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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. Phillipe or Gordon might know. They had to contact a lot of modders for CMMOS conversions. CMHQ has a section on gridded terrain once you get permission. CMHQ
  2. You probably should ask DD for permission before submitting them.
  3. I recently released a hi-res tree and bases mod at Der Kessel replacing all the trees and bases for summer and fall.
  4. If you wan't the JagdTiger from MDMP-2, you can just copy BMPs 3340-3349 to your BMP folder and not worry about replacing your other mods.
  5. Thank you Manx. Somewhere, Gunny Bunny is celebrating (and buying more TRPs). Thanks to Madmatt for having a sense of humor about this and not banning me... yet. Is he awake yet?
  6. Thanks MikeT. Michael: The first picture has two trees. The main one is a horse chestnut and the other is an oak stripped of its foliage. The second picture has a small oak and a bush next to the main tree. There's not enough room to fit multiple full-size trees unless they were all tall and skinny. If I put any trees behind the main one, they would appear to be floating off the ground and couldn't be seen very well anyway.
  7. You're welcome. I updated my first post with a link to the trucks you are looking for.
  8. I think the one you're looking for was on Manx's old site. Until the CMMOS trucks are available, this is the only one I could find. Mojo's truck UPDATE: I think I found it. Try this. Allied Trucks [ March 26, 2002, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  9. Thanks Manx. Buildings_Tanks_a_Lot_CMMOS_hr.zip (Updated) and Buildings_Tanks_a_Lot_CMMOS_lr.zip (Updated) are version 2 of my small buildings. Buildings_Tanks_a_Lot_Large_CMMOS_hr.zip (New) and Buildings_Tanks_a_Lot_Large_CMMOS_lr.zip (New) include version 2 of my church. Both include new (hopefully improved) roof textures). Thanks also to Gordon for wearing out his modem to update these.
  10. They look awsome. Juju used me as a playtester. He has really outdone himself this time.</font>
  11. I'm one of the lucky guys who got to test out some of these beauties. Wait till you see them in the game. Great work again Juju. :cool:
  12. I think the sound is embedded in the video. If you play the movie outside of the game you still hear the music. The wav files have to be 16bit mono 44Khz.
  13. I broke into Juju's computer and got a sneak preview of several of the small arms he's working on, and they look awesome. Please help this man finish his mod before I get caught.
  14. Reactor Critical may be the site you remember. Reactor Critical I've been using the 27.10 drivers without any problems. There are newer ones out that should also work fine. It doesn't matter which site you download them from.
  15. I think the biggest problem would be that the smaller width of the stream would not line up with the water tile that has no coastline. If you had two small streams intersecting, the intersection would be way too wide for the rest of it.
  16. Warfare HQ has a link to MP3-Decoder. Scroll down to sounds. Warfare HQ
  17. Warfare HQ has a link to MP3-Decoder. Scroll down to sounds. Warfare HQ
  18. Thanks Gyrene. Captain Wacky: That's what happens when you put a sniper in a palm tree. [ March 06, 2002, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
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