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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I found that even though my PC had an 850Mhz Athlon processor and 512MB RAM, my old GeForce with 32MB DDR wasn't cutting the mustard on battles over 1,200 points. I replaced it with a GeForce Ti4200 with 128MB DDR and hey presto! 20,000 point games are my friend.
  2. I don't combust. Worship Jamoomba or be stricken with thunderbolts, infidel!
  3. Jamoomba decrees that this challenge thread is the one true Peng thread. All hail the wise decrees of Jamoomba!
  4. If you want to discuss it, then head for the General Forum. That's where the topic has been moved to.
  5. And we don't care. No matter what you choose, the Icy Hand of Suckage still rules your games.
  6. Can I recommend you delve momentarily into the Manual? It should answer all of these questions.
  7. I have Bidberg Heights, Forward Recon and Inferno ready to roll. Forward Recon is a dinky map with teensy forces - fast and fun - 14 turns I think. Bidberg Heights is a bit beefier and 24 turns. Inferno is - just special in every way. I think we should let the noobs play Inferno. Even those of you as intellectually gifted as Snorkel cannot fail to be aware of my easing gently back into the moistened slot of CM:AK. Some of you might reasonably expect turns in the not-too-distant future. :mad:
  8. Which of you bitches wants to lube up Worthless & Crap on a nice, spicy round of Soddy's old fave Inferno?
  9. No. Ask Axe987-80912, our resident typo-guru and flid beyond compare.
  10. I'm starting to snuffle back around CM:AK again - a few minutes here and there. I think I burned myself out a bit by not playing any other game apart from CM for 2 1/2 years. I also have some scenarios which are due for release when I can be nogged to get round to it. If I can remember how to, I might try sending some PBEM turns in a month or so.
  11. Get a decent-sized monitor, you filthy chavster. It looks fine on my pair of 17" TFT screens.
  12. Moreover you drive on the left while we drive on the right. As for Euro, I don't know what you're referring to but I really enjoy going around Europe with no need to exchange money. Which from what I've experienced is worth it. </font>
  13. "By Tank into Normandy" (As John mentioned above) is good - the author lived a few miles away from me.
  14. I'm trying to remember who I was talking to who said their grandfather had drawn lots of the maps for these exercises. The grandfather was a turret gunner in the RAF who was drafted in for the job.
  15. I bet 'power fist' is popular in his usual Saturday night haunt - the Tranny Bars.
  16. I'd be afraid of running in to Jamoomba (who, apparently is all-powerful in just 2 out of the 5 senses). :mad: :mad: </font>
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