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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I managed to install it just fine. maybe there is a conflict with another extension? What other extensions do you have loaded? </font>
  2. You can wait until I've patched to 1.03 - I'll finish off my tournament game with Wallybob and my playtest party with Dave H and then upgrade.
  3. ANGRY OUT LOUD! My PBEM HELPER SAYS 121: Status wait! Check your mail now! Are any of you maggots getting my turns? </font>
  4. It surprised the hell out of me in a scenario I was playtesting yesterday, using a reinforcement group light tanks carrying infantry in a flank attack down a gully to behind my positions, then proceeding to whip the snot out of my dug in Panzergrenadiers.
  5. Your mere existence annoys us all. :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. I'm just boosting my l33t grog skillz to get a beta-testers job and annoy Dorosh. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. I've just been playing a desert scenario with British Shermans, and I have a question. Assuming that the model shape for the Sherman III is correct, why is the front turret armour 76/0 when there is plainly a turret armour slope? Not only that, the 75mm gun mantlet is curved, the MG shield is curved, and viewed from above it's hard not to conclude that the turret is curved, too. Will CMX2 look again at the stats for the Sherman?
  8. Welcome back. Serious CM Gamers demand combat against the finest, and they find them in the Cheery Waffle Thread. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. Should the Archer's crew be more likely to survive hit than other tanks? Archer is based on the Valentine? And the gun's mounted backwards, so that means that a hit on an Archer's "front" means that the shell has to go through the engine block. And it's open topped, so it's easy to bail out.
  10. Mortar Halftrack. A halftrack with an 81mm/82mm mortar mounted inside.
  11. I've not upgraded, neither. I'm waiting to finish playtesting Bidberg Heights with Daft H and this crazy tournament scenario with Wibbleblob. So no excuses Maggot! :mad:
  12. Gee, thanks Snoozer. Where's the :mad: ? Where's the Deranged, Molten TNT? I know your idea of a fun 'thanksgiving' is spending it in a dark alley with your pants round your ankles, being diddled by a long line of lonely, warty-todgered old tramps, but you could have put some angry TNT in!! GARAHHRGGRHAGRHGHGHGARGHARGHHARAHGHGHHHG!!!! For that, you receive a setup - a scenario depot scenario. I picked sides by dint of flipping a coin. :mad: Prepare to be slathered in Molten TNT, Maggot Lips!! :mad:
  13. Cheery Waffles (minus the minor bug) sent. :mad: :mad: Angry TNT out loud!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Since we are winding down our current match, would you be interested in trying Sluttywanker's new waffle scenario? That is, if he actually playtested it for reinforcement bugs.... Perhaps he could send it your way so you can pick the sides... Judging from Sluttywanker's last crotchety post, me thinks he is jealous of Wino's locks. Wig-wearing wombat :mad: :mad: </font>
  15. Somebody needs a hug. What's the matter Soggybottom, find out the pubs are closed tomorrow? </font>
  16. Maybe you could stick your head in a bucket of electric-eel-infested water and spare us your blathering.
  17. :mad: :mad: :mad: Angry TNT Chuckers Unite!! :mad: :mad: :mad: How many lots of reinforcements have you had so far? </font>
  18. :mad: :mad: :mad: Angry TNT Chuckers Unite!! :mad: :mad: :mad: How many lots of reinforcements have you had so far?
  19. I tend to make my HMG cover arcs as wide and long as possible if they're something like an MG-42 or M1917 or Vickers. Those MGs have ammo to spare and can reliably hose down most infantry, at least persuading them to keep their heads down. The US MMGs and the 50 cal don't have enough ammo to be useful in that way, so I use them to support advances by individual platoons rather than as a defensive tool. The 50 cal I save for nailing halftracks and Marders.
  20. Hey Moon, you want to playtest my campaign?
  21. There are some very good remedies for that. So I heard.
  22. As far as I'm aware, it's true. That's what I thought the white dots on the brown walls meant, at least.
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