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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Hmmmmmm........ A fun one on the CD that I remember was called, I think, "A long cold day". It's not an easy one for a beginner, but you get a lot of neat units, you learn about traveling on snow, and, you get enough strong US units to deal with whatever Jerry has to give you. Oh yeah, play as US. There's village and country terrain in it so it gives a bit of variety as well. Here's a hint that's not a spoiler in any way. When you have armour units that have to go into areas that are good for hiding enemy infantry units and anti-tank units (such as villages, and roads through woods), send in your own infantry, first, to clean out any lurking enemy. Keep your tanks back in support behind your own infantry so as to provide support while your grunts try to take out the bad guys. If you follow that, you'll learn a bit while playing that scenario. Give it a try. You may not win, but hell, give it another try or two or three after that. You'll learn as you go and figure out tactics that you can apply to other situations. For a quick easy one, try the tutorial and follow the directions in the manual that accoompany that scenario. It gets you to thinking about some really basic concepts concerning what you want to do with different types of units. Enjoy!
  2. I seem to remember several weeks ago someone asking if one had been done and the thread steering towards someone stating they were going to start working on one. I've looked back 45 days in this forum but can't find it. There has been a pont du hoc scenario created. If someone is working on another one, I would certainly be happy to help test it and if itis already completed, PLEASE GIMME GIMME GIMME
  3. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone of you guys (and gal) out there. The game is absolutely beautiful thanks to your work. I have to believe I have work from nearly everyone of you in my mod folder. My wife will even come by on occasion and watch a turn of the game because she is taken by the beauty created by you guys. It is really something. To the hosts - thank you so much for getting these gems out there to us. I think so often you guys get overlooked because you simply provide the medium through which these artists present their efforts. Thank you for you devotion and work as well. Really no point to this post beyond wanting to let you all know that I really appreciate your efforts. No need to post "your welcome" or anything else. Just enjoy the suck-up post. Best wishes all, Les
  4. I'm sure you're aware of it, but this is by bar and away the best of the modern wargames so if you're considering another one in that genre', newness will add some interest but the combination of visual presentation and depth just isn't there anywhere else. Give Talonsoft's Campaign Series a try. A good bit of depth but more like the old counter games with terrain and unit animations. Good luck Phillie. Its been fun having ya around. [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  5. Tanks, those buildings are absolutely gorgeous. Think about lightening up one or two of those really dark ashen buildings. Thanks again. This game looks nothing like the one that came out of the box.
  6. Again, Thanks Tanks [edit - how could I forget Michlos?] and Michlos!! Yes, there are a couple (?) of buildings that look almost as if they are covered in dark ash or something which could use some lightening. Also, I'm not certain on this, but it seems there are several very light buildings (is that correct). They almost look indistinguishable without closer inspection and simply playing the game, they tend to group together and make it appear almost cookie cutter like. Again, the detail on the individual buildings is magnificent. I might offer that if there was someway to just over slightly differing levels of darkness (I don't know what you talented modders call it) it would aid immensly. Another thought is maybe to vary the coloring of the roofing (it seems like some of Pztruppens had terra cotta mixed in with the dark slate). Just a few suggestions Tanks, but they ARE beautiful. Thank you so much for lightening up the roof tiles. [ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Agua ] [ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  7. Tanks, Maximus - thanks for the replies. Maybe it was just a quirk of the 2 scenarios I tried them in, but I couldn't count any more than 5 different buildings. The detail on them is great Tanks. The roofing is very dark and a couple of the buildings seem overly dark. Which leads to my next request... Max - I am a complete idgit and making any type of modification to bmp files, could you possibly send me copies of the roof bmp's? I have adsl now so the size wouldn't be a problem on this end. If its too big a hassle, I understand.
  8. Tanks, I thought there were supposed to be 8 buildings in the mod set? The dl on the site only includes 5 as far as I can discern. I don't see the one with the water barrel included. Is this a mistake or am I just not looking hard enough?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms: Agua, This is quite interesting. Does this mean the hull MG will remain locked on the area target, while the turret will be free to rotate in response to threats? I almost always tell the tank to use the main gun, so maybe I've been overlooking something.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, I didn't specify that this works only with tanks that have a turret mounted MG such as some Sherms. The turret will spray MG fire at an area. The advantage gained is that the turret is already facing the area you are expecting the approaching enemy armour from, while still free to choose some other target if an immediate threat presents itself from an unexpected direction. Not sure how it would actually be used in an ambush situation, though, since disclosing your position would more or less negate the possibility of ambush. Were you thinking mostly of non-ambush, here?
  10. Hmmmmm..... Don't suppose it would work so well with a "SO", but I have the perfect response for the married guys: "There are a HELL of a lot worse 'hobbies' for a married man to have than playing computer wargames at home" About the only thing they can come back with is "I don't care". Works pretty well.
