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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. Does anybody know if bunkers/pillboxes were white-washed during winter? It makes sense, but I don't know if this was common practice.
  2. It looks even better in the game. Well done! I like the dontread.txt
  3. Thanks again. Pascal: I wanted it to look a little faded like it's been out in the sun for a while. benpark: I'll be sending them to Tom when finished.
  4. Thanks guys. Keith: Good suggestion, but the trench texture gets stretched so far that it loses a lot of detail. I'll keep experimenting with it.
  5. Based on my CM:BO bunkers. I'm still working on the winter versions. I'll release them all as one mod pack.
  6. I like the idea too. The readme file on your small arms Modslut Project was a work of art in itself. I wish I knew how you put all those thumnails and icons into it.
  7. Thanks again Juju and Tom. It makes sense that Juju is working on a factory mod, since he is turning into a one-man mod factory himself.
  8. Glad to see your site back up and ready for action Tom. Thanks to you, your new host and Juju.
  9. I can't see the pictures either, but it doesn't matter because I was one of the lucky people who also got to playtest this incredible mod. Like Vader's Jester said, Juju somehow managed to improve on his original Modslut Special. He's quickly becoming one of the elite modders around, and yes, I'm a Juju groupie too.
  10. Yes! It looks great. I look forward to using them, even after CMBB comes out.
  11. I don't need no stinkin' piccies, because I already got my copy and it looks great, trust me. Much higher visibility, but very realistic. Thanks Juju.
  12. That really looks great Mike. I'm proud to have been a small part of it. Thanks.
  13. I saw that episode recently. It was really good. It must have been scary hearing those huge shells from Anzio Annie on their way.
  14. That blue outline is also in CMBO. Having made a tree mod, there's nothing that can be done that I know of. It seems to show up when a tree is silhouetted against another tree with the sky in the background. The more dense the tree, the less the problem shows up.
  15. Thanks again Tom for hosting my new buildings. I Hope you can find a solution to this unfortunate situation. It was bad enough to lose Manx's Combat Missions, we can't afford to lose your site also.
  16. CMHQ doesn't have my new buildings up yet. They will probably be up on Tom's Combat Mission HQ before the next CMMOS update. [ August 27, 2002, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  17. Tank, Can you post a link? I can't tell which are the new ones vs any older ones. Thanks</font>
  18. Gordon has them already. They should be in the next CMMOS update. Tom hasn't responded to my e-mail yet.
  19. Thanks Lawyer. It's taken me a while to get the feel for making European looking buildings. I even had to import that moss from Europe.
  20. lol. Btw, can I use those trees? I might do a version with foliage added. And the tank crew wants to break a few branches off those trees for that purpose... Marcus ****</font>
  21. That is a cool camo pattern on it. Glad to see more CMBO mods coming out. Nice work. Btw, whose trees ... nevermind.
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