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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Well, it had been out quite a few years by the time I picked it up as a teenager. I think the scale was 1 hex = 250m. The basic unit of manuever was the platoon. I think some of the soviet infantry units were modeled on the company level, though. It was a blast for its time. Pretty simple rules too. I recall that it was referred to as "Panzerbush" amongst some players because the original rules, providing for no opportunity fire, allowed the players to run armour in and out of LOS and get off a shot during a single game turn. It was a fun little game though.
  2. Did you e-mail Madmatt? If not, do so, and he'll definitely get back to ya as soon as he can and straigten the thing out. I preordered the game, it shipped on July 31, and I had it in my hot hands by the third. My stepson is visting for a couple of weeks. He saw the game, we ordered another copy for him last Tuesday, Aug. 6, and it arrived yesterday morning.
  3. I echo Titan's query: what option settings did you utilize, did you give an experience bonus to the AI and what difficulty level did you play the game at to achieve such an impressive result?
  4. If the art I think you are referring to ends up as the splash screen, rest assured, someone will provide a mod for it in short order.
  5. I'll play a QB as Russians, Summer - Fall '41, to get a feel for the human wave command v. improved MG's as well as the early Russian armour.
  6. Charl, I will DEFINTELY assemble the .bmp files when I get home tonight and send them to you.
  7. For scenario Vets, this is stating the obvious, but it does not require an exceptionally well-designed scenario for the a/i to give you a good fight (as compared to QB). I'm amazed at what a lot of scenario designers are able to accomplish with the a/i by setup zones and flag placement. It is very surprising to see the difference an apparently minor change in the placement of a flag can make in some instances.
  8. Yeah, that's actually a pretty favorable review coming from that site.
  9. CRAP! I've been playing this game over a year and a half and have never heard of that! Too cool.
  10. This isn't a CS forum. 1337 h4XX0r kiddies aren't welcome here.
  11. No, I've seen this kind of weird conduct before. I once had a green Panther crew go waaaaaay the hell away from my ordered path which carried it across plain relatively level grass fields, and it skirted next to a forest lined with salivating US AB equipped with gammon bombs. Though the crew got their much deserved deaths, I didn't feel particularly vindicated.
  12. Wow man, that's just a matter of personal taste. Check out what's over at CMHQ. Here's a link to a Yahoo Combat Mission Webring. Check through all those sites (there are a ton of em), and see what they have available. Yahoo web ring
  13. There's one in one of those "MadMatt Mod Pack" sets over at CMHQ that was made by Kwazydog I think. You can dl the whole thing and then just save the .bmp's for the JagdTiger, or maybe someone will send it to you if your thread stays up long enough. Here's a bump for ya.
  14. I'm hoping it's down-to-the-last-minute, "whew, just made it" Sept. 20, so as to include as many features as they can cram into it.
  15. It would certainly *deserve* a cover story, if the determination of worthiness for a cover is based upon the quality and detail of the game. Nothing but pure surmise on my part here, but I wouldn't be surprised if game publishers pay the mags for the cover.
  16. Have offered the same in about 4 previous threads. If anything falls through, send me an e-mail. I'll take nothing off the top, but I want $ in USD for everything beforehand.
  17. Then by all means do a scenario AND an operation. [edit follows:] Actually, I thought the breakthrough unit was CCR. Just coming up with that though from memory, long ago. [ July 23, 2002, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  18. Welcome Shatan! Here's to many years of enjoyment for you with CM. You'll find this game to be full of many "HOLY $HI@!!" jaw dropping moments. Congrats on the best computer game purchase you've made to date.
  19. I was going to give this a "ditto", but when I went to hunt for the link for SGS, I couldn't find the manifesto.
  20. I have to echo this (except a little less than 2 years and I don't burn CD's for parties ) If its a question of you not having the $ on or after Sept. 20, for CMBB, that's a bit tougher question, but assuming you can scrounge up an addition $50 (or whatever) between now and then, DEFINITELY, purchase CMBO.
  21. Jason, is your campaign over at the Scenario Depot? If so, what's the name? If not, need any testers? If not, could you send it my way?
  22. JESUS DAVID, upgrade everything. (Hi David, used to be "Ranger" over on TheBlitz).
  23. Welcome to the forum! Okay, infantry modeling is abstracted in CM, as are visual terrain features such as forests, "rough", brush, etc. The graphical representation of the three soldiers isn't representing three soldiers. An individual tree doesn't represent an individual tree. What is going on is that each squad has an organic firepower rating that varies based upon the equipment that it is armed with. The firepower rating is also affected by such things as experience, leadership, distance to target, the cover that the target is in, a ton of other things. With terrain, units have incoming firepower reduced, dependent on the tyupe of terrain they are in. Terrain also affects movement and concealment. So, if a squad is located behind what graphically appears to be a tree in the middle of a forest, in actuality it is not an individual tree, but the squad is getting the benefit of the protection against the incoming fire of the forest. This varies based upon distance from the edge of the cover. So, I guess the point I'm getting to is that just as the graphical representation of a tree isn't a specific tree, the representation of the three soldiers isn't "three soldiers". As the individual soldiers are killed or incpacitated, the number of graphically displayed soldiers in each squad is reduced. Something else you'll notice that is part of this same abstraction is close combat. It will appear that the squad is chucking grenades at another squad, or a halftrack, or what have you, but in actuality the grenades you see flying through the air, and even providing a report, are not individual grenades, but it is simply the graphical representation of a squad chucking grenades, prying limbs into treads, what have you. Now, simply because it is abstracted, however, doesn't mean that it isn't detailed. The squads carry set amounts of ammo (though they never actually run out because they will share the last remaining clips amongst themselves), and the loss of individual weapons through attrition is accounted for. Likewise, when the operator of the heavier arms of a squad is incapacitated, generally (based upon experience level, state of suppression, and some other things), the remaining members will scavange those heavier weapons so as to maximize the firepower of the squad. So, while there isn't the graphical representation of the individual squad members in the game, the details of the individuals' contribution to the squad is tracked. I realize this post rambled quite a bit here, but I hope it gives you a feel of what is going on with the game. It is, in my, and probably most members of this forum, the most detailed and realistic wargame ever made. You'll learn an awful lot about combined arms tactics and history with the game and this forum. Good luck and here's to many years of CM satisfaction for you! [ July 17, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  24. Dan, that Panther is just plain fine. Folks will come up with camo schemes and what not for mods, but its going to be hard to beat that.
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