  11. Yes, they are beautiful Tanks. Very good job. Do you contemplate doing work on the large buildings?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NightGaunt: 256 x 3 = ummm lets see carry the 1, 768?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ok. nevermind. Just upgraded to 512 myself recently and haven't played tcp/ip game yet. Suppose I still have this to look forward to.
  13. Armour ambush has worked pretty well for me, but I have been pretty discriminating as to when I employ it. I *think* I have read somewhere on this forum that the unit will fire on anything that comes within something like 15(?) meters of the outter edge of the marker (that number could be wrong as hell, but there is a periphery outside the contours of the visible marker). If you reserve armour ambush for spots where it is *really* obvious where the opponent is going to go, OR the opponent has only one option of advance, then the use of armoured targets for ambush works real well (duh!). I resoundingly agree with CA though to the extent you've got a situation where you'll end up in plain LOS and you're just *think* the enemy will probably pass through a certain spot. Yeah, in that situation, you'll be better off not plotting ambush and/or specific targetting. Note however, if you're expecting the enemy to appear from a specific direction, if you're NOT concerned with giving away your position, you can choose "area fire" on the tank and then when the dialog box requests whether you want to use the main gun, choose "NO". The tank will use its MG to fire at that area so you won't have a problem with delay due to the turret being in a different direction from the axis of the enemy's armoured approach.
  14. It's been a while but I performed a lot of H2H trials with Jumbo 76 v. Panthers, Jgd IV, and Tigers. I did not test against the JgdPanther, JagdTiger or KT. The specific numbers I don't recall but I came away with the distinct impression that frontal shot v. frontal shot, the Jumbo was better than any of these at both survivability and penetration. This was a limited test however, and I believe the range was very short... under 200m. [edit follows] I recall though from battles it seems that the Panther has better accuracy from longer distances [~600 meteres & up]. [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  15. CMHQ Chat and TH Chat. You'll have no problem finding a game at either site at any time of day.
  16. Hmmmmm.... I noticed that in every one of the posts where someone identifies the amount of ram in their system, it appears that each poster stated that they had 256mb ram. Of course, most of the posts don't mention the amount of ram, but is anyone having the "Ding-Freeze" with something other than 256mb ram? I haven't a clue why this would have anything to do with it. I do want to note that John Caravella's ("MAXX") "fix" DOES seem to decrease the incidence of this glitch. If you go to the trouble of saving every turn, you can pick up where you left off. It's a pain in the butt to save every turn though.
  17. Ocean Springs, Missisisppi Isn't that's a beautiful name for a town?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Detroit Guy: CM wont be turning me into a Computer Potato the way Ultima Online , EverQuest, and half a dozen other games have. It has a "chess like" quality to it (similar to the Sid Meijer CS games i play) in that , to really play it well i have to work my brain pretty heavy, and after 2 matches or so i need a break. As opposed to the mindless killing of D2 or EverQuest where you can do that for hours on end day over day and never get a headache (or a shower lol) D guy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Crap, I tried the wwiiol for about a week and a half and it ultimately bored the crap out of me. Never played everquest or quake or any of those other things though I've heard an awful lot about em from reading that ww2ol board. They sound like they're about the same as ww2ol in its pointless, mindless present condition. Better watch it, CM DID turn me into a "computer potatoe" as you put it. Impossible to put down.
  19. You can get Battlefields at the pbs.org site? Gonna get that now. Great, Great documentary.
  20. U.S. any position other than sacrificial lamb. Thanks
  21. Need to get Maxx (John Carvella) to chime in on playing US (I think he's off playing EU heavy duty presently). He's a master at using the m8 hmc and zooks in dense cover. These things are cheap as hell (58 for reg, 73 vet??) and carry 4 "c" rounds. You can purchase so many of them they can pummel your infantry and anytime you send something in to take one of em out, it will just pop smoke, back into cover and one or two from another clump of woods will just continue the clobbering from another direction. They can take out anything short of a Panther or Hetzer from the front as well (and a panther can be taken from the front side). In heavy cover, he'll purchase a lot of zooks and just run them out on wide-wide arcs in several directions and always seems to be able to pop up wherever your armour is presently situated.
  22. Berli, I think his point was that the attack on PH occurred several hours prior to the attack on the Phillipines. The American bases in the Phillipines were the other large US military presence in the Pacific. McArthur was aware of the attack on Pearl Harbor (not prior knowledge), and yet did not scramble the bombers from the bases. Then again, maybe he meant McArthur was aware of the planned attack on PH and I'm just full of crap.
  23. I've had a Panther veer from the course through the open that I plotted for it by about 30 meters and run straight for a nice sized patch of woods filled with infantry where a zook took it out. I'd orderd the Panther to head straight and make an arc turn to the left so as to get clear LOS of my opponent's last armoured asset (an M7) which was hiding behind a building, and the damned fool didn't make the arc and ran straight toward close assault AT hell. Go figger.
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