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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Just to warn the playtesters on that campaign that the map has some incomplete patches (but nothing that will affect the first 3 or 4 battles) and the reinforcements stop coming after 3 battles - so only play the first 3, cos it ain't finished. I just want to know, primarily, if it is actually playable. It's 15 battles of 45 minutes apiece, on an 8km x 4km map.
  2. Just ran a very quick test on Hetzers in the scenario editor - 1 Hetzer hull-down against a platoon of 5 Sherman 75s on a standard-size editor map, so range was about 700m. The Hetzer was hit 20+ times in a 4-minute period, and none of the rounds did anything but ricochet. It appears that the CM:BB 'curved' issue is no longer significant in CM:AK, because no penetrations, partial or otherwise, were achieved with a 75mm Sherman. So my info was out of date and the problem isn't as bad as it appeared. Judging by the evidence I've seen, I'll probably give them a go in a PBEM or two.
  3. If you look at a picture of a Hetzer from the front, you can see that there's big face of sloped armour, but the gun has a curved shield, and the bit where the gun sticks out (stop me if I'm getting too technical) has extra armour and stuff. In CM:BO, the Hetzer's armour was simply represented by a slope (50 degrees or sumfink?) and the curved gun shield was ignored. However, the 'curved' addition meant that there was no longer an armour slope at all (because Hetzer has no turret) and the 'curved' armour status applies to the whole of the upper hull. I don't know why they chose it, because for me it doesn't work. They probably did it to try to make it slightly easier to knock out and only afterwards found out that it's too easy to knock out. I can't remember the last time I saw a Hetzer in a CM:BB or CM:AK game. Almost never, whereas they were very popular for CM:BO because they were cheap and very hard to kill. Same goes for the Jagdpanzer IVs. EDited to fix :mad:BB code. [ September 08, 2004, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  4. The first one. Units such as the Hetzer, which were extraordinarily hard to kill in CM:BO, have been affected by the 'curved' armour which really negates their biggest advantage. It's a shame, because with 'curved' armour it's nearly impossible to use the Hetzer as it would have been. Personally I think it was an error to implement the 'curved' option for the Hetzer, because it's taken it from a tough, rounds-bounce-off TD to a slow-to-turn, slow-reloading, narrow-arced mobile pillbox that'll crack off maybe one shot before it gets toasted by a 75mm Sherman.
  5. :mad: ALL YOUR HOT BABES ARE BELONG TO ME :mad: I'll have you know that your wife's thong fits my wide arse fine. :mad: If ya wants a whuppin', Boggsy, ya only has to beg. :mad:
  6. I want you all to know that I'm back in Scenario Building mode. Snograt has seen the latest gem, which should keep even the most turn-happy of you sedated for at least a year. I'm rejigging the Cheery Waffle scenario to be a titanic clash between the finest of The Brood and the lowest cheesy helmet warriors of the Cesspool. There's some seriously bitter, angry molten TNT going around. :mad: Let the Molten TNT fly!! :mad:
  7. :mad: ARGHARARhAGRHARGHRARAHGHG!!!!!! :mad: Snorkley you turd-smeared twonk!! You can't even whine like a girl without editing it! You're a disgrace to the maggot wot birthifed you!! :mad: Turns out to Maggots to whom I owe 'em - which is just Dave H. If any of you fothermuckers think I owe you a turn, you can spin on my mid digit, cuz none of these turns werk. I had something wet and hairy going with AxeaStoopidQuestion but I'm up for challenges from bitches of all kinds - apart from Tim the MaryQueen who can suck my plums. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ANGRY OUT LOUD, MAGGOTS!!! :mad:
  8. You can 'ave yer terns back - tomorrah. In other news, Axe is a fat bag of monkey wank.
  9. Killing the lot of you wouldn't justify more than a badly rhymed limerick, let alone an epic. </font>
  10. I've spent the last two hours productively converting my CM:BB scenarios to CM:AK. There are some shockers there, I can tell you. I'm redrafting Cheery Waffles with some new, stupidly huge explosives. I plan to include some of the less worthwhile Pengers, and set Cheery Waffle Warriors against Peng Pansies in an epic battle of death.
  11. ) You owe me a turn from so long ago it was probably was Chalon-sur-Rhone. ) How did you make the map if you don't have CMBO? ) What 'map conversion program' are you frothing about? Maggot. Oh, <font size=+5 color=67,89,56> Axe drools!</font> It is Friday, after all. </font>
  12. If any maggots have CM:BO and CM:AK, could they convert my 'Chalon-sur-Rhone' scenario using the map converter program? I have evil plans for it and don't want to have to rewrite the whole darn map.
  13. :mad: :mad: ARGHARGARGGARHARHAHGRARHAGRHGRGRHGH!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Turns out to Maggots!!! :mad: :mad:
  14. Sounds like that thar monitor is ferbed up. Monitors come with a 3-year warranty as standard. Give the manufacturer a quick tinkle and they'll ship the replacement to your house. If you have a monitor over 3 years old, this advice is less than useful and you will have to fork out $45 for a new 17" CRT monitor.
  15. I'm fed up and fecking tired from a long week of work - and it's only Thursday. If you weren't all out trawling the tranny bars you'd be in here begging for Worthless and Crap to rot in a puddle of his own drool. I hate you all.
  16. I can only speak from the experience of the 1930s house I live in in the Weald. They are probably not typical, since many of them have garages (in the 30s!), but they all have interior bathrooms. All the houses (around 30) have the bathroom in the same location, so unless all houses were modified identically (which I doubt) these 1930s houses all had interior loos. However, by the 1930s many of the Georgian town houses in Tunbridge Wells had been modified with indoor plumbing. The later Victorian ones frequently had indoor plumbing already. My gut feeling on this is that outside loos were relatively common but that inside facilities would not be out of place in a 'middle class' home. Rural farmsteads and villages would definitely not have such facilities - even today around here a great many rural houses use cess pits.
  18. How are you hoors getting on with Inferno? And who wanted the small scenario, and who wanted the big one, of the other two I'm doing? I lose count.
  19. Hmm. Veeery Suspicious. Ve haf vays of makink you talk, Herr Lippe. :mad:
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