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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. ARAGHRAGRAHRGAHRGHARGHGHGHH!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Angry out loud!!
  2. Have you bought Afrika Korps, MasterButtNugget?? Mike the Whiner won't take me up on my challenge so I want a 3-year game to keep me entertained.
  3. Number of TNT-laden turns in my Inbox: :mad: Number of TNT-laden turns sent: :mad: Number of Maggots who didn't send me turns: :mad: :mad: :mad: Moik-The-Woino - I am calling you out. I want to see your foul grunts cry and slither on their bellies as my hot TNT packs blast their tiny pixellated limbs across the map. I want to hear you whine and bleat as I whip you from one end of Italy to another. I want your Sig. :mad: Send me a setup.
  4. My inbox is still devoid of TNT-laden evilness, and so I roll out the Sig Challenge to the flotsam that frequents this thread. Challenge me, ya maggots, and the winner writes a line in the loser's sig for a month. Rack em 'up, Maggots!! :mad: :mad: ANGRY OUT LOUD!!! :mad: :mad: I have a relatively comprehensive URL list of MasterGoodale, Grand-Master Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker's repertoire since his inception, if anyone is interested in reliving those heady days.
  5. :mad: STILL NO TOURNAMENT TURNSS!!!!!A RARHAHA RAHRGHGGHARH ARHGAHRAGRARAHARGAHRAGHGHARAGHRHAHG!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE! I WANT TURNS! ARAHRGAHRHAGHRGAHRGHAGRARARARGARGAHRGHAGRGGAHRGAHRGHARGHARGARARAHRGAHRAHRGAGRGHARGAHRGAHGRAGRARARARARAHGAGHRGAHRGHGHAGRHARGGAHGRHARAGAARGHARGAHGRAGARHGARHAHAHGARGAGRGARGARGARGARHGG RAHGHARGHARGHAGRHAGAHGRAHAHGRGAGggg!!!!!! Angry out loud! Axe, you teenage puss puddle!! How's that new, Angryolized, TNT packed scenario looking? Which maggot are you going to fight on it? I'm looking for some TNT in my inbox, and only Slave H has got off his chuddies and loaded a round into the breech!! What's wrong with you, maggots!! Ooooh I swear by the god of TNT, MasterGoodale, Grandmaster TNT Chucker I'm going to whip up a storm of TNT tonight!!!! :mad: :mad: ANGRY OUT LOUD!!
  6. :mad: My inbox is emptier than MassaGodBollocks' social diary, maggots!! :mad: Fill 'er up with turns!! Angry out loud!!
  7. We are talking AT guns vs tanks. I agree about mortars, but given a choice between an AT gun dug in a trench in trees on a reverse slope, and one in a foxhole in open ground, I know what I'd choose.
  8. Extending the life of your AT gun: Trench as opposed to foxhole - big gains in survivability. Keep the AT gun in command radius, if possible in command of a HQ unit with Stealth bonuses, Morale and Combat bonuses are also very valuable. Higher ability is (obviously) better - the same seems to be the case for the HQ. Crack or Veteran, supported by a Crack HQ with lots of bonuses, will live much longer. Open ground is bad. Tall pines or woods are good. Reverse slope! Reverse slope! Reverse slope! Shots whistle over the top or impact on the slope. Sharpshooters or MGs to button up enemy vehicles increases the length of time it takes to spot your guns. 'Keyholing' - ensuring that the gun covers only a small area of a map. If your AT gun can see half the map, that means everyone can fire on it at the same time. Certain death beckons. Combine all of the above. Hope this helps.
  9. Axe has just had a copy of the latest scenario I've done. I knew it was good when the machine started to slow down from all the burning splodies on the map. :mad: Now that's a Molten TNT-infested scenario.
  10. I sent my Tournament turn to BobbingforWallies. What the Pig-Sucking Peach Melba is wrong with this damn scenario? It's nasty with a capital Axe.
  11. Great. So I've got to wait for CollyWobble to get out on remand before I get my setup? :mad: :mad: I'm doing a new scenario - Cheery Wafflers vs Pengers. Map nearly finished. Playtesters required in a week or two. :mad: :mad: Molten TNT assured.
  12. How are you getting on with Alpine Summer? I've just about finished building the map so I should be able to release it by Christmas. It's hit 27,000 points but I haven't put the air support in yet or the last three reinforcements so I'm reckoning on about 45,000 points total, not the 66,000 I anticipated. Admit it, the map's a work of art and you love spending 2 battles just closing in on each other. :mad: I thought we were playing CM:AK for this tournament? Let's hope so since I don't have my CM:BB disk any more. :mad:
  13. Is that your list of 'people who like me even less than I like myself'? I can't believe I'm only ranked seventh.
  14. CMX2 needs to include the Japanese, just so I can have a "Max Suckage" tank battle between them and the Italians.
  15. There's something so gay about this focker. Lord spare us.
  16. They seem to be fairly thin on the ground. I've been through CMMods, hoovering up everything I can find, but there aren't any Panthers and only one model of Panzer IV and StuG. Does anyone know where I should look to winterise my entire German army? The ones I've got look awesome, BTW.
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