS was the tungsten round? Even without Tungsten, the 17pdr could deal comfortably with the majority of German tanks at 1km+ IIRC. Since tungsten was a scarce round anyway, that doesn't really impinge on the 90%+ of rounds fired by the 17pdr.
  5. What are your sources for these claims, in particular the instability of the 17pdr? If the weapon was that unstable, surely the British would have discarded it long before it made up 1/4 of the Shermans in the British forces - not to mention the Achilles and Wolverine?
  6. I point you once again to the failure of the 75mm halftrack in the desert, Tunisia 1942/43 and ask why you think a 90mm armed one would have been any more successful. </font>
  7. I point you once again to the failure of the 75mm halftrack in the desert, Tunisia 1942/43 and ask why you think a 90mm armed one would have been any more successful.
  8. Bear in mind the 75mm gun mounted in a half track that served as a 'tank destroyer' in North Africa. As I'm sure you know their nickname was the 'purple heart box'. I don't agree with your assertion that a 90mm gun on any platform would have been as useful as, for example, a Sherman Firefly or Achilles. Perhaps a better solution whilst the 90mm gun became available was for the Americans to manufacture the 17pdr under licence and fit it to more Shermans.
  9. You will almost certainly not be able to penetrate its armour. I would suggest that you cover it with smoke and close with infantry.
  10. That's just the smoke from the engine. The main gun makes loads more smoke than that. They have a couple of cutaway tanks that you can look inside but nothing where you can really get inside. I've been to Bovington twice now. My pictures came out much worse than Folke's because I suck at taking photos and I have a cheaparse camera with a poor flash. You'd be amazed just how bad the lighting is for photography inside the main buildings.
  11. You want low-res, gridded, photorealistic hi-res terrain? :confused: O-kay.
  12. Wino a date? A prune, maybe. I've been in enough trouble this weekend with girls and their aggressive rugby-playing boyfriends to want to avoid big fat sweaty drunken dorks like Wino, thanks.
  13. Wino a date? A prune, maybe. I've been in enough trouble this weekend with girls and their aggressive rugby-playing boyfriends to want to avoid big fat sweaty drunken dorks like Wino, thanks.
  14. Watson and Crick - Because Stupidity Costs Nothing. Maids of honour are for weddings. This was a Stag party. DUH
  15. Watson and Crick - Because Stupidity Costs Nothing. Maids of honour are for weddings. This was a Stag party. DUH
  16. I am £400 poorer after this weekend. I'm glad my friends don't get married too often.
  17. I am £400 poorer after this weekend. I'm glad my friends don't get married too often.
  18. Jinkies. I'm back from a Stag weekend. Hugely expensive, hangovers and wall to wall vomiting, as any party should be. Quad biking rocks. I managed to poison myself on red wine on Saturday night and nearly got killed for chatting up a rugby player's girlfriend. She was really nice, but probably not worth dying for. Probably.
  19. Jinkies. I'm back from a Stag weekend. Hugely expensive, hangovers and wall to wall vomiting, as any party should be. Quad biking rocks. I managed to poison myself on red wine on Saturday night and nearly got killed for chatting up a rugby player's girlfriend. She was really nice, but probably not worth dying for. Probably.
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