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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Cretin & Wanker - I am going to hold my setup until I finish my games with Daft H and my tournament duel with Wobblebottom and can apply the patch. Should only be about 7 turns so I can upgrade to 1.03 then. Until then, in honour of our two-year anniversary, I give you - :mad: :mad: :mad: The Original Cheery Waffle Thread . :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. One of my friends has just tried to unpatch by reinstalling and found his game CD is bad - and it hasn't been out of his drive since CM:AK was released.
  3. GGGRRRRRRRARRRRRRRRRG :mad: I sent one before and your stinkin' mail service did not deliver it. I voiced my consternation earlier in this thread. Then certain members of the brood stated that your rate of turn sending is only marginally faster than the mold-encrusted MasterBlowhard himself. If you remedy the former problem with your email and care to refute the others claims, I may be persuaded to send a set-up. I'm not as easy as Snarker. :mad: </font>
  4. EVEN ANGRIER OUT LOUD :mad: :mad: I am by no means from Pennsyltucky and am certainly not related to that evolutionary dead end. I am concocting a very special pheromone which will make Army ants have a hankering for your crotch. Oh, the fury of the 'nad seeking ant! :mad: You might as well change your name to Soddball-less now, MMMMMMMMMAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOT. :mad: </font>
  5. ANGRIEST OUT LOUD :mad: A certain lady was entertaining me last night. And no, she ain't a two bit hoor like you and she ain't Rosy Palm, Mike the Weener's main squeeze. :mad: </font>
  6. Those look like the ants which consumed the family and CM:BB CD of MasterGoodale, Grandmaster Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. Accept no substitutes; there's only one of me. I don't know who these also-rans are, but I'd suggest keeping a close watch on them. I'd suspect a trick by some <font size=1>penguin</font>, but I don't think any of them could spell a long name like Dave correctly. Speaking of which, congratulations to Mace for being named the oldest living Australian <font size=1>penguin</font> or something equally useless. I'm sure Kitty deserves all of the credit. When does version 1.03 come out? Why won't my tournament game with Pseudo end? Why won't mike_the_wino send me a turn? What ever happened to the uber-Finn Keke? :confused: :confused: </font>
  8. 'Wrong Version' my nuts. Snorkel is just petrified that the can 'o whoopass Axewipe has opened up on his hordes has too much molten TNT mixed in. :mad: :mad: Angry out loud!! :mad: :mad:
  9. Which of you is playing as Allies? More :mad: to come in the new Cheery Waffles. You can bet your salivary glands on it.
  10. Axe did not do the delivering, I did! We are testing a fictious map I made, with U-pick your gaminess forces. So whatever juicy business you did with him, thankfully stayed with him :mad: Wally and I are finishing off your CMAK "inferno" scenario. I have enjoyed it playing as the allies. I don't know if Wally shares that opinion from the axis perspective. :mad: </font>
  11. Jinkies, yes. I've converted in a not-even-slighty kind of way. Worthless and Crap, you fellator of other people's poodles, how goes that juicy, hot scenario you were delivered by Axehole? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Turns out! I'm sticking with the unpatched one until these games are finished (in about 5 turns for one and 9 for another).
  13. I'm still disgusted that the entire Cromwell series plus all the other tanks I ever wanted plus an extra theatre plus sharks with fricking laser beams on their heads haven't been included in the patch. I mean, really. Can you believe it? I think it's about time someone held the jump leads over the top of Charles' fluid and motivated him.
  14. Never heard of it. Guess that means the Suckage stays on your side of the pond, you bunch of malodorous winnets. :mad:
  15. Back from my holiday now. Spent the weekend visiting Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill. Turns will be shifted soonish.
  16. Can't you log into them? I got an email with a password about an hour ago.
  17. Can't you log into them? I got an email with a password about an hour ago.
  18. ARGAHRARGGARGAHRAGHRGHHG!!!!!! Bring it on, Worthless and Crap!!! :mad: :mad: I'm going to smear the blood-spattered remains of your boys all across the map!! I'm going to whoop as their severed limbs fly and they sizzle and burn !!! Angry out loud!! Get me some serious TNT!!
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